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How to Put Yourself Out There: Getting Involved at the ACBS Conference and Beyond (Women in ACBS SIG)

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How to Put Yourself Out There: Getting Involved at the ACBS World Conference and Beyond
Friday January 12, 2024
12:00 noon PST (Los Angeles) | 3:00pm EST (New York) | 5:00pm AST (Buenos Aires) | 8:00pm GMT (London) | 7am AEDT (Syndey)

Jenna LeJeune and Ashlyne Mullen are hosting an event titled ‘How to Put Yourself Out There: Getting Involved at the ACBS World Conference and Beyond’. They will be talking about the different options for presenting at the ACBS World Conference, sharing their own experiences, answering questions, and providing space to support more women getting involved at World Conference and beyond.

Cómo salir ahí fuera: Cómo participar en ACBS World Conference y más allá
Viernes 12 de enero de 2024
12:00 pm mediodía PST (Los Ángeles)/3:00pm EST (Nueva York)/5:00pm AST (Buenos Aires)/8:00pm GMT (Londres)/7:00am AEDT (Sydney)

Jenna LeJeune y Ashlyne Mullen cubren diferentes opciones para presentar en la World Conference, comparten nuestras experiencias, responden preguntas y facilitan una discusión que esperamos apoye una mayor participación de las mujeres en la World Conference y más allá.