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The ACT Set Up Session: Informed Consent, iView and Life Manual

6/10/08: I just fixed the iView instructions. Now you can move to struggle with suffering or move toward values. Before I had left out the word "struggle."

In recent months Dr. Hambright and I have come to realize the importance of what we call "The Set Up." With The Set Up we are establishing the parameters of the ACT therapy context shown in the "actView." Attached you will find three files, including the iView, Life Manual, and iView and Life Manual instructions.

The Set Up was developed over 2.5 years of practice (over 1500 group and individual sessions). With the Set Up we can quickly engage an individual or group in ACT therapy.

The Set Up is also a handy outline for making ACT presentations to colleagues. We have even modified it to present to community groups.

If you have questions or need consultation regarding The Set Up or the ACT therapy that follows it, contact me at