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ACT Supervision & Consultation with John P. Forsyth, PhD

Most of you know me by now, so I won't bore you with introductions "about me."  (see below if you're curious about me).  This is about you.  We need a community of folks interested in helping our members develop their competencies using ACT.  I used to think that books, videos, workshops, and unsupervised practice would foster that kind of development.  Now, I don't think so.  There is a need for a grass roots bottom up approach, where we can offer one another consultation and supervision to grow in the practical application of ACT for a range of problems. 

So, in recent years I decided to offer clinical supervision to those who might be interested in having someone willing to help shape their thinking, skillfulness in using ACT (both personally and professionally), or to serve as a willing ear.  I'm offering Skype-based clinical supervision & consultation for mental health professionals (including post-doctoral individuals) who wish to grow and develop in their ACT clinical compentencies.  I've been doing this quite a bit with members of the ACT community in the United States and abroad. 

If you're interested in exploring supervision and/or consultation via Skype, please contact me via email at   You can also visit my website at    Peace -john

About Me

John P. Forsyth, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized author, speaker, and trainer in the use of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and practices that cultivate mindfulness, loving kindness (Metta), and compassion. For over 20 years, his work has focused on developing ACT and mindfulness practices to alleviate human suffering, awaken the human spirit, and to nurture psychological health and vitality. His personal journey and experience, balanced with practical insights grounded in scientific evidence, offers hope to those wishing to find a path out of suffering and into wholeness.

He has written several popular ACT books, including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Anxiety Disorders (for mental health professionals), and three self-help books for the public: The Mindfulness & Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety, ACT on Life, Not on Anger, and Your Life on Purpose.

John holds a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and is a Professor of Psychology and Director the Anxiety Disorders Research Program at the University at Albany, SUNY in Upstate New York. He is also widely sought after ACT trainer and consultant and serves as a senior editor of the ACT book series with New Harbinger Publications.

John regularly gives talks and workshops to the public and professionals in the United States and abroad, and offers ACT trainings at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in Rhinebeck, NY, where he serves as a member of the teaching faculty.

He is known to infuse his teaching and trainings with energy, humility and compassion, and his down-to earth workshops are consistently praised for their clarity, depth and utility.

Collectively, his work has helped foster growing interest in acceptance and mindfulness in psychology, mental health, medicine, and society.