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ACBS World Conference III

This event has concluded.  Please find information regarding the upcoming ACBS World Conference here.


Handouts and Powerpoints from World Conference III can be found here.

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This three-day conference (with two days of pre-conference intensive workshops) will provide a unique opportunity to learn about cutting-edge advances in Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Relational Frame Theory (RFT), in addition to other third generation approaches in the behavioral and cognitive therapies. There will be a comprehensive scientific program in these areas of contextual behavioral science, examining philosophical, theoretical, basic and applied issues. Students, practitioners, researchers, and policy makers will benefit from this conference and find it an excellent opportunity to learn from the very top people involved in the development and advancement of ACT, RFT, and contextual behavioral approaches.

The conference will have 12 tracks simultaneously for all three days. There will be invited addresses from internationally known clinical and research leaders. Many of the leaders of the ACT / RFT community will also be giving invited addresses. There will be more than 100 symposia, panels, case conferences, and discussions on topics as wide ranging as ACT / RFT work itself.

In addition to a full, multi-track scientific and clinical program, a wide variety of half-day (and a few full-day) workshops will be presented at the conference (July 1-3) by leading researchers and practitioners. These workshops are FREE with conference registration, no additional sign up required. These workshops will be designed to help develop the practice and skills of novice, intermediate, and advanced clinical practitioners, educators, prevention specialists, and even basic scientists. Most of the workshops will focus on ACT, but a wide range of topics will be addressed.


University of Twente Enschede, The Netherlands (pronounced "EN-sha-day" or "EN-skhey-day") The conference, pre-conference workshops, as well as the social events will take place at the campus of the University. Enschede can be reached by a direct, two-hour train trip from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam. Most of the designated hotels are within walking distance of the campus (designated hotels farther away will provide shuttle service).

Dates: Kick off Poster Session, evening June 30 Conference, July 1 - July 3, 2009 (pre-conference workshops June 29 & 30)

For questions (in Dutch): Als u vragen heeft, gesteld in het Nederlands, kunt u deze verzenden naar: U krijgt dan zo spoedig mogelijk bericht.