Pages 1-358 (April 2019) Printer-friendly version Understanding meaning and racial prejudice: Examining self-transcendence and psychological inflexibility in a sample of White college students (Pages 1-6) Elucidating the relationships between shame, anger, and self-destructive behaviors: The role of aversive responses to emotions (Pages 7-12) Acceptance of shame and embarrassment: Scale development and initial findings in a clinical sample (Pages 13-21) Next-day effects of dysfunctional and functional emotion regulation and the moderating role of experiential avoidance (Pages 22-28) A web-based self-guided program to promote valued-living in college students: A pilot study (Pages 29-38) The development and preliminary psychometric properties of the Values Wheel (Pages 39-46) A pilot of acceptance and commitment therapy for public speaking anxiety delivered with group videoconferencing and virtual reality exposure (Pages 47-54) Effects of deictic framing and defusion on the development of self-as-context in individuals with disabilities (Pages 55-58) Change in domain-specific but not general psychological flexibility relates to greater weight loss in acceptance-based behavioral treatment for obesity (Pages 59-65) Partner trust and childhood emotional maltreatment: The mediating and moderating roles of maladaptive schemas and psychological flexibility (Pages 66-73) Patterns of relational responding and a healthy self in older adolescents (Pages 74-80) Acceptance and commitment training focused on repetitive negative thinking for clinical psychology trainees: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 81-88) Acceptance & Commitment Therapy for ME/CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) – A feasibility study (Pages 89-97) Using an acceptance-based behavioral approach as a supplement to obesity treatment: A stepped-care approach (Pages 98-105) Flexibly and/or inflexibly embracing life: Identifying fundamental approaches to life with latent profile analyses on the dimensions of the Hexaflex model (Pages 106-118) ACT for sleep - Internet-delivered self-help ACT for sub-clinical and clinical insomnia: A randomized controlled trial (Pages 119-127) A systematic review of derived verbal behavior research (Pages 128-148) Quality Improvement and applied behavior analysis: Another name for a rose that smells just as sweet (Pages 149-153) Randomized controlled trial of a brief acceptance and commitment training for parents of individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (Pages 154-159) The impact of mindfulness skills on interactions between direct care staff and adults with developmental disabilities (Pages 160-169) Surfing the Urge: An informal mindfulness practice for the self-management of aggression by adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (Pages 170-177) Acceptance and Commitment Training for reducing inflexible behaviors in children with autism (Pages 178-188) Development and initial validation of the Generalized Pliance Questionnaire (Pages 189-198) Assessing psychological inflexibility in university students: Development and validation of the acceptance and action questionnaire for university students (AAQ-US) (Pages 199-206) The initial validation of a state version of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (Pages 207-215) Scaling-up assessment from a contextual behavioral science perspective: Potential uses of technology for analysis of unstructured text data (Pages 216-224) Assessing the valuing process in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Experts' review of the current status and recommendations for future measure development (Pages 225-233) Assessing psychological inflexibility in hoarding: The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Hoarding (AAQH) (Pages 234-242) Preliminary psychometric properties of the Everyday Psychological Inflexibility Checklist (Pages 243-252) Assessing psychological flexibility: Validation of the Open and Engaged State Questionnaire (Pages 253-260) Psychometric properties of acceptance measures: A systematic review (Pages 261-277) The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) as a measure of experiential avoidance: Concerns over discriminant validity (Pages 278-284) Network analysis: A new psychometric approach to examine the underlying ACT model components (Pages 285-289) A systematic review of values measures in acceptance and commitment therapy research (Pages 290-304) Psychometric properties of the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire – Youth in Colombia (Pages 305-313) Further validation of the Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire for Adolescents in a broader paediatric context (Pages 314-321) Preliminary validation and reliability assessment of a 10-item Tacting of Function Scale (Pages 322-328) A review of AAQ variants and other context-specific measures of psychological flexibility (Pages 329-346) How contextual behavioral scientists measure and report about behavior: A review of JCBS (Pages 347-354) Introduction to the special issue on conceptual developments in relational frame theory: Background, content, and the challenge going forward (Pages 355-357) Book traversal links for Volume 12 (April 2019) A Service Member's experience of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Moral Injury (ACT-MI) via telehealth: “Learning to accept my pain and injury by reconnecting with my values and starting to live a meaningful life” (Pages 134-140) Up Understanding meaning and racial prejudice: Examining self-transcendence and psychological inflexibility in a sample of White college students (Pages 1-6)