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8-page Easy Read 300 BC Can Relate Strongly to ACT

Just 8 pages of Hard & Easy Reading Can Relate Strongly to ACT!
Recently, we had an atheist come to talk in our 'Frukostklubben'
(the Breakfast Club) in our senior-citizen residence in Stockholm.
This did not draw quite as many listeners as our 'kioskvältare'
(block busters?): "Sex & Youth", "Arguments for Monarchy", Per Holmberg who came in from the airplane cabin and saved 158 lives landing at Gottroera, Sweden; or the protestant hospital priest, the Jesuit, the Jewish cantor, or the imam.
Still, it made made sign on as a member of 'Humanisterna', the Swedish organization of atheists. Next thing, that made me read some 8 pages--easy and hard--from the Old Testament of the Bible. It was the whole of 'Predikaren' (The Preacher?), attributed to a king, famous for his wisdom. It was edited some 400-300 years B.C. It is, even now, very, very well put. Both in words and in evoked images.

Most of that text can be very directly related to S-->R, behavior analysis, and ACT.