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Chapter Event

ACBS UK and Ireland Chapter Conference

We’re holding our bi-annual chapter conference, and we’ve good reason to believe that this event is going to be our largest yet! The theme of the event will be:

Expanding Horizons: Nurturing Connections and Growth in Contextual Behavioural Science.

We’re delighted to inform you that we have 4 excellent plenary speakers lined up, who have done incredible work and who are all members of the UK and Ireland ACBS Chapter. They are:

Online Meeting (Argentina Chapter)

El JUEVES 1 de Febrero a las 18 hs, y el MARTES 6 a las 15hs (Horario Argentina). Vamos a realizar un ENCUENTRO DE ORIENTACIÓN para aquellxs que tengan alguna pregunta o necesiten ayuda con las presentaciones que están elaborando. El mismo estará conducido por la Lic. Carolina Fernández Díaz, secretaria del Chapter Argentino.


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