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New Version of Togus IOP ACT Protocol

This is a duplicate of a post found elsewhere. I'm using my blog as a kind of bookmarking tool, that's why I put it under my blog entry. I hope this is not confusing to anyone.

Attached is the newest version of the Togus one week Intensive Outpatient Program ACT protocol. This is a significant change in that we have moved Self-As-Context to the beginning of the protocol.

This protocol is really done at the end of day 3 after "The Bus." We are required to do 5 days, however, for bureaucratic reasons.

The protocol can easily be modified and done in a single session of about 1.5 hours if needed. I have done all kinds of variations depending on the time I have available.

While the protocol was developed in groups, it can easily be done with an individual.

Let me know if you have questions.