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Self-Stigma and Shame in Substance Addiction

The initial treatment manual attached below was originally developed through an iterative process as described in:

Luoma, J.B., Kohlenberg, B. S., Hayes, S. C., Bunting, K., & Rye, A.K., (2008). Reducing the Self Stigma of Substance Abuse through Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Model, Manual Development, and Pilot Outcomes. Addiction Research and Theory, 16(2), 149-165.

The intervention was then tested in a randomized  clinical trial, the results of which are published here:

Luoma, J. B., Kohlenberg, B. S., Hayes, S. C. & Fletcher, L. (2012). Slow and steady wins the race: A randomized clinical trial of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy targeting shame in substance use disorders. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80, 43-51.


Objective: Shame has long been seen as relevant to substance use disorders, but interventions have not been tested in randomized trials. This study examined a group-based intervention for shame based on the principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in patients (N = 133; 61% female; M = 34 years old; 86% Caucasian) in a 28-day residential addictions treatment program. Method: Consecutive cohort pairs were assigned in a pair-wise random fashion to receive treatment as usual (TAU) or the ACT intervention in place of six hours of treatment that would have occurred at that same time. The ACT intervention consisted of three, two-hour group sessions scheduled during a single week. Results: Intent-to-treat analyses demonstrated that the ACT intervention resulted in smaller immediate gains in shame, but larger reductions at four month follow up. Those attending the ACT group also evidenced fewer days of substance use and higher treatment attendance at follow up. Effects of the ACT intervention on treatment utilization at follow up were statistically mediated by post treatment levels of shame, in that those evidencing higher levels of shame at post treatment were more likely to be attending treatment at follow up. Intervention effects on substance use at follow up were mediated by treatment utilization at follow up, suggesting that the intervention may have had its effects, at least in part, through improving treatment attendance. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that an approach to shame based on mindfulness and acceptance appears to produce better treatment attendance and reduced substance use.

It was then extended to address both substance use stigma and HIV stigma, refined and shared in another manual below and tested in this RCT:
Luoma, J. B., Rossi, S. L., Sereda, Y., Pavlov, N., Toussova, O., Vetrova, M., ... & Lunze, K. (2023). An acceptance-based, intersectional stigma coping intervention for people with HIV who inject drugs—a randomized clinical trial. The Lancet Regional Health–Europe, 28.

People with HIV who inject drugs experience intersecting forms of stigma that adversely impact care access. This RCT aimed to evaluate effects of a behavioral intersectional stigma coping intervention on stigma and care utilization.
We recruited 100 participants with HIV and past-30-day injection drug use at a non-governmental harm reduction organization in St. Petersburg, Russia, and randomized them 1:2 to receive usual services only or an additional intervention of three weekly 2-h group sessions. Primary outcomes were change in HIV and substance use stigma scores at one month after randomization. Secondary outcomes were initiation of antiretroviral treatment (ART), substance use care utilization, and changes in frequency of past-30-days drug injection at six months. The trial was registered as NCT03695393 at
Participant median age was 38.1 years, 49% were female. Comparing 67 intervention and 33 control group participants recruited October 2019–September 2020, the adjusted mean difference (AMD) in change in HIV and substance use stigma scores one month after baseline were 0.40, (95% CI: −0.14 to 0.93, p = 0.14) and −2.18 (95% CI: −4.87 to 0.52, p = 0.11), respectively. More intervention participants than control participants initiated ART (n = 13, 20% vs n = 1, 3%, proportion difference 0.17, 95% CI: 0.05–0.29, p = 0.01) and utilized substance use care (n = 15, 23% vs n = 2, 6%, proportion difference 0.17, 95% CI: 0.03–0.31, p = 0.02). The adjusted median difference in change in injecting drug use frequency 6 months after baseline was −3.33, 95% CI: −8.51 to 1.84, p = 0.21). Five not intervention-related serious adverse events (7.5%) occurred in the intervention group, one (3.0%) serious adverse event in the control group.
This brief stigma-coping intervention did not change stigma manifestations or drug use behaviors in people with HIV and injection drug use. However, it seemed to reduce stigma's impact as an HIV and substance use care barrier.

The fidelity coding system used in the JCCP article is also below. Please contact Jason Luoma for consultation if you choose to use this treatment manual to replicate these findings or need help with the fidelity coding system. We'd also appreciate any input from people who choose to use this protocol in research or in treatment settings. Let us know how it goes or provide feedback to improve it.

As part of a newer study in Russia, our team created a revised version of the manual and then translated it to Russian. The newer manual is more detailed and more structured than the original and probably easier to use for most clinicians. The English version of the newer manual is also attached below (you need to be logged into see it) and free to use for research and clinical purposes. We also developed an updated fidelity coding system that is available upon request.

If you are interested in helping with the research on self-stigma, consider contacting the Self-Stigma Research Collaborative.

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