ACBS is excited to announce the appointment of Associate Professor Baljinder Kaur Sahdra, Ph.D., as the new editor of the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science. Baljinder was selected during a competitive interview process. Following an open call for nominations to all members and related groups, the ACBS Publications Committee (Rhonda Merwin, Chair; Dermot Barnes-Holmes; Megan Kelly; Lance McCracken) evaluated the credentials of nominees, approached those qualified, conducted and evaluated a written and oral interview assessment, and then made a recommendation to the Board. Baljinder was confirmed for the appointment by the ACBS Board of Directors.
Baljinder will take over this four year position in the coming months, and replaces Michael Levin, Ph.D., as the Editor in Chief. Michael has served us faithfully over his tenure as the Editor of JCBS and we thank him for his contributions to JCBS and to ACBS at large.
Andrew Gloster, Ph.D.
ACBS President
Learn more about Baljinder:
I am a researcher at the Institute for Positive Psychology and Education at the Australian Catholic University, North Sydney, Australia. In the past 15+ years, I have made substantial scientific contributions in the areas of well-being, mindfulness, compassion, nonattachment, intensive meditation, discrimination and social identity, compulsive internet use, educational psychology, and personalized psychology. I have used a wide variety of methods in my research, including longitudinal analysis, multilevel modeling, complex network analysis, structural equation modeling, mixture modeling, meta-analysis, machine learning, and idionomic methods that combine idiographic and nomothetic insights. My research articles are highly cited with 6,470+ Google Scholar citations and 950+ media mentions. I have been awarded with several prestigious awards and competitive research grants, totaling $7+ million.
As a cisgendered female of color, I bring a unique perspective to western academia, shaped by my multilingual and multicultural background from living in India, Canada, USA, and Australia. My experience underscores the value of diversity and inclusion, particularly in contextual behavioral science (CBS). I am passionate about the role of idionomic research in CBS, which integrates individual-level and group-level insights to advance our understanding of change processes. An idionomic approach is pivotal in driving forward data-driven, personalized psychological care. I aspire for the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science to become a leading platform for innovative research that fully embraces diversity.
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