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ACT in New England List: Seventh Posting, February 2009

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ACT in New England List
Mailing #7: February 2009
1. Welcome
2. ACT Trainings in New England
3. Online Trainings & Distance Learning
4. New Online Content
5. Other News

Addendum: Subscribe/Unsubscribe Links & Info
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Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS) website:
ACT in New England website:

1. Welcome! This is the seventh posting of the ACT in New England List (if you missed the previous postings, you can read them here). I usually post this e-newsletter every two months but have been unusually busy with various activities including: starting a new training institute in Portland (White Pine Institute) and, well, having a baby. Those buggers are time-consuming (both).

The primary purpose of this list is to inform New Englanders of upcoming ACT training opportunities in the area. A secondary purpose is to support the budding ACT community here. If you hear about any ACT training in New England, please let me know so I can get the info up on the site and out to the list ASAP. And if you are having a training of your own, please let me know and I will help to create a listing for you.

2. ACT Trainings in New England. Good news! Relative to the past, there is an abundance of ACT trainings in New England over the next six months. Okay, so several of them are being offered by me. Still, we are grateful that Steven Hayes will be passing our way not once, but twice.
• March 21: Making Bold Moves: Enhancing Your Practice with Acceptance & Commitment Therapy. Dover, NH. Presenter: Joel Guarna, PhD. New Hampshire Psychological Association. Level: Introductory
• April 24: Introduction to Acceptance & Commitment Therapy. Worcester, MA. Presenter: Joel Guarna, PhD. White Pine Institute. Level: Introductory
• June 5: Mindfulness, Acceptance & Commitment: Helping Clients Get Out of Their Minds and Into Their Lives. Greater Hartford, CT. Presenter: Steven Hayes, PhD. University of Connecticut, School of Medicine, Dept of Psychiatry.
• June 5: Introduction to Acceptance & Commitment Therapy. Portland, ME. Presenters: Joel Guarna, PhD & Elizabeth Kubik, PhD. White Pine Institute. Level: Introductory.
• June 10*: Introduction to Acceptance & Commitment Therapy. Burlington, VT. Presenter: Joel Guarna, PhD. White Pine Institute. Level: Introductory. *Pending sufficient interest—let me know!
• August 10-14. Using ACT to Help Your Clients Get Out of Their Minds and Into Their Lives. Cape Cod, MA. Presenter: Steven Hayes, PhD. Cape Cod Institute.

In addition, I expect to hold a few other Introduction to ACT workshops around New England this summer/fall. If you have a suggestion for a good location, drop me a note. As incentive, through the White Pine Institute, I have developed a new trial policy of offering free admission to the training if you act as liaison to organize an ACT training for your organization or region. Contact me if you have any questions about this.

Lastly, I am developing two new ACT workshops, to be offered in late summer or fall of 2009:

• The Next ACT: An Intermediate Skill-Building Workshop. Presenter: Joel Guarna, PhD. White Pine Institute. Level: Intermediate.

• Caring for Others, Caring for Yourself: How to Prevent Burnout & Remain Effective as a Helper. Presenter: Joel Guarna, PhD. White Pine Institute. Level: Introductory/Intermediate.

I am playing with the idea of offering these two workshops in more “destination” settings, e.g., a bed and breakfast location in Maine, New Hampshire, or Vermont in the fall. Let me know what you think of this idea and if you are interested.

Remember, if you are developing an ACT training or know someone who is, please contact me to ensure that we announce it to the larger community.

3. Online Trainings & Distance Learning.
(a) Continuing Education (CE) events: There is a developing list of online CE offerings regarding ACT at this page on the ACBS site.
(b) Free teleconference on RFT & Clinical Psychology:
(From the ACT Listserv, used by permission)
“How is RFT Relevant to Clinical Psychology?” by J.T. Blackledge
March 26, 10 a.m. PST/1 p.m. EST

To register: Click this surveymonkey link to register for the free live teleconference.

Folks in the ACBS training community have been thinking about (1) ways to increase access to ACT trainers and training and (2) the fact that newer trainers may struggle to teach RFT and functional contextualism because they’ve not had access to models of how to do it well. One pilot idea to address both issues is to ask senior trainers to teach RFT and use a live teleconference format to make it accessible. We will record and post the talk as a podcast to the ACBS site for people who can’t make the live teleconference. This will let us test out whether folks in the community like learning this way and see if junior trainers find this valuable for strengthening their own skills/delivery.

J.T. Blackledge has generously volunteered for the trial run of this idea. We’ll send details on how to dial-in to participate in the teleconference closer to the date. CE credit for psychologists may be available—Emily at ACBS is working on it. Should be fun!

Kelly Koerner
Kelly Koerner, PhD
Creative Director
Reminder: 2009 EBP Learning Community enrollment closes February 28!
4. New Online Content. There is a ton of new content on the ACBS site. I just can’t keep up with it. Check it out for yourself.

5. Other News.

Emily Rodrigues, ACBS Executive Director, recently announced that ACBS has developed a mechanism for forming Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and regional ACBS associations. I am a bit busy right now, but when the dust settles, I would like to chat with some of you about setting up a New England chapter of ACBS. If you are interested in participating in this process, please me know. In the meantime, you can read about this process HERE.

ACBS recently passed 2000 members internationally. With our values-based dues policy, I am sure this number will continue to climb dramatically in 2009.

The ACT in New England e-newsletter just hit 100 recipients. Be sure to pass it on!

I am sure you will all be impressed to learn that I wrote and edited this entire issue of the e-newsletter with a sleeping 3 week-old infant on my lap. Well, I’m impressed anyway.



Joel Guarna, PhD
Licensed Psychologist
25 Middle St, Portland, ME 04101
(207) 272-8500
Psychology Practice:
Professional Trainings:

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