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Kevin Polk's Webinars: Week of 5/31/09

Hi folks,

This is just a reminder about the webinars that are coming up this week of May 31, 2009.

If you have requests for specific content, drop me a line.

I have had one request for me do to an early morning webinar in my time, 5am USA Eastern time, for folks in other parts of the world. If you are interested, please drop me a line:


This week we will continue with the
ACT Enthusiast Webinar/Phone Call. Wednesdays at 4pm EST.


With this webinar/call I am trying to duplicate my experience of doing ACT therapy and then coming together with my colleagues to discuss ACT and create new stuff. We are now using The Grid as an anchor for the ACT processes and seeing where it takes us. It is through this process that ACT Gone Wild, the iView and The Grid emerged.

If you need a little help getting creative with a client, or you just want to change around your practice in general, you might consider individual consulting.

I can also give you a quick overview of The Grid method of tracking ACT processes during a consulting call. Most people find that The Grid has profoundly beneficial effects on their therapy.

Individual Consulting Sessions:

Sign up for one session or ongoing consultation. Whatever your needs.

I will be starting at least one new webinar after I get back from the ACT World Conference. Drop me a line if you have a suggestion for a webinar you would like to attend. After World Con I will be trying to schedule at least one new webinar per month.

I have a couple of other webinars running, but they are half done, so you would do better to sign up for an individual consulting call to get the content.

Thanks for your time,
