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Values Exercise

Below is a values exercise that I posted on the listserv and some people told me they liked.


Kelly and All:

I have a routine I do with people that usually gets a conversation started about some of this [values] stuff:

First I give folks the "a value is a chosen direction--literally like west-- talk" that goes something like: "One chooses west and then goes about doing things to move in that direction. Thoughts, feelings, urges etc. are along for the ride while moving west. Sometimes you feel great moving west and sometimes you feel horrible moving west, but all the while you KNOW if you are moving west by noticing the actions you are taking and the results of those actions for moving west."

I also explain that for the purpose of this exercise chosen directions (values) need no reasoning beyond that you choose them now.

And of course a life direction is chosen from moment to moment, now to now.

Then I have folks review what behaviors they have done for the last 24 hours. Then I have them take a look at a list of values and have them match up the behavior with the value it moved toward.

I then have them think about the next 24 hours, predict the actions that will be taken, and then match up the actions with the values that will be moved toward.

I then have them notice the value(s) they are moving toward now.

Folks have told me this is a very interesting exercise. I have noticed that it leads to conversations about the thoughts, feelings, urges, etc. that show up during behaviors done in the service of values.


P.S. Jerold and I may shoot a video about this kind of values work. If you want to be informed about the videos you can sign up to an email list on my website.
