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Book Group (Social Work SIG)

World Region
North America

We are hosting a book group to delve into "Out of The Fire: Healing Black Trauma Caused By Systemic Racism Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy" by Jennifer Shepard Payne, Ph.D, LCSW

This book offers profound insights into the intersection of trauma, systemic racism, and therapeutic healing through the lens of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

We believe this book group will be a powerful space for learning, reflection, and community building. It’s an invitation to deepen our understanding and enhance our skills in supporting those affected by systemic racism, using the transformative principles of ACT.

Book Group Sessions:
Jan 29 at 7PM EST (6PM CST): Discussion of Chapters 1-4, facilitated by Janice Keeman & Hannah Gold.
Feb 12 at 7PM EST (6PM CST): Discussion of Chapters 5-10, facilitated by Jessica Haack & Helen Dempsey-Henofer.

We warmly welcome participants from all fields who are interested in this vital topic. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner, a student, or simply someone passionate about understanding and addressing the impact of systemic racism through therapeutic practices, your voice and perspective will be a valuable addition to our discussions.