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Top 10 RFT Research Articles (Spring, 2023)


This year, the RFT SIG took on the task of developing an unofficial list of top RFT research articles to help people know where to start diving into the literature! The categories were “Just Getting Started” and “Contemporary and Advanced”. The first step involved SIG members nominating articles for consideration in both of those categories. Then, nominated articles were sent out to SIG members for the change to rank the articles. Rankings were then used to locate the Top 10 articles in each category to generate this list. Happy Reading!
* Note, the purpose of these lists is to provide a starting point for consuming the literature and is not a ranking of the worth or scholarly impact of any given article. The lists were prepared by and for the RFT SIG membership and will be updated over time.

Just Getting Started
1. Hayes, S. C., Law, S., Assemi, K., Falletta-Cowden, N., Shamblin, M., Burleigh, K., ... & Smith, P. (2021). Relating is an operant: A fly over of 35 years of RFT research. Perspectivas em Análise do Comportamento, 12(1), 5-32.
2. Cassidy, S., Roche, B., & O’Hora, D. (2010). Relational frame theory and human intelligence. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 11(1), 37-51.
3. Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & Cullinan, V. (2000). Relational frame theory and Skinner’s Verbal Behavior: A possible synthesis. The Behavior Analyst, 23(1), 69-84. Note. The authors also recommend reviewing Perez (2023).
4. Ming, S., Moran, L., & Stewart, I. (2014). Derived relational responding and generative language: Applications and future directions for teaching individuals with autism spectrum disorders. European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 15(2), 199-224.
5. Blackledge, J. T. (2003). An introduction to relational frame theory: Basics and applications. The Behavior Analyst Today, 3(4), 421.
6. Stewart, I., McElwee, J., & Ming, S. (2013). Language generativity, response generalization, and derived relational responding. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 29(1), 137-155.
7. Pelaez, M., & Monlux, K. (2018). Development of communication in infants: Implications for stimulus relations research. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 41(1), 175-188.
8. McEnteggart, C. (2018). A brief tutorial on acceptance and commitment therapy as seen through the lens of derived stimulus relations. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 41(1), 215-227.
9. Healy, O., Barnes‐Holmes, D., & Smeets, P. M. (2000). Derived relational responding as generalized operant behavior. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 74(2), 207-227.
10. Stapleton, A., & McHugh, L. (2021). Healthy selfing: Theoretically optimal environments for the development of tacting and deictic relational responding. Perspectivas em Análise do Comportamento, 12(1), 125-137.

Contemporary and Advanced
1. Kirsten, E. B., & Stewart, I. (2021). Assessing the development of relational framing in young children. The Psychological Record, 72(1), 221-246.
2. Belisle, J., & Dixon, M. R. (2020). Relational density theory: Nonlinearity of equivalence relating examined through higher-order volumetric-mass-density. Perspectives on Behavior Science, 43(1), 259-283.
3. Cummins, J., Nevejans, M., Colbert, D., & De Houwer, J. (2023). On the structure of relational responding. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 27(1), 16-25.
4. Barnes-Holmes, D., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & McEnteggart, C. (2020). Updating RFT (more field than frame) and its implications for process-based therapy. The Psychological Record, 70(1), 605-624.
5. Hayes, L. J., & Fryling, M. J. (2019). Functional and descriptive contextualism. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 14(1), 119-126.
6. Foody, M., Barnes-Holmes, Y., Barnes-Holmes, D., Törneke, N., Luciano, C., Stewart, I., & McEnteggart, C. (2014). RFT for clinical use: The example of metaphor. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 3(4), 305-313.
7. Delabie, M., Cummins, J., Finn, M., & De Houwer, J. (2022). Differential Crel and Cfunc acquisition through stimulus pairing. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 24(1), 112-119.
8. Mulhern, T., Stewart, I., & McElwee, J. (2018). Facilitating relational framing of classification in young children. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 8(1), 55-68.
9. Kirsten, E. B., Stewart, I., & McElwee, J. (2022). Testing and training analogical relational responding in children with and without autism. The Psychological Record, 72(1), 561-583.
10. Stewart, I., Barnes‐Holmes, D., Roche, B., & Smeets, P. M. (2002). A functional‐analytic model of analogy: A relational frame analysis. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 78(3), 375-396.