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Valued Living Therapy (VLT)

Dr. Hambright and I have been diligently working out in our community-based practice; working on something that much more emphasizes values and committed action combined with simple noticing. We have decided to call it Valued Living Therapy (VLT) that is based on elements of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Obviously VLT stresses the Values and Committed Action of ACT and uses a simple Noticing in place of more intense mindfulness practice.

VLT includes an unlimited follow-up component that looks much more like Coaching than psychotherapy. The follow-up is of course optional, but clients are told from the beginning that the goal is to move into the Expanding Your Valued Living. Therefore, the target of VLT is to move clients toward Expanding Your Valued Living.

Dr. Hambright and I are currently producing a video series demonstrating how we move from Setting Up the Therapeutic Context for VLT through facilitating the Expanding Your Valued Living classes. (Note: the "Expanding" can be done on an individual basis if needed.)

More to come as we work on this project.