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Presenter Information


We are planning to make Continuing Education credits available to attendees for watching recorded sessions. In order to receive credit, attendees will need to complete a post-test. This test must be of sufficient depth to adequately determine the level of learning that was achieved. 

The number of multiple-choice questions you need to submit varies based on submission type: 

  • 3 questions for individual paper submissions (now in a symposium)
  • 6 questions for plenaries & inviteds, panels, symposia, and 1 hour workshops
  • 12 questions for 2 hour workshops

For more information: APA's Tips for Creating Post Tests

Please submit your post-tests by 31 May:

PowerPoints & Handouts

Please click here for the PowerPoint template for 2023. Consider offering live subtitle translation of your session during your presentation. To do that, in PowerPoint click on “Slide Show” then “Subtitle Settings”, then select English as your “spoken language” and another language as your “subtitle language”. ACBS encourages Spanish or Greek this year, but any ACBS member language would be useful if you prefer another. Then click “Always Use Subtitles”.

As always we would like to collect as many PowerPoint presentations as we can prior to the conference, to make them available for in-person and virtual attendees on the conference platform. Please title your files using the following examples (session number, first presenter, title or truncated title, type):

23 - Kostas - ACT for Pain - PPT

23 - Kostas - ACT for Pain - Handout 1 and 2

23 - Kostas - ACT for Pain - Handout 2

59 - Valenzuela - Derived Relational... - PPT

A single PDF file is preferred (multiple files combined), but other file types are accepted. (Those session that will be translated will also be asked directly to provide files as PPT and/or Word docs for translation.)

In-Person Workshops:

In-Person Plenaries & Inviteds, Panels, and Symposia:

Pre-Recorded sessions (PPT and Handouts):

Please add your files above prior to 30 June to ensure that they can be loaded to the online program prior to your presentation.  Late submissions are most welcome, but adding them to the online program prior to the conference can not be guaranteed.

Printing Handouts

In an effort to reduce paper consumption at the conference, we will only be printing handouts that are worksheets to be completed during sessions. (PPT slides with space for notes are not considered worksheets.) If you have a worksheet that you would like to make available to your attendees, add it to the Dropbox folder (links above) by 30 June so that it can be printed. Make sure to indicate in the file name what needs to be printed (for example, “23 - Kostas - ACT for Pain - Handout 1 - PRINT”). Copies will be delivered to your room just prior to your session during the conference.

Pre-Recorded Video Files

Please add your edited, pre-recorded video to this Dropbox folder by 30 June

Video files must be provided in MP4 format, and no larger than 4GB each.


Find detailed poster guidlines here. 

In-Person Posters

Poster size: no larger than 36 inches by 48 inches, or A0 size. A smaller size is also permitted.

Please consider using an engaging poster format such as the one described here. This should aid you in reaching your audience and getting the conversation started about your work.

**Please note, we are unable to print posters for presenters (or pay for poster printing), so please come to the conference prepared with your printed poster.

We would like to also share your work with our virtual audience. If you're willing and able, please submit a PDF of your poster by 30 June:

On-Demand (Virtual) Posters

Accepted posters (titles/authors/abstracts) will be posted on our conference website prior to the event, so that attendees can read about the posters before attending.

Please submit a PDF of your poster by 30 June: