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Relation of posttraumatic growth to meaning of life and experiential avoidance in adolescents

APA Citation

熊朋迪, 杨乐, & 祝卓宏. [Xiong, P., Yang, L., & Zhu, Z.] (2014). 青少年的创伤后成长与生命意义感, 经验性回避 [Relation of posttraumatic growth to meaning of life and experiential avoidance in adolescents]. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 28, 1-7.

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
ACT: Empirical
Publication Type
中文 (Chinese)
posttraumatic growth; meaning of life; experiential avoidance; earthquake; cross-sectional studies

【Abstract】Objective:To investigate the relationship among posttraumatic growth,meaning in life and experiential voidance in adolescents. Methods: Totally 1808 freshmen from vocational high School in Sichuan were assessed with the Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory ( PTGI) ,Meaning of Life Questionnaire ( MLQ) ,and Acceptance and Action Questionnaire Second Edition ( AAQ-II) . Results: The scores of "presence of meaning" and "searching for meaning" were positively correlated with the PTGI scores ( r = 0. 47,0. 30; Ps < 0. 01) . Regression analysis showed the scores of PTGI was positively predicted by scores of "presence of meaning" ( β = 0. 48) and "searching for meaning" ( β = 0. 16) . The three way interaction effect of "presence of meaning","searching for meaning",and

"experiential avoidance" in the prediction of posttraumatic growth was found ( β = - 0. 09,P < 0. 001) . For individuals with less experimental avoidance,the two way interaction effect of presence and searching meaning reached statistical significance ( β = 0. 10,P < 0. 05) ,while such phenomenon wasn' t found in medium and high experimental avoidance groups ( Ps > 0. 05) . Conclusion: This study shows that posttraumatic growth may be related to presence of meaning and searching for meaning in adolescents. Improvement of presence of meaning and searching for meaning may increase posttraumatic growth, while experiential avoidance adjust the relationship among presence of meaning,searching for meaning and posttraumatic growth.