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WC16 Posters

Poster files will be added as we receive them. If you would like your poster file to be added to this list, please email it to Laura at


Location: Place du Canada Ballroom

Wednesday, July 25, 2018, 7:30-8:30pm - Poster Session #1 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018, 8:30-9:30pm - Poster Session #2

Friday, July 27, 2018, 6:00-7:00pm - Poster Session #3

Friday, July 27, 2018, 7:00-8:00pm - Poster Session #4

Image denotes ACBS Junior Investigator Poster Award Recipients

Wednesday, July 25, 7:30-8:30pm - Poster Session #1

1. Investigation of the Relationship between the Cognition of the Concepts of "Engage" and "Escape" to the Evaluation of Work

Primary Topic: Assessment
Subtopic: IRAP

Daiki Furuya, M.A., Graduate school of humanities, Meisei University
Fumiki Haneda, Vocational Counselor, Startline Co.Ltd
Koji Takeuchi, Department of psychology, School of humanities, Meisei university

Background: People work while having various orientations towards work (finding value in personal growth, the contribution to the belonging organization etc.). This difference in values reveals itself as a difference in the positive or negative cognition of the concepts “Engage" and “Escape". In this research, we aimed to measure the cognition of the concepts of “Engage" and “Escape" using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) and then to investigate the correlation between the IRAP results and the values expressed in the work questionnaire. Method: There were 20 participants (9 males, 11 females; M age 34.2 years old). IRAP used “Engage" and “Escape" as label stimuli and positive and negative words as target stimuli. The questionnaire used was the Work Value Scale (Eguchi & Tokaji, 2008). Result: Seven persons who did not meet the criteria of the practice phase were excluded and 13 subjects were analyzed. The correlation between the average D-IRAP score for each of four trial types and the average score for each questionnaire subscale was calculated. As a result, "engage-positive word" and " personal growth" (r = .56, p =. 04) and "escape-negative word" and "contribution to the belonging organization" (r =. -52, p = .06) showed significant correlations. Discussion: It is suggested that those who have a strong stimulus relationship between "Engage" and positive words feel value in their personal growth, while those who have a strong stimulus relationship between "Escape" and negative words did not derive value from the contribution to the belonging organization.

2. Psyflex: Validation of a new psychological flexibility measure in a Greek-Cypriot sample

Primary Topic: Assessment Tools
Subtopic: Psychological Flexibility

Michaela Paraskeva-Siamata, M.Sc., University of Cyprus
Georgia Spyridou, B.Sc., University of Cyprus
Andrew Gloster, Ph.D., University of Basel
Maria Karekla, Ph.D., University of Cyprus

Psychological flexibility describes an individual’s ability to focus on the present moment and accept his/er difficult emotions and thoughts while acting in a valued manner (Biglan, Hayes & Pistorello, 2008). Psyflex (Gloster, 2017) is a 10-item newly developed tool which is suggested to measure psychological flexibility. This is the first adaptation of this measure. The aim of this study was to validate the Greek translation of Psyflex. A set of questionnaires including Psyflex, Mental Health Continuum Scale (MHC; Keyes, 2005), Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II; Bond et al., 2011) and Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ; Gillanders et al., 2014) was administered to 95 Greek-Cypriot individuals (86.30% females; M age=21,92, SD=3.34). Principal Component Analysis was conducted with orthogonal rotation. Two components emerged and in combination explained 59.09% of the variance. The first factor accounted for 38.98% of the variance and the second for 20.11%. Internal consistency was good for the entire scale (Cronbach’s α=.84) and one of the sub-scales (Cronbach's α=.85), and adequate for the second sub-scale (Cronbach's α=.64). Regarding construct validity, Psyflex was significantly correlated with the three sub-scales of MHC (psychological well-being: r=.40; emotional well-being: r=.26; social well-being: r=.34, p<.05) and was negatively correlated with AAQ-II (r-.36, p<.001) and CFQ (r=-.49, p<.001). Psyflex showed adequate psychometric properties and it presents with promise as a measurement tool of psychological flexibility. Further studies need to be conducted to assess its psychometric properties, test-retest reliability, sensitivity to change, and examine its application in other populations and samples.

3. Assessing Heart Rate Variability, Acceptance, and Mindfulness in Healthy Young Adults as Predictors of Anxiety

Primary Topic: Behavioral medicine
Subtopic: Anxiety Assessment

Sarah-Nicole Bostan, M.A., Alliant International University, San Diego
Natasha Nemanim, B.A., Alliant International University, San Diego
Richard Gevirtz, BCB, Ph.D., Alliant International University, San Diego

Third-wave cognitive behavioral therapies propose psychological flexibility is a central feature of both clinical disorders and nonclinical populations experiencing challenges of daily living. Heart rate variability (HRV) is a notable alternative method for assessing stress and pathology related to autonomic activity. High HRV at rest indicates an individual’s ability to adapt to his or her environment in a physiologically flexible manner. This study provides preliminary evidence for the relationship between psychological flexibility and autonomic nervous system health as measured by HRV.
For this study, 32 healthy college students over age 18 in San Diego, California, completed the Serial 7s, a cognitive stress induction task previously associated with psychophysiological changes in cardiovascular, electrodermal, and electromyography signals. Participant’s HRV, skin conductance, and temperature was collected in real time across a 15-minute span. Participants completed measures of state and trait anxiety, mindful awareness, acceptance, and psychological flexibility. It is expected that aspects of psychological flexibility moderate HRV-related recovery from stress differentially in participants with varying levels of anxiety.
These findings suggest a birdirectional relationship between physiological and psychological flexibility. Heart rate variability may influence mental wellness and vice versa, with acceptance and mindfulness as critical intermediary pathways. For example, higher trait anxiety and reduced ability to adapt to external environmental stressors is related to poorer physiological health, even in healthy emerging adults. This has future implications for providing biomarkers in mental health, which has been a recent priority of the clinical research community in order to provide increasingly valid and reliable health information.

4. ACT with Chronic Illnesses

Primary Topic: Behavioral medicine
Subtopic: HIV, Cystic Fibrosis, Pancreatic Cancer

C. Virginia F. O’Hayer, Ph.D, Drexel University College of Medicine
Caitlin O’Loughlin, BA, Drexel University College of Medicine
Reina Aikens, BA, Drexel University College of Medicine
David Bennett, Ph.D., Drexel University College of Medicine

Background: ACT has proven successful in managing chronic pain (McCracken et al., 2006), smoking (Gifford et al., 2004), substance use (Hayes, et al., 2004), anxiety and depression (Ost, 2014), and somatic problems (A-Tjak et al, 2015). Recently, our team has applied a 6 week manualized ACT intervention to individuals living with HIV/AIDS (ACT with HIV), cystic fibrosis (ACT with CF), and a single case study of pancreatic cancer (ACT with PanCan).
Methods: This intervention was applied in the form of a randomized control trial to 54 patients with HIV/AIDS. It was also applied via telehealth (using HIPAA-compliant WebEx webcam) for 13 patients with CF, and in person for another 6 patients with CF. The ACT with PanCan case study was a less structured treatment, guided by our manual.
Results: ACT was associated with decreased depression, anxiety, shame, and increased engagement among all of these samples. Retention has been high, with nearly all patients requesting a continuation of ACT, beyond the 6 scheduled sessions.
Discussion: Applications of manualized ACT to other chronic illnesses are considered for future directions.

5. Engagement in Acceptance and Commitment Training Predicts Outcomes in Individuals with Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1), Plexiform Neurofibroma tumors (PNs), and Chronic Pain
Sponsored by: Pain SIG
Primary Topic: Behavioral medicine
Subtopic: Chronic Pain

Mary Anne Toledo-Tamula, MA, Clinical Research Directorate/Clinical Monitoring Research Program, Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc.
Taryn Allen, PhD, 1Clinical Research Directorate/Clinical Monitoring Research Program, Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc.
Kari Struemph, PhD, National Cancer Institiute
Pamela Wolters, PhD, National Cancer Institute
Staci Martin, PhD, National Cancer Institute

Chronic pain is common in individuals with NF1 and PNs and associated with diminished quality of life and interference with everyday activities. Research supports the efficacy of ACT across pain populations, yet little is known about how adherence to ACT interventions relates to outcomes. We examined how home-based engagement in an ACT intervention related to post-intervention pain-related outcomes among individuals with NF1 and chronic pain.
Adolescents and adults with NF1, PNs, and chronic pain (n=44; Mage=27.410.64 years; 43.2% male) enrolled in a randomized controlled trial completed questionnaires assessing pain interference and pain-related inflexibility. After a 2-day (4-hour) in-person intervention supplemented by videochats and weekly emails, participants were instructed to practice newly-learned ACT skills (i.e., mindfulness, defusion, and values-consistent activity) at home for 8 weeks. Post-intervention, they completed the same questionnaires and reported how often they practiced these skills.
Greater engagement in mindfulness (r=-.31, p<.05) and defusion (r=-.38, p<.05) exercises, though not values-consistent activity (p>.05), were associated with less psychological inflexibility post-intervention. Bootstrapping procedures to examine a simple mediation model suggest that home-based ACT practice (ACT engagement composite score) has a significant indirect effect on pain interference reductions at follow-up, which is mediated by adaptive changes in pain inflexibility post-intervention (Path ab; F(2, 38)=5.60, p<0.01; 95% CI: -3.90 to -0.47).
Engagement in ACT practices at home had a direct and adaptive effect on pain inflexibility, which indirectly reduced pain interference. Thus, the capacity to decrease pain interference via ACT has the potential to improve QOL in patients with NF1.

6. Is Emotion Regulation Associated with Cancer-Related Psychological symptoms?

Primary Topic: Behavioral medicine
Subtopic: Health psychology (cancer)

Anne-Josée Guimond, M.A., École de Psychologie, Université Laval
Hans Ivers, Ph.D., École de Psychologie, Université Laval
Josée Savard, Ph.D., École de Psychologie, Université Laval

Background: Breast cancer patients frequently report a constellation of several psychological symptoms including anxiety, depression, fear of cancer recurrence (FCR), insomnia, fatigue, pain, and cognitive impairments. In the general population, emotion regulation (ER) is considered a central mechanism underlying the development of psychological disorders. However, the relationships between ER and cancer-related psychological symptoms have received little attention.
Objectives: To examine the cross-sectional and prospective relationships between subjective (experiential avoidance, cognitive reappraisal, and expressive suppression) and objective (high frequency heart rate variability [HF-HRV]) measures of ER and a set of psychological symptoms (anxiety, depression, FCR, insomnia, fatigue, pain, and cognitive impairments) among women receiving radiation therapy for breast cancer.
Method: Eighty-one participants completed self-report scales before (T1) and after (T2) radiotherapy. HF-HRV at rest was measured at T1.
Results: Canonical correlation analyses revealed that higher levels of experiential avoidance and expressive suppression were cross-sectionally associated with higher levels of all symptoms, except pain, at T1 (R = .72, p < .0001) and at T2 (R = .75, p < .0001). Higher levels of suppression and reappraisal at T1 were marginally associated with reduced FCR and with increased depression and fatigue between T1 and T2 (R = .56, p = .07). HF-HRV was not associated with symptoms cross-sectionally or prospectively. Conclusions. These results suggest that maladaptive ER strategies, assessed subjectively, may act as a transdiagnostic mechanism underlying several cancer-related psychological symptoms.  

7. Predicting Child and Adolescent Functioning One Year after Major Orthopedic Surgery - Poster Award Winner

Primary Topic: Behavioral medicine
Subtopic: Children/ Adolescents, Pain, Surgery

Brittany Rosenbloom, MSc MA, York University
Melanie Noel, PhD, University of Calgary
Gabrielle Page, PhD, Universite de Montreal
Lisa Isaac, The Hospital for Sick Children
Fiona Campbell, The Hospital for Sick Children
Jennifer Stinson, The Hospital for Sick Children
Joel Katz, York University

Background: 20-50% of children and adolescents who undergo major orthopedic surgery develop moderate to severe chronic pain and disability. In adults, pain psychological flexibility (PPF) has been shown to predict functional and valued based outcomes post-surgery. The aim of this study was to examine parental PPF and child/ adolescent factors and their role in pediatric functional disability one year after major orthopedic surgery.
Methods: A subgroup (57.78%) of patients and their parents/guardians from a larger prospective, longitudinal study were included in this analysis (i.e. parents who completed the PPF Questionnaire). Parents and patients (n=156; 35.7% male, mean age=14.3 years, SD=2.6) were recruited before surgery, followed daily while in hospital, and 6 and 12 months later. Data was collected by questionnaire and chart review.
Results: Multivariable regression showed that pre-surgical child pain intensity, pain catastrophizing, pain self-efficacy, fear of movement, chronic pain acceptance, and parent PPF, did not significantly predict child functional disability [Functional Disability Index (FDI)] 1-year after surgery. However, multivariable regression at one year showed that child chronic pain acceptance and pain self-efficacy were significantly related to 1-year functional disability, over and above 1-year pain intensity, pain catastrophizing, fear of movement, and parent PPF, F(6,8)=8.938, p=.003, R2=.870.
Discussion: Child/ adolescent measures of chronic pain acceptance and pain self-efficacy are associated with higher functioning one year after surgery. The development of a validated measure of child/ adolescent PPF, including pain-specific thriving, is needed for future studies to clarify its direct role in facilitating healthy and successful long-term adaptation to surgery.

8. Novel Use of ACT Techniques in a Home Physical Activity Intervention for Cognitive Late Effects in Children Treated with Radiation for Brain Tumors: Descriptive Feasibility Data from a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Children

Pamela L. Wolters, Ph.D., National Cancer Institute
Staci Martin, PhD, National Cancer Institute
Mary Anne Tamula, MA, Clinical Research Directorate/Clinical Monitoring Research Program, Leidos Biomedical Research, Inc., Frederick, Maryland
Cristina Abel, National Cancer Institute
Marie Claire Roderick, National Cancer Institute

Children treated with cranial radiation therapy (CRT) may develop cognitive late effects for which interventions are limited. Physical activity (PA) targets CRT-damaged brain mechanisms and cognitive functions. We conducted a pilot RCT to evaluate the feasibility of an innovative home PA program including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) techniques to facilitate PA engagement in pediatric brain tumor survivors.
Eligible children 8-17 years, >two years post-CRT, with cognitive difficulties were randomized to the Intervention Group (IG) that followed a 12-week home program to increase moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) using activity trackers/website, or the Control Group (CG) that monitored usual PA for 12 weeks followed by the PA program. The ACT component consisted of a 2-hour in-person session with the child/caregiver to teach/practice ACT principles, including PA-related values, goal-setting, committed action, mindfulness, and acceptance, supplemented by weekly emails and monthly calls. After post-intervention outcome evaluations, children/parents completed feasibility questionnaires (1-5 ratings/categories/comments).
Six children (mean age=13.8 years, 10-17; IG=3; CG=3) enrolled and completed the study. They reported enjoying the activity trackers (mean=3.8; worn 3-4 times/week to daily) and website (mean=3.7) but rated ACT sessions (mean=2.8) and emails (mean=2.5) lower. Half used ACT >1x/week; most utilized goal-setting (4/6); fewer used values/mindfulness (both 2/6). Parent ratings showed similar patterns. Participants liked the PA program (mean=4.1) and found it helpful (mean=4.0); 6/6 increased their weekly MVPA (total means from 41 to 130 minutes).
These pilot data suggest good feasibility of the home PA program, including some ACT procedures, but indicate aspects to revise for the full RCT.

9. Acceptance and commitment therapy for psychosis and trauma: Improvement in psychiatric symptoms, emotion regulation, and treatment compliance following a brief group intervention

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Trauma; Psychosis

Alicia Spidel, Universite of Montreal
Taj Dhanoa, UBC
Geoff Michell, Fraser Heath
Tania Lecomte, Universite of Montreal

Objectives. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has shown effectiveness for individuals with psychosis and individuals with a history of childhood trauma, but has not been investigated with people with psychosis who also have a history of childhood trauma. This study aims at determining the efficacy of a mindfulness-based ACT with this clientele in diminishing psychiatric symptoms, trauma-related symptoms, as well as in improving treatment adherence.
Design and Methods. Fifty participants meeting our inclusion criteria were recruited and randomized to take part in either 10 sessions of ACT group, or Treatment as Usual (TAU).
Results. Using RCT it was found that symptom severity, for both overall symptoms (BPRS) and anxiety (GAD), decreased over the course of the treatment, and participants’ ability to regulate their emotional reactions (i.e., accept them) increased. The study also found that treatment engagement increased with regards to help-seeking for those in the ACT group, compared with the TAU controls.
Conclusions. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy offered in a group appears a promising treatment for those with psychosis and history of trauma.

10. Self-as-Context Scale reliability, factor structure, and convergent and divergent validity

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Psychometric, quantitative measurement

Geoffrey S. Gold, M.A., Hofstra University
Charles A. Dill, Ph.D., Hofstra University

Background: The Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) literature has defined psychological flexibility in terms of six component processes. Currently, few studies have examined quantitative measures of self-as-context and its less flexible alternatives, self-as-content and self-as-process. A recent study has developed a brief self-report measure, the self-as-context scale (SACS), and found support for its validity and reliability (Gird et al., 2012). The SACS correlates with a general measure of psychological flexibility (AAQ-II).
Method: This study builds upon that work with an examination of the relationship between the SACS and other clinically relevant self-report measures. The study expands upon the work of Gird and colleagues to reexamine scale factors, test reliability, and demonstrate convergent and divergent validity with a battery of clinical assessment tools.
Results: These data suggest SACS is a reliable measure (Cronbach’s α = .85). Results of a factor analysis suggest two factors similar to those identified in earlier studies. SACS scores positively correlate with scores on ACT process measures and other theoretically related measures (AAQ-II; ATQ-F; ATQ-B; EQ; FFMQ; VLQ-I; VLQ-C; SCS) and negatively correlate with measures of emotional struggle (BAI, CES-D), demonstrating convergent and divergent validity.
Discussion: Using correlations and factor analysis models, the current study (N=140) attempts to elucidate the relationships between these measures so that the SACS can be used for clinical interventions and research. A 7-item factor may be a useful tool to assess self-as-context using quantitative self-report. Based on item content, previous findings, and theory, the authors further discuss this factor, described as transcending.

11. An Examination Between Family Stress and Psychological Flexibility - Poster Award Winner

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Family Stress

Michael Thorn, University of Mississippi
Gina Q. Boullion, University of Mississippi
Emmie R. Hebert, University of Mississippi
Karen Kate Kellum, University of Mississippi
Kelly G. Wilson, University of Mississippi

Family stress can have problematic effects including difficulty with relationships, depression, and social skills. But, some individuals can experience family stress without experiencing any negative impacts in other areas of their life. Understanding the differences between those who struggle during and after family stress and those who do not is important in identifying those who are at-risk, but little research has been conducted in this area. This study examined the relationship between psychological flexibility and perceived family stress. The researchers used a modified version of the Family Response to Stress Questionnaire Child Self Report Scale (RSQ) to measure perception of experienced family. The RSQ questions were modified to be appropriate to a college sample. The researchers measured psychological flexibility using the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire – II (AAQ-II) and the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI). We used two measures of psychological flexibility as the MPFI is relatively new, and used the AAQ-II to validate the results of the MPFI. Researchers distributed the survey to a sample of convenience through an on-line participant management system. Preliminary results indicate a relationship between some areas measured on the modified RSQ and the MPFI. The poster discusses implications and limitations of these findings.

12. Development of a Transdiagnostic Group Intervention for Pediatric Autonomic Dysfunction

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Health Psychology

Clio E. Pitula, Ph.D., University of Colorado School of Medicine
Jessica Malmberg, Ph.D., University of Colorado School of Medicine
Sally Tarbell, Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine/Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital

Background: Pediatric autonomic dysfunction (AD) is associated with psychosocial and functional impairment. Psychological interventions may be important in promoting adaptive coping and reducing functional disability in this population. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) approaches have been effective in promoting well-being among youth with chronic pain but a similar intervention has not been developed for AD. The present study aimed to develop a group intervention incorporating ACT principles to target modifiable transdiagnostic processes (e.g., experiential avoidance, cognitive flexibility) among youth with AD.
Method: A 10-week outpatient group protocol was developed based on published interventions for chronic pain and the authors’ clinical experience. ACT-based strategies included limits of control, focus on experience, values, mindfulness, cognitive defusion, and committed action. Psychoeducation, lifestyle change (e.g., sleep), and cognitive-behavioral principles (e.g., activity pacing) were integrated. 16 adolescents (15 females, M age=16.2 yrs) with AD and their parent(s) participated in this pilot study to evaluate acceptability (e.g., participant satisfaction) and feasibility (e.g., retention, attendance).
Results: At submission, 6 adolescents had completed the protocol and the remaining participants were in the 7th week. The protocol was revised as the intervention progressed to incorporate participants’ feedback and clinicians’ observations, resulting in a renewed focus on values-based action, clarification of acceptance/willingness, and the addition of motivational interviewing strategies. Preliminary results suggest this protocol was acceptable to families and feasible to implement in an outpatient setting.
Discussion: An ACT-based treatment approach targeting core transdiagnostic mechanisms has the potential to improve adjustment and reduce distress and disability among adolescents with AD.

13. Quality and Avoidance of Social Interactions and their Relation to Values in Depression, Social Phobia, and Controls: Preliminary Results

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Social Interactions, Values

Jeanette Villanueva, University of Basel
Andrea H. Meyer, University of Basel
Marcel Miché, University of Basel
Hanna Wersebe, University of Basel
Thorsten Mikoteit, University of Basel, Psychiatric Hospital
Jürgen Hoyer, Technische Universität Dresden
Christian Imboden, Psychiatric Services Solothurn and University of Basel, Switzerland; Private Clinic Wyss, Muenchenbuchsee, Switzerland
Klaus Bader, University of Basel, Psychiatric Hospital
Martin Hatzinger, Psychiatric Services Solothurn and University of Basel, Switzerland
Roselind Lieb, University of Basel
Andrew T. Gloster, University of Basel

Social domains are consistently rated as more important in terms of valued behavior than non-social domains (Wersebe et al., 2017). At the same time, everyday social interactions (SIs) are often problematic in many psychological disorders, indicating a discrepancy between what we value and how we behave. In this study, we investigated aspects of SIs (frequency and quality of SIs) and aspects of currently having no SIs (longing/wishing for and avoiding SIs). 284 individuals (Major Depressive Disorder, MDD; Social Phobia, SP; Control Group, CG) were investigated via smartphones in an Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) paradigm for one week. Participants were asked in more than 10'000 instances about their feelings when they had SIs and when they had no SIs. Results show that the groups did not differ in terms of frequency of SIs and longing/wishing for a SI. However, MDD and SP reported a significantly lower quality of SIs and also avoided SIs significantly more often in comparison to the CG. Additional analyses will examine how these results relate to discrepancies of participants' social values and their social behavior. Understanding how social values relate to daily social behavior might help us gain more insight into mechanisms in clinical as well as non-clinical populations, therefore contributing to living a more meaningful life.

14. Can the ability to flexibly regulate emotions buffer against the effect of anticipated stress on sleep? – Preliminary results from an ESM Study

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Sleep, Emotion Regulation

Victoria J. Firsching, M.Sc., University of Basel, Department for Clinical Psychology and Intervention Science
Andrea Meyer, Dr., Universität Basel, Department for Clinical Psychology and Intervention Science
Thorsten Mikoteit, University Psychiatric Clinics Basel
Jürgen Hoyer, Dresden University of Technology
Christian Imboden, Privat Psychiatric Clinik Wyss
Klaus Bader, University Psychiatric Clinics Basel
Andrew T. Gloster, Prof. Dr., University of Basel, Department for Clinical Psychology and Intervention Science
Martin Hatzinger, Psychiatric Services Solothurn and University of Basel, Switzerland

Background: In contrast to research on insomnia, less is known about the immediate influence of stress on sleep in populations without primary sleep disturbances. In addition, time sensitive analyses that examine how proximate stressors influence sleep quality and whether emotion regulation (flexible vs. rigid) can buffer the impact of stressors are lacking. In this study, the effect of a person’s anticipated stress for the next day (as measured at night before going to bed) on a person’s subsequent sleep quality is analyzed.
Method: In a quasi-experimental longitudinal design, participants completed questionnaires 6 times a day over one week, using the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) paradigm. In addition, they filled out a questionnaire battery at baseline.
Results: 284 participants with Major Depressive Disorder (n=118), Social Anxiety Disorder (n=47), and healthy controls (n=119) were included in the study. The mean age was 31.75 years (SD=11.52) and 189 (66.55%) were female. 93.16% of the prompts in the morning or evening were completed (n=3704 prompts). A time-dependent multi-level model using sleep parameters, psychological flexibility, expected stress, and the baseline scores of emotion regulation will be built. Variance in emotion regulation will be associated with anticipated stress and its impact on sleep quality.
Conclusion: The daily effects of anticipated stress on sleep can fill a gap in research and implicate improvements in the treatment of sleep difficulties. The role of emotion regulation can highlight the importance of interventions aimed thereat. Using a sample of both clinical and healthy participants offers generalizability across different populations.

15. Experiential Avoidance and Attachment Anxiety: A Transdiagnostic Model of Social Problem Solving Skills

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Social problem solving

Dana Goetz, M.A., Western Michigan University
Amy Naugle, Ph.D., Western Michigan University
Caitlin Rae Turgeon, Western Michigan University
Jessica Good, Western Michigan University
Lilly Mazzone, Western Michigan University

Interpersonal dysfunction is generally considered a transdiagnostic process in the empirical literature as the criteria for virtually every disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 stipulate that symptoms must impact interpersonal functioning. Thus, a deeper understanding of the development and maintenance of poor social problem-solving skills may come from studying variables that are transdiagnostic in nature, such as experiential avoidance and attachment anxiety (Agrawal, Gunderson, Holmes, & Lyons-Ruth, 2004; Berking, Neacsiu, Comtios, & Linehan, 2009). The present study tests a transdiagnostic model for the development of social problem-solving skills based on Gerhart and colleagues' 2014 model of interpersonal problems. The proposed model in this study will be tested in a convenience sample of undergraduate students. A moderated mediation model will be estimated using the bootstrapping approach as put forth by Preacher, Rucker, and Hayes (2007), hypothesizing that the indirect effect of experiential avoidance on poor social problem-solving skills will be accounted for by including attachment anxiety in the model. We further hypothesized that the strength of relationship between attachment anxiety and social problem solving skills will depend on the level of experiential avoidance. To target social problem-solving skills in a more contextual manner, the means-ends problem-solving test procedure (MEPS; Platt & Spivack, 1975) will be use. The MEPS is a "state like" measure of social problem solving and that includes interpersonal scenarios one may encounter in real-life. Findings will be discussed, with implications proposed for understanding the development and maintenance of interpersonal dysfunction from a transdiagnostic framework.

16. Psychometric Properties of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ) in a Greek-Cypriot Sample of University Students
Sponsored by: Greek-Cyprus ACBS chapter
Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Cognitive Fusion

Marianna Zacharia, M.Sc., ACThealthy laboratory, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
Artemis Theofanous, B.A., ACThealthy laboratory, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
Maria Karekla, Ph.D., ACThealthy laboratory, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

The Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ) is a measure of cognitive fusion, which constitutes a fundamental construct in the psychopathology model underlying Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Well-validated measures that assess cognitive fusion across various groups and populations are needed to be able to assess this construct and examine any changes in cognitive fusion as a result of treatment. The purpose of this paper is to examine the factor structure and psychometric properties of the CFQ in a Greek-speaking sample. The sample (N=105; 64.8% female, Mean age=22.44) was derived from undergraduate and postgraduate students of various programs of study from the University of Cyprus. Initially, an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted. Results supported a single-factor solution based on Kaiser’s criterion, explaining 79.64% of the total variance. The Eigenvalue of this factor was 5.58. This finding was consistent with the sudden change on the scree plot chart emerging following the first factor. Additionally, Parallel Analysis was employed to verify the factor structure. Parallel Analysis recommended a single-factor solution (only one factor with a Raw Data Eigenvalue=5.32 above the 95th Percentile Eigenvalue=.64), with the scree plot corroborating the uni-dimensional factor structure. Consistent with previous empirical studies, including the reported structure of the original English version, a single-factor solution appears to be suitable. G-CFQ exhibited good internal consistency (Cronbach’s α=.96). G-CFQ demonstrated significant correlations with similar and other constructs (i.e., CAMM, SSEQ), suggesting good convergent and discriminant validity. The G-CFQ shows good psychometric properties. Directions for future research and clinical implications are discussed.

17. Psychometric Properties of the Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM) in a Sample of Greek-Cypriot Youth
Sponsored by: Greek-Cyprus ACBS chapter
Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Mindfulness

Artemis Theofanous, B.A., ACThealthy laboratory, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
Marianna Zacharia, M.Sc., ACThealthy laboratory, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
Maria Karekla, Ph.D., ACThealthy laboratory, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

As mindfulness interventions become more popular, it is important to validate measures to assess mindfulness across various populations and groups, so as to enable the more rigorous examination of the construct and any resulting interventions.The 10-item Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM), assesses present-moment awareness and nonjudgmental/non-avoidant responses to feelings and thoughts. The current study examined the factor structure and the validity of the Greek version of the CAMM. A sample (N=105) of youth was recruited from the University of Cyprus. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was employed without forcing factor extraction. Results indicated a two-factor solution, explaining a total variance of 62.18%. The Eigenvalues were: 4.71 (47.17%) for factor 1 and 1.50 (15.01%) for factor 2. However, Factor 2 consisted of only two items and the two-factor structure lacked conceptual meaning. Parallel analysis was also performed, showing a sudden change on the scree plot after the first factor and the difference between the Eigenvalues of the first factor and the second factor was large. Therefore, the single factor solution seems more appropriate. Subsequently, all 10 items were forced into a single factor solution using EFA, which explained 47.17% of the total variance. G-CAMM showed good internal consistency (Cronbach’s α= .86). Furthermore, G-CAMM showed good psychometric properties, with good internal consistency and high correlations with similar constructs (e.g., CFQ). Overall, results suggest that the G-CAMM is a valid and reliable measure of mindfulness for Greek speaking youth.

18. Parameters of psychological trauma and their distinct and concurrent relationships to the development of adolescent resilience
Sponsored by: Greek-Cyprus ACBS chapter
Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: PTSD

Elena Frixou, University of Cyprus
Myria Ioannou, University of Cyprus
Stelios N. Georgiou, University of Cyprus
Panayiotis Stavrinides, University of Cyprus

Psychological trauma affects up to 70% of children and adolescents and a portion of the people exposed to trauma can develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Resilience is a potential outcome after traumatic exposure, which refers to the ability to bounce back and adapt in the context of adversity (e.g., Sapienza & Masten, 2011). Existing research investigates the effects of particular types of trauma on resilience, without concurrently testing the objective and subjective dimensions of trauma (i.e., history of trauma, duration of trauma, closeness of trauma to self, traumatic reactions, centrality of traumatic event). The present study aims to test the parameters of traumatic exposure reported above, as characteristics that affect and moderate the relationship between traumatic experiences and resilience. A sample of 250 adolescents aged 12-18 years old will take part in this study and will complete the Traumatic Events Screening Inventory for Children self-report (TESI-C-SR; based on TESI-C by Ribbe, 1996), the Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale (CRIES; Horowitz et al., 1979; Yule et al., 1997), the Centrality of Event Scale (CES; Berntsen & Rubin, 2006), the Child and Youth Resilience Measure -28 (CYRM-28; Ungar et al., 2008) and the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS; Smith et al., 2008). The data are currently being collected and will be analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling in AMOS version 24.0. The findings of the study will increase our understanding in terms of the trauma-related characteristics that affect resilience, and will assist with the individualization of interventions for post-traumatic stress.

19. Investigating the role of family resilience in the relationship between psychological trauma and individual resilience in adolescents
Sponsored by: Greek-Cyprus ACBS chapter
Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: PTSD

Styliani Stavrou, University of Cyprus
Myria Ioannou, University of Cyprus
Stelios N. Georgiou,, University of Cyprus
Panayiotis Stavrinides, University of Cyprus

Previous research on resilience has led to the identification of separated protective characteristics concerning the individual (e.g. age, education) and the family (e.g. spirituality, financial management), but more interactive effects on resilience development are absent. It is not clear yet what is the congruency between family and individual resilience and what is the role of the family in the management of traumatic exposure and the development of resilience in adolescence. The present study aims to examine family resilience as a potential moderator in the relationship between psychological trauma and adolescent resilience. A sample of 300 adolescents aged 12-18 years old will take part in this study and will complete the Traumatic Events Screening Inventory for Children self-report (TESI-C-SR; based on TESI-C by Ribbe, 1996), the Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale (CRIES; Horowitz et al., 1979; Yule et al., 1997), the Child and Youth Resilience Measure -28 (CYRM-28; Ungar et al., 2008) and the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS; Smith et al., 2008). The Family Resilience Assessment Scale (FRAS; Sixbey, 2005) and the parental form of TESI (Ribbe, 1996) will be completed by one of the parents of each participant. The data are being collected at the moment and will be analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling in AMOS version 24.0. The findings of the study will add in the theoretical model of adolescent trauma and resilience and will shed light on the theoretical interactions between family and individual resilience, with the aim to inform interventions for post-traumatic stress in adolescence.

20. A Single Case Study Investigating the Efficacy of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Intervention to Promote Well-Being and Mitigate the Deleterious Effects of Shame and Self-Stigma in Adults Experiencing Homelessness

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Homelessness

Varsha Eswara Murthy, BA, MPsychSc, University College Dublin
Louise McHugh; MA, Ph.D, University College Dublin

Background: The reality of being homeless and the circumstance leading to experiencing homelessness render this population at risk of a multitude of mental and behavioural health disorders. Furthermore, the stigma associated with experiencing homelessness can lead to difficulties in obtaining employment, reduced access to housing, poor support for treatment, or interpersonal rejection. This often results in the individual self-stigmatising and experiencing intense shame, resulting in negative thoughts that emerge from identification with a stigmatised group and their resulting in negative psychological and behavioural consequences. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a single one-to-one session Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention to promote well-being and mitigate the deleterious effects of shame and self-stigma for individuals experiencing homelessness.
Method: We will use a two-arm, randomised multiple-baseline design. Participants will be 12 adults experiencing homelessness in Inner City Dublin. Internalised shame, depression, anxiety, psychological, emotional and social well-being, cognitive fusion, psychological flexibility, valued action, and openness to experience will be measured at baseline, post-intervention, and at a 6-week follow up. Daily measures of self-reported shame and experiential avoidance will be collected via text. Qualitative interviews will also be conducted post-intervention and at follow up assessing impact and ease of application of the intervention strategies.
Results: It is hypothesised that the intervention will, improve; psychological flexibility, resilience, positive coping strategies, quality of life, meaning in life, self-esteem, self-compassion, and decrease; levels of anxiety, depression, shame, and self-stigma.

21. Five Case Studies Using ACT for College Students with Perfectionism
Sponsored by: Pennsylvania Chapter
Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Perfectionism, College Students, Anxiety

Steven Bisgaier, MA, BCB, Widener University Institute for Graduate Clinical Psychology
Frank Masterpasqua, Ph.D., Widener University Institute for Graduate Clinical Psychology

Background: Perfectionism is prevalent in a wide range of psychiatric disorders (e.g., depression, anxiety, disordered eating, OCD, PTSD) and physical health problems (e.g., chronic pain, migraine, asthma, fatigue). While ACT protocols have been developed to treat perfectionism, no studies have evaluated its effectiveness. This pilot study examined the effectiveness of ACT in treating perfectionism in five undergraduate students with perfectionism as a primary feature of either generalized anxiety disorder or depression.
Method: The study used a one-group pretest-posttest design. Individual treatment lasted between seven and twelve sessions and was administered flexibly (i.e., non-manualized).
Results: Acknowledging the small sample size, significant improvement with large effect sizes were found on measures of depression (p = .012, d = 1.98), general anxiety (p = .011, d = 2.01), social anxiety (p = .009, d = 2.11), general distress (p = .008, d = 2.17), frequency and awareness of thoughts related to perfectionism (p = .003, d = 3.00), psychological flexibility (p = .017, d = 1.76), cognitive fusion (p = .013, d = 1.89), and commitment to values-consistent action (p = .050, d = 1.24).
Discussion: These findings provide preliminary support for the effectiveness of ACT as a treatment for perfectionism and pave the way for a future RCT. The study suggests three primary mechanisms of change: reductions in experiential avoidance, increases in cognitive defusion, and clarification of personal values. The study adds to existing evidence showing that treating perfectionism directly and explicitly can provide remittance of symptoms of other mental health issues.

22. Pilot evaluation of an ACT group intervention for adolescents implemented in integrated primary care

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Children and Adolescents

Sean M. O'Dell, Ph.D., Geisinger
Shelley Hosterman, PhD, Geisinger
Carrie E. Massura, PhD, Geisinger
Monica R. Whitehead, PhD, Geisinger
Rachel A. Petts, PhD, Geisinger

Background: Few investigations have explored Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) interventions for adolescents, particularly within real-world settings. This project examined feasibility and clinical outcomes of a nine-session, novel group-based ACT intervention for clinic-referred adolescents with internalizing disorders in integrated primary care.
Method: Sessions attended and therapeutic homework completion were used to examine feasibility. We also used logistic regression to test for demographic and clinical predictors of treatment completion. Clinical outcomes were evaluated using dependent samples t-tests of pre-post self-report ratings of psychological flexibility, anxiety and depression symptoms, and goal attainment scale ratings.
Results: Most participants were white (91.0%) and female (77.5%), and mean age was 15.13 (SD = 1.6). 49 of 111 completed the group and all outcome measures; the average participant attended 5.83 sessions and completed 25.6% of the homework. There were no significant improvements in depression symptoms; however, psychological flexibility (p = .026; d = .32), anxiety (p = .005; d = .42), and goal attainment scale (p < .001; d = 2.12) outcomes showed improvement. No demographic or baseline clinical scores predicted treatment completion.
Discussion: Improvements in psychological flexibility, anxiety, and goal attainment scores improved for those who completed treatment provide preliminary evidence of effectiveness. Treatment completion rates are comparable to other studies in real-world settings and treatment completion did not differ across demographic or baseline clinical characteristics, suggesting attrition is not related to these factors. Feasibility of number of sessions, utility of homework, and non-response for depression symptoms warrants further investigation in more rigorous studies.

23. Chinese International Students Unique Stressors Scale

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: mindfulness, diversity

Huanzhen Xu, Bowling Green State University
William O'Brien, Ph.D., Bowling Green State university
Yiwei Chen, Ph.D., Bowling Green State University

Background: China has become a leading source of international college students for Western countries. Given Chinese international students (CIS)’ increasingly large contribution to the college population to the host countries, their specific needs in mental health service should be addressed. Studies across different countries indicate that international students, relative to domestic students, experience higher levels of distress given the acculturative challenges. However, there is little research investigating the unique stressors experienced by CIS and their impact on wellbeing. In this study, a new measure of CIS acculturative stress was developed and evaluated for its psychometric properties.
Methods: Focus groups were conducted in Mandarin to promote more open and flexible communication. Audiotapes of the focus groups were evaluated by three independent Mandarin speaking raters who generated 94 initial statements. These initial statements were then broken down and classified using a card-sort approach which identified ten sub-scales. The final CIS Unique Stressor Inventory contains 103 items (inter-rater reliability=85.58%). A sample of 21 CIS attending a Midwestern university completed the new measure along with the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire, Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire, Depression, Anxiety and Stress Questionnaire, and Patient Health Questionnaire.
Results: An analysis of psychometric properties of the new measure indicates it has excellent overall internal consistency (Chronbach’s Alpha = 0.967). The measure was significantly correlated with AAQ-II, DASS-21, and CFQ-7.
Discussion: the high correlations between the new measure and measures of psychological distress and mindfulness implied that it is a useful indicator of CIS’s psychological well-being and psychological flexibility.

24. Predicting life satisfaction and functioning: Examining the role of experiential avoidance with neuroticism and affect

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Experiential Avoidance, Personality, Life Satisfaction, Life Functioning, ACT

Catherine Rochefort, M.S., Southern Methodist University
Michael Chmielewski, PhD, Southern Methodist University

Previous research has indicated that experiential avoidance (EA) is a predictor of life satisfaction and functioning. However, in most studies, EA was assessed using the AAQ-II, which recent research suggests functions as an indicator of neuroticism and negative affect (N/NA) instead of experiential avoidance. We examined whether the AAQ-II and the MEAQ (another measure of EA) predict life satisfaction and functioning above the effects of N/NA. Adult participants (MTurk; N = 643) completed the AAQ-II and MEAQ online. They also completed measures of neuroticism (BFI-N), trait positive and negative affect (TAI), life satisfaction (SWLS), and functioning (WHODAS-2.0 and SF-36). Replicating previous findings, the AAQ-II functions as a measure of N (r = .71) /NA (mean r = .62). In contrast, the MEAQ was differentiated from N (r = .39) and NA (mean r = .44), and can be considered an indicator of EA. Contrary to hypotheses, the MEAQ (i.e., EA) demonstrated limited incremental validity above N/NA in predicting life satisfaction and functioning. The AAQ-II demonstrated incremental validity above N/NA. However, the magnitude of this association was similar to that provided by N/NA over each other. Although unexpected, the current results suggest EA may not influence life satisfaction or functioning, and that N/NA is the primary variable of interest. We are in the process of replicating these results in additional samples. It is important to acknowledge that the data were cross-sectional. This is because it is possible, perhaps even likely, that the negative effects of EA manifest over time.

25. Disney Princess' Influence on Dating

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Healthy Relationships

Lauralee Davis, University of Mississippi
Gina Q. Boullion
Emily Jacobson
Karen Kate Kellum

Research has indicated that there is a correlation between perceived similarity and wishful identification with that of the subject's romantic relationship morals and beliefs (Griffin, 2014). There are many reasons why perceived similarity and wishful indentification of Disney princesses should be linked to romantic relationship beliefs, and more research is warranted to examine that connection. We are interested in further understanding the interplay of these variables. Participants were recruited through an online particiant management system. They completed a battery of self-report questionaires regarding viewing of Disney princess films, relationship satisfaction, psychological distress, drinking habits, and psychological flexibility. The researchers used a modified Romantic Beliefs Scale (Sprecher & Metts, 1989) to measure individual's romantic relationship satisfaction. The researchers measured reasons for watching various movie genres, including Disney movies, using the Rubin scale (1983). The researchers also used the Homophily scale (McCroskey, Richond, and Daly, 1975) to measure an individual's attitudes relating to their favorite Disney princess. The researchers measured the levels of wishful identification using the and the Eyal and Rubin scale (2003). Preliminary results indicate a relationship between some areas of movie and relationship satisfaction. The poster discusses implications and limitations of these findings.

26. Developing an ACT-based mobile app intervention for adults with a visible difference affected by appearance anxiety - Poster Award Winner

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Body image

Fabio Zucchelli, MSc, University of the West of England, Bristol
Heidi Williamson, Prof Doc (Health Psych), University of the West of England, Bristol
Olivia Donnelly, ClinPsyD, North Bristol NHS Trust
The VTCT Foundation Research Team at the Centre for Appearance Research, UWE Bristol, University of the West of England, Bristol

Visible difference refers to any physical appearance deviating from the societal norm, typically caused by congenital (e.g. cleft lip/palate) or acquired conditions (e.g. psoriasis), injury (e.g. burns) or medical treatment (e.g. surgery). Evidence is growing for the application of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to common psychosocial challenges reported by some with visible differences, including social anxiety and isolation(1), body image dissatisfaction and self-stigma(2). Psychologists across Europe also report using ACT for patients affected by visible difference(3).
There is a need for greater access to specialist psychological treatment for individuals affected by appearance anxiety(4). A mobile app could offer widespread access to tailor-made self-help. ACT-based apps show promising efficacy in changing behaviour, including smoking cessation(5) and exercise/diet(6).
This poster will describe the design process undertaken for a mobile app intervention resulting in a full app demo, and will outline plans to develop a prototype fully-formed app. The process comprised: (a) forming a project team with suitable expertise (clinical, research, lived experience, software development, and user experience design); (b) constructing an initial overview of the app; (c) producing a screen-by-screen wireframe (blueprint); (d) building a clickable demo based on the wireframe; (e) engaging in public involvement (PI) via a design workshop with members of charities representing appearance-affecting conditions; and (f) redesigning the demo following PI.
This will offer delegates an example of developing ACT-based health apps from conception. We will focus on the iterative design model employed, integrating ongoing PI with user representatives. Details of the content will also be provided.

27. Applying ACT to a Functional Restoration Program for Veterans with Chronic Pain

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Chronic Pain

Lauren Hollrah, Psy.D., Puget Sound Veterans Affairs Health Care System
Jonathon Moore, Ph.D., Puget Sound VAMC
Bernard Canlas, MD, Puget Sound VAMC

Background: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy has support for the treatment of chronic pain. Functional Restoration Programs are also supported by research in the treatment of chronic pain, though typically using a more CBT approach. The VA Puget Sound has adopted an ACT based FRP (across modalities of physical therapy, medicine and psychology) to improve self-management and treatment of veterans with chronic pain. The shift of using mindfulness based therapies, across disciplines, supports and reinforces treatment for chronic pain. The primary goal is to enhance thriving as it relates to pain. Combining ACT with FRP leads to a viable and effective treatment of chronic pain across disciplines.
Method: For this program, Veterans met with providers twice weekly for four hours for eight weeks, totaling 64 hours of physical therapy, psychology, and mind-body interventions. Measures were administered at pre and post course data points.
Results: The current study consists of an observational, non-experimental exploratory analysis of outpatient chronic pain treatment outcomes. Treatment recipients at a Veterans Affairs hospital who participated in the outpatient treatment completed numerous pain-related outcome measures. This ACT based modality demonstrated beneficial effects, and preliminary evidence suggested that the treatment provides positive outcomes.
Discussion: Moving forward, it would seem beneficial for chronic pain management programs, specifically functional restoration programs, to use ACT as the psychological treatment modality.

28. An experimental comparison of ACT Values Exercises to increase values-oriented behavior

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Values

Jessica L. Engle, Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno and William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital
Victoria M. Follette, Ph.D., Florida Institute of Technology

BACKGROUND: In Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), identifying values is believed to increase clients' values-oriented behaviors. Some values exercises add an additional step of asking clients to rate how closely their recent behaviors match their values, but the effectiveness of this step is unknown.
METHOD: This online study compared the effectiveness of two values exercises with a control condition. Participants (N = 314) were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: 1) basic values identification (Values), 2) Values plus rating one's values-behavior consistency (VBC), or 3) control condition. In both values exercises, participants wrote about a chosen value and then rated the importance of charity-related values (e.g., "I care about giving back"). In the VBC condition, participants additionally rated how closely their recent behavior matched their values. In the control condition, participants wrote about time management practices. All participants then had the opportunity to donate some of their study earnings to charities.
RESULTS: Both the Values and VBC conditions increased the likelihood participants would donate to charity compared to the control condition (b = .51, p = .02; and b = .55, p = .01). Values conditions were not significantly different in their overall influence on donation. However, in the VBC condition only, fusion to negative self-statements was positively associated with donation.
DISCUSSION: Findings offer further support for values as a component of ACT and highlight important research directions. Values identification alone may be sufficient to change behavior.

29. Flexibly And/Or Inflexibly Embracing Life: Identifying Fundamental Approaches to Life Within the Hexaflex Model

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Flexibility in Non-Clinical Populations, flexibility across time

Oliver Stabbe, University of Rochester
Jaci Rolffs, M.A., University of Rochester
Ronald D Rogge, PhD, University of Rochester

BACKGROUND: The Hexaflex model highlights 6 dimensions of inflexible responses to life and 6 corresponding dimensions representing psychological flexibility. Building on over 180 studies demonstrating the effectiveness of ACT, a scale was recently developed to assess each of the 12 dimensions of the Hexaflex model (the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory; MPFI; Rolffs, Rogge, & Wilson, 2016).
OBJECTIVES: The current study sought to identify fundamental classes of individuals based on their scores on the 12 dimensions of the MPFI, clarifying the fundamental ways that individuals tend to approach challenges within the Hexaflex framework.
METHODS: A sample of 2,668 respondents (60% female, 82% Caucasian, 18 to 77yo, M = 34.2yo) were recruited (28% Mechanical Turk, 55% ResearchMatch, 14% undergraduate subject pool) to complete an online survey. A subset of 970 respondents completed a 4-month follow-up survey.
RESULTS: Latent Profile Analyses on the MPFI scores suggested 6 basic classes of respondents, ranging from a highly flexible group (n = 424) to a highly inflexible group (n=361), and including a group marked by moderately high levels of both flexibility and inflexibility (n = 387). Individuals in groups marked by higher levels of inflexibility were 3-4 times more likely to be in therapy, reporting higher current depressive symptoms and physical illness. In contrast, individuals in groups marked by flexibility reported higher current vitality as well as increases in vitality over 4 months.
DISCUSSION: The current results highlight the importance of flexibility for all individuals, extending previous findings in clinical populations to non-clinical populations.

30. The nomological network of cognitive fusion among people living with HIV

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

Caitlin O'Loughlin, B. A., Drexel University
C. Virginia O'Hayer, Drexel University
David Bennett, Ph.D., Drexel University

Introduction: Cognitive fusion refers to intense over-identification with one’s thoughts. The relationship between cognitive fusion, self-compassion, and the potentially related constructs of rumination, shame, and grit is largely unknown, as is their association with internalizing symptoms among people living with HIV (PLWH). The current study examines the interrelationship of these constructs among PLWH presenting for outpatient psychotherapy. Specifically, we hypothesize that cognitive fusion is associated with higher levels of rumination, shame, depressive symptoms, and anxiety symptoms, and with lower levels of self-compassion and grit.
Method: Participants (n=98), who were previously diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, presented for psychotherapy after screening high on depressive symptoms on the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II). Participants completed the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire, Self-Compassion Scale Short Form, Internalized Shame Scale, HIV Related Shame Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Ruminative Response Scale, Grit Scale, and BDI-II. Relationships between all study variables were examined using Pearson correlations and Spearman’s rho.
Results: As hypothesized, cognitive fusion and self-compassion were negatively correlated (r= -.61, p<.001). Cognitive fusion was associated with greater rumination, shame, depressive symptoms, and anxiety symptoms, and with less grit. Conversely, self-compassion was associated with less rumination, shame, depressive symptoms, and anxiety symptoms, and with increased grit.
Discussion: These findings highlight the interrelatedness between cognitive fusion and self-compassion, as well as their respective relationships to rumination, shame, and internalizing symptoms. Further research is needed to examine whether Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, with its focus on cognitive defusion and acceptance, can positively affect self-compassion, shame, and rumination in decreasing internalizing symptoms among PLWH.

31. MAC: a mindfulness, acceptance and commitment based short intervention for patients with depression

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: depression

Peter Tonn, MD, Neuropsychiatric Center Hamburg
Silja C. Reuter, MD, Neuropsychiatric Center Hamburg
Nina Schulze, Dipl.-Psych., Neuropsychiatric Center Hamburg

Background: Practicing mindfulness improves self-awareness and self-care. The ability to accept unpleasant situations and emotions reduces suffering and emotional pain. We developed a new short intervention for patients with depression.
Methods: We are currently treating a small group of patients with this treatment. IT is our pilot study to see if the treatment is effective. If it is, we will conduct a RCT study with more patients. At the ACBS we want to present the results of our pilot group with n=16.
Discussion: Due to a structural reform in the german health care system, it has become a lot easier for therapists to offer short interventions up to twelve sessions. Therefore the goal of our study was not only to create and evaluate a new treatment, but also to develop a therapy manual in which the treatment is described in detail and which we can give to other therapists to spread the use of ACT based interventions in Germany.

32. The incremental validity of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ) over a measure of automatic negative thoughts

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Measurement

Jennifer Krafft, Utah State University
Michael E. Levin, Ph.D., Utah State University

Background: The Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ; Gillanders et al., 2014) is a well-validated measure of cognitive fusion. However, it is unclear if the CFQ has incremental validity compared to measures of the frequency of difficult thoughts. Items on the CFQ include “My thoughts cause me distress or emotional pain" and “I get upset with myself for having certain thoughts." Responses to these items could be influenced not only by fusion but also by the frequency of difficult thoughts. Establishing the incremental validity of the CFQ over a measure of the frequency of difficult thoughts would help to clarify that the CFQ is measuring cognitive fusion specifically.
Method: This study examined the association between the CFQ and the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire (ATQ; Hollon & Kendall, 1980) as well as the incremental validity of the CFQ in a student sample (n = 346).
Results: The CFQ and ATQ-F were highly correlated (r = 0.71, p < .001). However, the CFQ predicted additional variance in distress ( = 0.14, p < .05) , depression ( = 0.11, p < .05), and anxiety ( = 0.16, p < .01) in a series of longitudinal hierarchical regression models controlling for corresponding baseline symptoms and automatic negative thoughts. The CFQ did not predict significant additional variance in social anxiety, academic stress, social role problems, or student role problems.
Discussion: These results suggest that the CFQ measures cognitive fusion, not only the presence of difficult thoughts, but suggest limitations in its incremental validity in specific areas.

33. Turkish Version of Voices Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (VAAS): Preliminary Analysis of Reliability and Validity

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Psychosis

Merve Terzioglu, Bakirkoy Research & Training Hospital for Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurosurgery
Kaasim Fatih Yavuz, Bakirkoy Research & Training Hospital for Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurosurgery

BACKGROUND: There has been growing evidence which shows effectiveness of psychotherapy in psychosis using acceptance and mindfulness methods. VAAS (Voices Acceptance and Action Scale) has been developed for assessing acceptance-based attitudes and actions regarding to auditory hallucinations. This study aims to examine psychometric properties of the Turkish version of VAAS.
METHOD:The study group consisted of 50 psychotic patients with auditory hallucinations. The scale was translated by two independent person and then corrected by the authors. A socio-demographic data form, Turkish version of VAAS (TVAAS) , Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II), Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms, Quality of Life Scale for Schizophrenic Patients, revised Beliefs About Voices Questionnaire (BAVQ-R), Psychotic Symptom Rating Scale Auditory Hallucinations were administered. Internal consistency and split-half analyses were performed to evaluate the reliability. Validity analyses were also conducted.
RESULTS:Reliability analysis using corrected item total statistics led 4 items to be removed from the scale. Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient was calculated as 0.855 for total scale. Acceptance and action subscales have also showed good internal consistency with Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient of 0.70 and 0.818. Split-half reliability of the scale was 0.85. TVAAS correlated in the expected direction with AAQ-II and Quality of Life Scale and showed good convergent validity (r=351, r=256). As expected, it didin’t correlate with symptom measurements and BAVQ-R.
DISCUSSION:VAAS has been found to be a reliable and valid measure to assess the psychological impact of voices in Turkish psychotic patients. Also it can be said that TVAAS assess different processes according to BAVQ-R.

34. Demonization, desecration, and the 2016 U.S. presidential election: The role of negative spiritual appraisals on post-election psychological adjustment

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Spirituality and Religion

Serena Wong, M.A., M.E., Bowling Green State University
Tabitha Waite, M.A., Bowling Green State University
Rachel Wasson, B.A., Bowling Green State University
Augustus Artschwager, B.A., Bowling Green State University
Kenneth I. Pargament, Ph.D., Bowling Green State University
William H. O'Brien, Ph.D., Bowling Green State University

Demonization and desecration are negative spiritual appraisals associated with psychological maladjustment across political and relational contexts (Krumrei, Pargament, & Mahoney, 2011; Mahoney et al., 2002; Pargament et al., 2005). To what extent do people perceive the election of President Trump as the work of evil forces or a violation of the sacred? Using a cross-sectional online sample of 252 Americans, the authors examined the prevalence and role of negative spiritual appraisals of the 2016 U.S. presidential election on psychological adjustment. Approximately one-third of participants endorsed some level of such appraisals. Desecration and demonization also predicted maladjustment above and beyond vote and voter demographics. Moreover, the interactive effect between vote and negative spiritual appraisals accounted for unique variance in maladjustment. At higher levels of demonization and desecration, those who voted for President Trump reported greater difficulties with emotion regulation than those who voted against President Trump. Negative spiritual appraisals also moderated the relationship between vote and thought suppression, antagonism, openness to new information, and perceived negative impact of the election. Implications for mental health and psychospiritual interventions are discussed.

35. A Preliminary look at the Efficacy of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in a Transdiagnostic Group of Adolescents in Singapore

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Adolescents, Anxiety, Depression, Transdiagnostic

Leong Yeok JANG, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore
LIEW Wei Lun Kenny, Institute of Mental Health, Singapore

Background: Anxiety and Depression contribute to a significant proportion of disease burden in youths, impacting their academic, vocational, and psychosocial outcomes. There is growing evidence that ACT can be a viable treatment option for adolescents with anxiety and/ or depression. A protocol for group-based ACT was adapted for adolescents presenting to an outpatient mental health clinic in Singapore. To our knowledge, the current study is the first to investigate intervention with an Asian adolescent sample.
Method: Eleven adolescents (4 males) aged 13 to 17 years (M = 15.8, SD = 1.5) with clinical diagnosis of anxiety disorders and/or depression enrolled in the intervention. Adolescents with comorbidity of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Schizophrenia, and/or intellectual disabilities were excluded. The efficacy of the group-based intervention was evaluated using four standardized instruments at pre-treatment, post-treatment, and at 3-months post-treatment: (a) Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scales short version (DASS21; Lovibond & Lovibond, 1993), (b) Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM; Greco, Baer & Smith, 2011), (c) Acceptance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth (AFQ-Y; Greco, Murrell, & Coyne, 2005), and (d) Valued Living Questionnaire (VLQ, Wilson, Sandoz, Kitchens, et al. 2010). Participants were required to attend the 8-session intervention, followed by a booster session 3 months later.
Results & Discussion: At post-treatment, most participants reported reduced levels of depression, anxiety and/or stress. They reported being more mindful as well as endorsed lowered experiential avoidance and cognitive fusion. Preliminary results may suggest that ACT is a promising transdiagnostic treatment option for adolescents in Singapore experiencing anxiety and/or depression.

36. Evaluation of the effectiveness of a brief intervention based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome non-patients
Sponsored by: ACBS Japan Chapter
Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: ACT, irritable bowel syndrome, brief intervention,

Masataka Ito, M.A., Graduate school of psychology, Doshisha University
Takashi Muto, Ph.D., Doshisha University

Background: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common functional disorders, and psychological treatment has been proven to be effective for IBS patients. However, a majority of IBS patients have experienced IBS as non-patients for a period, but intervention for these non-patients has rarely been investigated. The current study examined the efficacy of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for IBS non-patients.
Methods: A screening survey was administered to recruit undergraduates, and those who scored above the clinical cutoff on the IBS severity index were inducted into this study as IBS non-patients. A total of 26 non-patients who could participate in the ACT program were randomly assigned to either an intervention group or a waiting list group. Self-reported data assessing IBS symptom severity, quality of life, psychological distress, and psychological flexibility were collected at both pre- and post-intervention. Participants assigned to the intervention group completed the ACT program following the protocol listed on the ACBS website under “ACT for Irritable Bowel Syndrome." They were also offered the workbook titled “Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life."
Results: In the post-intervention assessment, the intervention group showed marginally significant improvement in symptom severity. In contrast, the waiting list group did not exhibit any improvement. Moreover, their depression score worsened. Other components did not demonstrate any significant change.
Discussion: The results showed that the ACT program is a promising approach for improving the condition of IBS non-patients because this program lessened IBS severity and prevented the participants from becoming depressed.

37. Brief Group-Based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A Pilot Study on Singaporean Adolescents

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Adolescents

Amerie Baeg, MClinPsy, KK Women's and Children's Hospital (Singapore)
Siobhan Kelly, DClinPsy/MSc, KK Women's and Children's Hospital (Singapore

Background: A significant number of adolescent patients do not respond to current first-line treatment for anxiety and depression (i.e., Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). Moreover, an increasing demand for therapeutic services in clinical settings has increased wait time for adolescents seeking help in Singapore. There is hence an urgent need to develop brief, adjunctive/ alternative interventions to address current gaps.
Method: This study examined pre-post treatment changes in a pilot sample of adolescents (N=4) who underwent 4 sessions of ACT in a group setting. Each session lasted 2 hours, and was conducted weekly over a month. Sessions were adapted from an existing group protocol (ACT for Adolescents; Turrell and Bell, 2016).
Results: Preliminary results based on self-report measures are promising. In particular, pre-post comparisons revealed a reduction in depressive symptoms, experiential avoidance and cognitive fusion. Participants also reported an increase in self-compassion, and 3 of 4 participants endorsed a further increase in mindfulness. Collection of 3-month post-treatment results is ongoing. Data collection from current group participants is also underway.
Discussion: There is preliminary evidence for the utility of a brief ACT group intervention for adolescents. This supports current plans to conduct these groups at more regular intervals to enhance treatment for adolescent patients.

38. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Addiction: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Addiction

Euihyeon Na, M.D., Addiction Treatment Center, Maeumsarang Hospital, Republic of Korea
Cheol rae Jo, M.D., Maumgonggam Psychiatric clinic, Republic of Korea
Woon Jin Jeong, M.D., Department of Psychiatry, Maeumsarang Hospital, Republic of Korea

Background: Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease that is often driven by experiential avoidance. In this context, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is proposed as a novel therapeutic approach with a possible added value over traditional addiction treatments using awareness, acceptance and being in ‘here and now’ instead of arguing and avoiding internal experiences. The objective of this systematic review is to summarize the current evidence for the effectiveness of ACT in patients with addictive disorder, in comparison with traditional therapies for addiction.
Methods: We identified relevant articles through electronic searches of the MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane library, and by hand-searching reference lists. We searched for randomized controlled trials of ACT in people with addiction. Two review authors independently extracted and assessed data from studies that corresponded to the predefined inclusion criteria for methodological quality using PRISMA guidelines. A third review author was responsible for conflict resolution when required.
Results and Discussion: The systematic review identified 11 articles, including nicotine (n=6), opiates (n=2), methamphetamine (n=1), and various substance dependence (n=2). Though limitations such as small sample size and risk of reporting bias, qualitative data suggested that when measured, ACT improved objective abstinence rate compared to traditionally treated groups or control groups. In addition, ACT alleviated psychological distress occurred by withdrawal symptoms and co-occurring mood symptoms. Further study is needed to develop and validate a more structured treatment program, as well as an assessment tool tailored to the ACT treatment for patients suffering from addiction.

39. Grieving with Love and Compassion: Promoting Acceptance in Grief Workshops
Sponsored by: Social Work and ACT SIG
Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Grief

Sarah Cheney, Columbia University

Grief is a natural response to death, trauma, loss, and major life transitions. It is one of the most difficult and universal life experiences; however, people, including mental health professionals, know relatively little about grief. Consequently, we often feel unprepared for the painful and distressing experience and inadequate to support others in grief. An impersonal healthcare system, family separation, and fear and avoidance of death contribute to our inexperience with grief and can impede psychological growth. Contemporary grief experts emphasize a loving, relationship-focused perspective of grief by focusing on the physiologic effects of love (Shear, 2017) and how family and friends affect feelings of safety and confidence (Bowlby, 1980). People seeking grief support are ideal candidates for the non-judgmental, non-pathological, and compassionate approach of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). This mixed methods study examines whether a supportive grief workshop intervention using ACT and grief psychoeducation improves the grief experience. Participants are recruited from a 2-hour grief workshop and complete a pre- and post-workshop Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-II). In addition, participants are asked to participate in a post-intervention and semi-structured interview to assess adaptation to loss, contact with grieving, and restoration of hope. Quantitative and qualitative analyses will determine whether ACT and grief psychoeducation contribute to improved psychological flexibility. Implications for refining the workshop and future research will be discussed.

40. Experiential Approach as a moderator to Film Induction

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Experiential Control

Jeffrey Swails, M.A., Wichita State University
Robert Zettle, Ph.D., Wichita State University
Thiên Vū, Wichita State University
Aja Molinar, Wichita State University

On a conceptual level efforts to control private events can be broadly parsed into experiential avoidance and experiential approach. Experiential approach is one term used to refer to efforts to contact, sustain or maintain positive emotions and feelings. Preliminary analyses of a recently developed scale to measure this concept, experiential approach scale, reveal two factors that are correlated differently with measures of wellbeing and psychopathology. One factor, Anxious clinging is positively correlated with measures of psychopathology and negatively correlated with measures of wellbeing. While the other factor, experience prolonging is inert in its correlations with psychopathology and positively, but mildly, correlated with measures of wellbeing. This study explores the predictive power of these factors on people's reactions to short films that induced happiness and boredom. One hundred and thirty-six participants were randomly assigned to the two emotional film conditions. Results indicated that people who engage in relatively few strategies to control positive emotions experienced more positive emotions in both the happy and boring film than their more controlling counterparts. Furthermore, people that were high in anxious clinging had an increased desire to discontinue their current state after the boring film relative to their counterparts lower in anxious clinging. These findings provide some support for apriori hypotheses that attempting to control emotions, even positive ones, can have paradoxical impacts on emotion. Limitations regarding insensitivity to discrete emotions and implications for clinical application and future research are unpacked further.

41. A Pilot Study of TiES: Teaching Interventions to Empower and Strengthen Families

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Childhood Behavioral Problems

Brandon Hollie, M.A., Syracuse University
Jacob Christenson, Ph.D., LMFT, Mount Mercy University
Molly Lamb, Southern Illinois University

Teaching Interventions to Empower and Strengthen Families is an early intervention program based on the Regional Intervention Program, which is a community-based, family-centered service for parents of children, aged 6 years and under experiencing behavioral problems. The purpose of this article is to evaluate the effectiveness of TIES and add to the current parenting program literature. ANOVA results of 41 participants showed there was a significant main effect following the TIES interventions for aggression, hyperactivity, social skills, and depression. Results of MLR also showed a negative correlation between social skills and parental stress levels.

42. The Role of Common Physical Properties and Augmental Functions in Metaphor Effect: A Replication Study

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Metaphor

Beatriz Galli, Mackenzie Presbyterian University
Cassia Roberta da Cunha Thomaz, Mackenzie Presbyterian University

Metaphor is a tool frequently used in psychotherapy such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), a contextual behavioral model of psychological intervention rooted in an approach to human language and cognition known as Relational Frame Theory (RFT). This experimental study aimed to replicate the study "The Role of Common Physical Properties and Augmental Functions in Metaphor Effect" (Sierra MA, Ruiz FJ, Flórez, CL, Riaño-Hernandez D, & Luciano C, 2016) to analyze the effect of two variables in the metaphor effect on promoting psychological flexibility according to RFT: (a) the presence of common physical properties between the individual’s experience and the metaphor, and (b) the specification of appetitive augmental functions in the metaphor content. A 2x2 factorial design was implemented where the presence/absence of the above-mentioned variables was manipulated. Eighty-two participants were exposed to a cold-pressor task at pretest. Afterwards, participants were randomly assigned to four experimental protocols consisting of a metaphor that included: (a) common physical properties and augmental functions, (b) only common physical properties, (c) only augmental functions, and (d) none of these variables. Then, participants were re-exposed to the cold-pressor task (posttest). The results showed that even though both variables had a statistically relevant effect on the pain tolerance induced by the cold-pressor task, the most significant effect was generated when only augmental functions were present.

43. To blend or not to blend? Can an app enhance the efficiency and the efficacy of an ACT treatment?

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Technologie

Ellen Excelmans, De Braam private practice

This poster describes the results of a Belgian government sponsored project run in a private practice of psychologists where the added value of the app Learn2ACT in a psychological treatment was examined. The purpose of the app is to provide support outside the therapy sessions. We excepted that treatments would be more efficient and effective. Thanks to the app we could allow more time between the sessions and limit the number of sessions per client and, consequently, reduce our waiting list. Also, because of the extra data provided by the app we could detect problems faster and intervene when necessary.
Learn2ACT was received positively. Almost all the clients were willing to use the app (N = 85). The compliance was very high. The therapists, on the other hand, were somewhat more reserved and needed some training and support to integrate this new method into their work. Nevertheless, all of them would recommend the app to their colleagues.
Results from surveys (ease of use, efficient use of therapy sessions, feedback on the therapy process, commitment, self-efficacy, crisis-management) will be presented here. Blending ACT with an app didn’t have an effect on the effectiveness of the treatment, but did increase the efficiency of the treatment. Our average number of sessions per client declined with 1 during the project (compared with the same period the year before). This means that we can reach more people. Given the long waiting lists in mental health care, this is an important argument for stimulating blended therapy.

44. Palestinian parents’ attitudes towards sex education program: a cultural perspective

Primary Topic: Educational settings
Subtopic: cultural assessment

Ahlam Rahal, McGill University
Khawal Abu Baker, Prof., Al-Qasimi Academic College of Education

Sex education (SE) is a process of acquiring sex-related information, building sexual health, and forming values regarding identity, relationships and intimacy. This process is fundamental for healthy human development. Palestinian schools lack sex education (SE) programs. This lack was explained by schools boards’ concerns about parents’ negative reactions. This study aimed to examine Palestinian parents’ attitudes towards SE in school, and attitudes relationships with parents’ demographic characteristics. The study included 206 Palestinian parents (150 mothers, 56 fathers), with average age of 39.35 (SD=8.10), where 127 were aged below 40 and 123 were academics. The Participants filled categorical questionnaires which were examined by Chi-Square test. Findings indicated that the majority of parents (88.8%) supported SE as mandatory; however, they supported postponing SE to later ages. Parents also restricted discussing some contents, such as: intimacy, homosexuality, pregnancy and contraceptives, and preferred discussing contents that prevent premarital sex. Demographic characteristics differences showed that mothers, non-academics and younger parents held more conservative attitudes towards SE compared to fathers, academics and older parents. These innovative findings highlighted cultural aspects, suggesting that Palestinian parents perceive SE as an Abstinence-only education rather than comprehensive, and see it as an additional monitor for children’s sexual behavior. The findings also shed light on gender social roles, academic and age influence on attitudes. This study contributes to schools educators in their decision-making concerning SE; it provides comprehensive information for professionals, and may assist them in identifying “mistaken" attitudes towards sex issues. Limitation concerning study population and instrument was also discussed.

Wednesday, July 25, 8:30-9:30pm - Poster Session #2

1. Measuring Psychological Flexibility in a Context Sensitive Manner: Development and Preliminary Psychometric Properties of a Short and Accessible Questionnaire

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Clinical Measure Validation

Victoria J. Firsching, M.Sc., University of Basel, Department for Clinical Psychology and Intervention Science
Jeanette Villanueva, M.Sc., Universität Basel, Department for Clinical Psychology and Intervention Science
Marcia Rinner, M.Sc., University of Basel, Department for Clinical Psychology and Intervention Science
Charles Benoy, University Psychiatric Clinics Basel
Veronika Kuhweide, University Psychiatric Clinics Basel
Sandra Brogli, University Psychiatric Clinics Basel
Andrew T. Gloster, Prof. Dr., University of Basel, Department for Clinical Psychology and Intervention Science
Mark Walter, University Psychiatric Clinics Basel
Klaus Bader, University Psychiatric Clinics Basel

Background: Psychological Flexibility (PF) is a functional-contextual concept. Among other things, this suggests that the skills that comprise PF may benefit an individual more in some situations than others. For example, pursuing valued directions can foster vitality, unless it is used as avoidance. Towards this end we developed a short questionnaire targeting each of the six PF skills in a context-dependent manner. For example, “If need be, I can let unpleasant thoughts and experiences happen without having to get rid of them immediately." The items used simple, every-day language to facilitate use across various education levels. Further, in order to increase its treatment sensitivity and to avoid eliciting trait-like responses from respondents, items refer to the past seven days.
Method: Items were chosen from a pool, tested on a small sample of clinical and healthy subjects, then narrowed down to the most informative ones. The resulting “Psyflex" questionnaire was administered to clinical and non-clinical populations simultaneously with measures of convergent and divergent constructs.
Results: The sample consists of n=441 participants (n=308 normative sample; n=133 clinical sample). The mean age was 33.73 years and 62.36% were female. Preliminary analyses show good internal consistency and correlations in predicted patterns with convergent and divergent measures. Factor structure and sample invariance will be tested.
Conclusion: The Psyflex is a state measurement of PF. It can be a valuable addition to existing measurements because of its context sensitivity, every-day language, and brevity while still covering all core skills targeted in ACT.

2. A Self-help Intervention to Reduce the Risk of Depression in Healthy People
Sponsored by: ACBS Japan
Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Depression, Productivity, Anxiety, ACT, mindfulness

Ryosuke ISHII, Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University, Japan Institute of Cognitive Science
Shogo Shimura, Medical School, Keio University
Hiroaki Kumano, M.D., Waseda University
Takashi Maeno, Ph.D, Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University

Objective: To reduce the prevalence of depression and to increase productivity and contentment in schools and workplaces, a set of worksheets was developed to enable healthy individuals to build psychological flexibility through a self-help intervention.
Method: A self-help intervention was conducted once with 141 Japanese individuals. Data were collected using the Japanese versions of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Beck Depression Inventory II, and the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire II about one week before the intervention; just before and after the intervention; and follow-up assessments were conducted 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months later.
Results: At 1-month follow-up, significant improvements were shown in state anxiety, depression, and experiential avoidance. At 6-months follow-up, significant improvements in depression and experiential avoidance were still evident.
Conclusion: This pilot study demonstrated that a self-help approach combining methodical procedures with self-directed work that targets a fixed set of results is possible.

3. An Evaluation of Psychometric Properties of the Weight Concerns Scale in a Greek-Cypriot Sample
Sponsored by: Greek-Cyprus ACBS chapter
Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Eating Concerns

Danae Papageorgiou, MSc, University of Cyprus
Marianna Zacharia, MSc, University of Cyprus
Maria Karekla, PhD, University of Cyprus

Background: The Weight Concerns Scale (WCS) examines worries regarding weight, which are related to body image and can impact an individuals’ wellbeing. The current study aims to examine the psychometric properties of the WCS in Greek. In the drive to improve eating disorders’ and related mental health disorders treatment, validation of such measurements can be key given limited availability of scales capturing concerns with weight in the Greek language.
Method: The forward and backward method was first employed to translate the questionnaire into Greek. One hundred and seventy-three Greek-speaking university students (M=21.51, SD=.19) then completed the Greek version of the WCS. Data was analysed using an exploratory factor analysis (EFA).
Results: Results indicated a single factor solution based on Kaiser’s criterion with eigenvalue greater than one (3.03), explaining a satisfactory amount of the total variance (60.68%). The scree plot was in agreement, justifying retention of one factor. Parallel analysis also indicated one factor based on original eigenvalues (raw data=2.51) and subsequently comparison with the 95th percentile (.37). Cronbach’s alpha (α=.78) showed that WCS had good internal consistency. Additionally, results indicated good convergent validity with similar measures, including Body Image Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (BI-AAQ) and Questionnaire for Eating Disorder Diagnoses (Q-EDD), and discriminant validity with other measures (e.g. Depression Anxiety Stress Scale [DASS]).
Discussion: The current study showed good psychometric properties of the WCS in Greek. Clinical and research implications for these findings are discussed.

4. Psychometric properties of the Self-Compassion Scale (SCS) in a sample of Greek-Cypriot Youth
Sponsored by: Greek-Cyprus ACBS chapter
Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Mindfulness

Despoina Iosif, ACThealthy laboratory, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
Myria Ioannou, University of Cyprus
Artemis Theofanous, ACThealthy laboratory, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
Patrisia Nikolaou, ACThealthy laboratory, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
Maria Karekla, ACThealthy laboratory, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

Self-compassion refers to the meaning of being kind and understanding to yourself rather than being harshly self-critical, in occasions of failure. The topic of self-compassion also entails the ability to perceive one’s experience as part of the larger human experience and face painful thoughts and feelings with mindfulness. Self-compassion becomes more widespread nowadays as it is significantly correlated with positive mental health. For this reason it is important to validate measures to assess self-compassion across different populations. The 26-item self-compassion scale (SCS), assesses Self-kindness, Common Humanity, Mindfulness, Self-judgment, Isolation and Over-identification. This study examined the factor structure and the validity of the Greek version of the SCS. Participants were 167 university of Cyprus students (139 female; Mage=21.52, SD=2.73). Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) using AMOS 24.0 showed excellent fit for all the six subscales and all the items had statistically significant estimates on the six factors. The CFA of the whole scale showed that high correlations existed between the latent factors of isolation, self-judgment and over-identification and the same stood for mindfulness, common humanity and self-kindness. This suggested the existence of two second-order factors, representing negative aspect and self-compassion. The second-order CFA had acceptable fit, with χ2(282)= 491.477 (p<.001), CFI= .908, RMSEA= .067 (90% CI .057, .077), SRMR= .084. Furthermore, G-SCS showed good psychometric properties, with good internal consistency (Cronbach’s α=.84). Overall, the G-SCS is a valid and reliable measure of self-compassion for Greek speaking youth.

5. Thriving in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Preliminary Health Care Provider Perspectives

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: children, resilience, chronic disease

Sara Ahola Kohut, Ph.D., CPsych, Hospital for Sick Children
Natalie Weiser, MA, Hospital for Sick Children
Paula Forgeron, RN, PhD, University of Ottawa
C. Meghan McMurtry, PhD, CPsych, University of Guelph
Jennifer Stinson, RN, PhD, Hospital for Sick Children

Background: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in youth can negatively impact all aspects of quality of life. However, some youth demonstrate resilience and successfully adjust to living with IBD. Research suggests that resilience is encompassed by three main factors: positive individual factors (e.g., optimism), family support, and supportive environments. However, it is unclear what characteristics are most important to mitigate the negative effects of living with IBD. The aims of this study are to explore specific characteristics from the perspective of health care providers (HCP) that bolster resilience.
Methods: A qualitative descriptive study using semi-structured interviews was completed to capture HCP perspectives on resilience in youth with IBD. English speaking HCPs with a minimum of 1-year experience working with this population were recruited from one tertiary pediatric hospital. Data were analyzed using inductive and deductive content analysis.
Results: Twelve HCPs with 7.88±4.49 years of clinical experience were interviewed. HCPs included gastroenterologists, nurses, dieticians, social workers, and child life specialists. Inductive analysis identified higher level themes transcending the three main factors found in the literature. Themes included openness about and acceptance of IBD, IBD not defining self-identity, trust of the medical team, and optimism for the future.
Discussion: This is the first study to show HCP identified individual, parent, and environmental factors that may be targeted for brief interventions aimed at bolstering resilience in youth with IBD. By bolstering resilience, targeted interventions may also prevent co-morbid risk trajectories (e.g., depression and anxiety stemming from poor adaptation to IBD).

6. Understanding Change in Therapy with the MPFI: A Hexaflex Measure of Psychological Flexibility

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Flexibility

Ronald D. Rogge, Ph.D., University of Rochester
Brooke Dubler, M.A., University of Rochester
Jaci L. Rolffs, M.A., University of Rochester
Oliver K. Stabbe, University of Rochester

BACKGROUND: A scale was recently developed to assess each of the 12 dimensions of the Hexaflex model (the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory; MPFI; Rolffs, Rogge, & Wilson, 2016). Building on a small set of studies examining moderators of ACT, the current study examined how levels of flexibility and inflexibility might predict response to ACT interventions over 2 months when given by community therapists trained in ACT.
OBJECTIVES: The current study sought to identify the dimensions of flexibility and inflexibility that were most strongly linked to increases or decreases in individual functioning over time within a population of individuals being treated with ACT.
METHODS: Twenty eight clients currently being treated with ACT (54% female, 75% Caucasian, 18 to 65yo, M = 39yo) have been enrolled in the study by their therapists and have completed a baseline assessment. Fifteen of those clients have now completed an 8-week follow-up assessment. Data collection is ongoing.
RESULTS: Preliminary regressions predicting residual change over time from treatment (conducted in the first 15 clients to complete the follow-up) suggested that higher levels of defusion at the initial assessment significantly predict drops in depressive symptoms (assessed with the PHQ-9) whereas fusion and self-as-content each predict increases in depressive symptoms over 2 months. Self-as-content at the initial assessment also predicted drops in vitality over 2 months of treatment.
DISCUSSION: The current results highlight that certain dimensions of flexibility and inflexibility might be more strongly tied to global outcomes in the context of ACT treatment. Implications will be discussed.

7. The “Carpet-Matrix": A tool to facilitate therapeutic work with children and adolescents

Sponsored by: ACT Italia
Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Children, ACT, Anxiety disorders, Matrix

Alessandra Chiarelli, Psychologist, IESCUM, ACT Italia, ASCCO (Parma)
Margherita Gurrieri, PsyD, IESCUM, ACT Italia
Giovambattista Presti, PhD, KORE University, IESCUM, ACT Italia
Francesca Pergolizzi, PhD, IESCUM, ACT Italia, ASCCO (Parma)
Paolo Moderato, PhD, IESCUM, ACT Italia, ASCCO (Parma

In ACT therapies one of the commonly used tools is the Matrix (Schoendorff & Polk, 2016). The matrix helps a client focusing in his behavioral directionality, acting towards appetitive goals or avoiding aversive conditions, while acknowledging barriers to value driven behaviors and using values right to help overcoming them. Though developed for adults matrix can be used in ACT sessions with children and adolescents help them making meaningful choices for their own life even in presence emotional or cognitive obstacles. However the Matrix metaphor could be too much sophisticated for the verbal skills of this population, so other ways than the usual presented in papers and manuals should be elaborated an used. The case of a 12 years old young girl, diagnosed with anxiety disorder, will be presented as an example of such a work. Therapy sessions were focused on trying to increase emotional awareness and decrease behaviors governed by rigid rules. After increasing emotion and thoughts recognition and identifying values and goals a carpet with a matrix was created in order to develop psychological flexibility. The girl was invited to move from one quadrant to another of the carpet matrix and post notes on the various quadrants in order to facilitate the process of discrimination of her own experiences. The steps that brought the young client to have a more flexible attitude towards internal and other contextual events and ultimately contributed to the reduction of anxiety related symptoms and a valued living pattern will be described.

8. Exploratory Analysis of Baseline Predictors of Engagement with Theory-based Modules of an ACT Smoking Cessation App for People with SMI

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Serious mental illness, nicotine addiction, mHealth, process analysis

Paige Palenski, B.A., Duke University
Javier Rizo, B.A., Duke University
Matthew Small, B.A., Duke University
Roger Vilardaga, Ph.D., Duke University

Smoking among people with serious mental illness (SMI) remains a critical issue in the field of public health, emphasizing the need for more easily-disseminated smoking cessation interventions in this population, such as mHealth apps. Examining individual characteristics predictive of user engagement with targeted theory-based modules of ACT mHealth interventions is key to understanding the receptivity of mHealth ACT technology in this population. Learn to Quit is an ACT-based smoking cessation app that contains 28 theory-based modules designed and adapted for individuals with SMI. In this exploratory analysis, we will examine the association between participants’ baseline characteristics and engagement with key theoretical processes of the Learn to Quit app: Psychological Acceptance, Openness to Experience, and Values-based Activation. Baseline measures such as psychiatric diagnosis and functioning, experiential avoidance, perspective-taking, cognitive functioning, and general demographics were collected from 10 participants randomized to the Learn to Quit arm of a pilot randomized controlled trial evaluating the feasibility of our intervention in our target population. These measures were collected using diagnostic interviews and self-reported measures. User engagement with Learn to Quit at 1 Month Follow-up was objectively gathered using Google Analytics. User engagement metrics included number of app openings, duration of app use, interactions within the app, and number of times a “lesson" implicating an ACT component was completed. Identifying which baseline characteristics predict increased engagement with the active ingredients of ACT-based smoking cessation interventions can inform further development of ACT-based apps for other health behaviors in this population.

9. Effects of a Mindfulness intervention on the symbolic generalization of aversive function

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Mindfulness, Anxiety, Avoidance, Stimulus equivalence

Denise C. P. O. Marcondes, Centro Paradigma
William Ferreira Perez, Ph.D., Centro Paradigma

Anxiety has one of the highest incidences of all psychiatric disorders in the population. Findings in recent research on the equivalence of stimuli provide explanations for how fear and avoidance can be learned indirectly by transfer of function. Mindfulness strategies have been used as interventions for anxiety responses. However, no studies were found that analyze mindfulness interventions in comparison to other treatments already validated in a protocol of symbolic generalization of avoidance responses in controlled contexts. Thus, the present study used a protocol of symbolic generalization of aversive functions to evaluate the effects of a mindfulness intervention in comparison to a control group. The procedure, in both interventions, contained 6 phases: (1) Establishment of equivalence classes; (2) Aversive conditioning and avoidance training with stimuli of equivalence classes; (3) Transfer of function test (Pre); (4) Intervention; (5) Transfer of function test (Post); (6) Debriefing. No pre-post differences were found between groups regarding avoidance responses; however, the mindfulness group showed pre-post reduction on US expectancy, valence and negative semantic functions, while the control group did not.

10. Psychological flexibility, social connection and an interest in liposuction among women with lipedema

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: chronic illness

Joanna Dudek, Ph.D., SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Wojciech Białaszek, Ph.D., SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Pawel Ostaszewski, Ph.D, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Przemysław Marcowski, M.Sc, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Tilly Smidt

Background: Lipedema is a chronic and progressive disorder of subcutaneous tissue that affects mainly women. Its main symptom is the accumulation of adipose tissue on the extremities, with associated pain and swelling. This adipose tissue is resistant to standard low caloric diet or intense physical activity. Due to unknown etiology, available treatment is primarily focused on symptoms reduction. So far, liposuction has proven to be most effective, however it raises a number of concerns due to its costs and unknown long-term consequences.
Methods: We conducted an online cross-sectional study involving 328 women with lipedema, involving individuals from USA, Canada, Australia, UK, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, and other European countries. We aimed to determine if women expressing an interest in liposuction or not differed in psychological flexibility and social connection scores.
Findings: We found that women who expressed interest in liposuction differed in levels of both psychological flexibility and social connection. In both cases, lower levels were observed in women who were interested in liposuction rather than not, while controlling for differences in individual body max index.
Discussion: Our results suggest that women who express interest in liposuction, are less psychologically flexible and feel less connected with others. We will discuss the results obtained as well as further research directions.

11. The role of self-compassion in women with lipedema

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: chronic illness, self-compassion

Joanna Dudek, Ph.D., SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities

Background: Self-compassion has been linked to higher levels of psychological well-being, lower level of body image dissatisfaction and lower eating psychopathology. However, its role was never investigated among women with lipedema.
Lipedema is a chronic, progressive subcutaneous adipose tissue disorder of unknown etiology that affects mainly women. It manifests itself with accumulation of the fat in the extremities, associated oedema and pain. Lipedemic fat tissue is resistant to standard low caloric diet or intense physical activity. Progressive and uncontrollable accumulation of lipedemic fat tissue on legs and arms results in visible difference in appearance that may be subject of stigmatization and lead to self-stigmatization.
Method: We conducted on online cross-sectional study with 120 women mostly from the USA, the UK and the Australia to investigate the role of self-compassion in various aspects of psychological functioning and quality of life among women with lipedema.
Results: Statistical analyses showed week positive correlation between self-compassion and quality of life, and moderate negative correlations with disordered eating and body image dissatisfaction. Interestingly, we obtained strong positive correlation between self-compassion and body image flexibility.
Discussion: Our results suggest that women who were more able to treat themselves kindly in times of distress, reported lower body image dissatisfaction, lower levels of eating psychopathology and higher quality of life. Additionally, higher level of self-compassion was related to higher flexibility around thoughts and feelings related to body image. We will discuss results obtained and implications for further research directions.

12. The Effective Role of ACT in the Control of Depression and Smoking

Primary Topic: ACT
Subtopic: Women, Depression, Smoking

Tahereh Seghatoleslam, University of Malaya Centre of Addiction Sciences (UMCAS), Malaysia
Hussain Habil, Mahsa University, Malaysia
Rusdi Abd Rashid, University of Malaya Centre of Addiction Sciences (UMCAS), Malaysia

Aim: The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effective of ACT in the control of depression and decrease the number of cigarettes smoked per day.
Method: This interventional study by using ACT was carried out on 34 women (Mean=39,Sd=6.6) who were depressed and as current smokers, used on an average of 25 cigarettes per day. Subjects were randomly selected and divided into two groups. The instruments were: 1) a questionnaire that contained personal, family, and smoking information, and 2), The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Participants received six week sessions of using (ACT) and decrease the number of cigarettes smoked per day.
Results: Measured the effect of ACT through a pre-test and two post-tests. Showed that there were significant decreases in depression with a reduction in the number of cigarettes smoked per day.
Conclusion: The results suggested that the effect of ACT has the main role in decreasing depression and provided special benefits for women who smoke and suffer from depression.

13. Psychological Flexibility and Quality of Life in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: gastroenterological disease with somatic/psychological features

Hasan Turan Karatepe, Asist Prof., Medeniyet University Psychiatry Department
Rümeysa Yeni Elbay, Asist Prof, Medeniyet University Psychiatry Department
Celal Ulaşoğlu, Assoc.Prof., Medeniyet University Gastroenterology Department

Background: It is known that psychological factors affect the quality of life (QoL) as well as severity of lesions and disease process in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). This study aims to explore the difference of psychological flexibility (PF) between the (IBD) patients and healthy controls. We also try to investigate the impact of psychological flexibility on anxiety and depressive symptoms and quality of life in IBD.
Method: Participants include 100 IBD patients with a mean age of 45.79 (SD = 14.52) and 100 healthy control (HC) with a mean age of 42.09 (SD= 12.77) that completed Acceptance and action Questionnaire (AAQ-II), hospital anxiety and depression scale (HAD), Freiburg mindfulness ınventory (FMI) and WHO quality of life scale-BREF.
Results: Our findings suggest that: AAQ-II scores, depression and anxiety scores are higher in IBD than HCs. But we didn’t find any differences at FMI scores between the groups. %39 of IBD patients were in active and %61 of them were in remission phase. Patients in the active phase showed higher anxiety and depression scores and higher AAQ-II scores compared with patients in remission. There was a significant difference in QoL between the remission and active disease groups in BID. The level of QoL in patient with higher AAQ-II scores was significantly lower than patients wit lower scores of AAQ-II.
Discussion: Psychological flexibility of patients with inflammatory bowel disease is lower than the control group and the lower psychological flexibility negatively affects the quality of life in IBD.

14. Autism and psychological flexibility: An ACT-based protocol

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Autism

Melissa Scagnelli, Ph.D., IESCUM, Milan
Arianna Ristallo, Ph.D., IESCUM, Milan
Cristina Copelli, Ph.D., IESCUM, Milan
Chiara Campo, M.A., IESCUM, Milan
Francesca Pergolizzi, Psy.D, IESCUM, Milan

Psychological flexibility is a fundamental ability to promote effective interactions in the natural environment; children with autism often lack this ability, in fact many of them show deficits in flexibly managing social interactions, coping with unexpected events and changing in daily routines.
Research shows that ACT-based interventions are effective in reducing discomfort and emotional distress and in promoting the emission of prosocial behaviors for people with autism (Hayes et al, 2012; Eiler and Hayes, 2015).
This study presents an ACT-oriented intervention for an 8 years old autistic child aimed at enhancing psychological flexibility.
Specific procedures, such as natural environmental teaching and manipulation of motivating operation, were implemented to promote the emergence of the target behavior listed above. Mindfulness sessions were applied thought playful activities and the six processes of the Hexaflex were trained thought different experiential exercises. The intervention also involved caregivers and teachers to promote the generalization of these abilities in all the significant contexts for the child. Data will be presented.

15. The role of body image-related cognitive fusion in a pervasive path towards binge eating in two different countries: A path analysis and multigroup invariance study

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Binge eating, adults, women, obesity

Paola Lucena-Santos, MSc., Ph.D. Student., University of Coimbra - Portugal
José Pinto-Gouveia, MSc., Ph.D., University of Coimbra - Portugal
Renata Klein Zancan, MSc., Ph.D. Student, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
Ana Carolina Maciel Cancian, MSc., Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
Margareth Silva Oliveira, MSc., Ph.D., Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

Introduction: This study aims: (1) to test whether body image-related cognitive fusion mediated the effects of drive for thinness and stress symptomatology on binge eating psychopathology; and (2) to test the model’s transcultural invariance.
Method: This was a transversal and transcultural study, conducted in women with overweight or obesity (BMI ≥25) currently in treatment for weight loss (Brazilian sample: n= 197; Portuguese sample: n= 100).
Results: There was not significant differences regarding age between countries (t(295)= -1.555; p = .090), while there was significant differences regarding the BMI (t(295)= 5.435; p < .001) and years of education (t(244)= -3.520; p = .001). The hypothesized model explained 49% of binge eating psychopathology, where the body image-related cognitive fusion emerged as a partial and significant mediator of the effect of drive for thinness (β=.184; 95% CI= ].126; .231]; p=.010) and stress (β=.159; 95% CI= ].109; .215]; p=.010) on the criterion variable. Furthermore, no differences between countries were found in terms of weights (ΔX2(3)=2.341; p= .505) or covariances (ΔX2(2)=1.053; p= .591).
Discussion: Despite all the existent sociocultural differences between Brazil and Portugal and between the samples of this study (i.e., BMI and years of education), the model was robust enough to keep its invariance. A significant portion of the effect of well-known predictors of binge eating only occurs in the presence of cognitive fusion related to body image. This was the first study to show the clinical importance of this emotional regulation process on eating psychopathology in more than one country simultaneously.

16. Further investigation on the psychometric properties of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire: Measurement Invariance across clinical and non-clinical populations

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Psychometrics

Joel Gagnon, Ph.D.(c), Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Frédérick Dionne, Ph.D., Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Josée Rhéaume, Ph.D., Unité de Thérapie Cognitive-Comportementale, Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis
Valérie Tremblay, D.Psy, Unité de Thérapie Cognitive-Comportementale, Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis
Patrick Gosselin, Ph.D., Université de Sherbrooke
Frédéric Langlois, Ph.D., Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

The Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ; Gillanders et al., 2014) has been found to have good psychometric properties across both clinical and non-clinical populations. To date, no study has investigated the measurement invariance of the CFQ among different populations and cutoff scores for clinical purposes are yet to be recommended. The first aim of this study was to test for measurement invariance of the CFQ across three independent population. The second aim of this study was to recommend cutoff scores for clinicians and researchers working with the CFQ. The samples of this study were comprised of 971 participants from the general population; 694 participants living with chronic pain; and 170 participants suffering from mental health problems. Regarding the first aim, results from multigroup confirmatory factor analyses revealed that partial scalar invariance was achieved: χ2/df = 9.32; CFI = .96; TLI = .954; SRMR = .040; RMSEA = .117, [.108, .126]. Based on this result, it is possible to conclude that the score on the CFQ has the same meaning across clinical and non-clinical populations which further support the CFQ as a valid tool to assess cognitive fusion. Regarding the second aim, mean scores for each sample were calculated and compared using ANOVA. Results revealed that the score of the mental health sample was significantly higher than those of the general population and the chronic pain samples. The mean scores were then compared with the scores obtained in Gillanders et al., 2014 and cutoffs scores for clinicians and researchers are proposed.

17. Yoga-based ACT for Anxiety: Development of a 10-week group protocol, and findings from a pilot study

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Yoga

Jan Fleming, MD, FRCPC, The Mindfulness Clinic, Toronto
Nancy Kocovski, PhD, Wilfrid Laurier University

Background-There is considerable evidence for the effectiveness of ACT for a wide range of anxiety problems, and growing evidence for the effectiveness of yoga for anxiety. The poster will summarize the development of a 10-week protocol for a yoga-based ACT group for anxiety and present findings from a small pilot study which examined the feasibility, acceptability and initial effectiveness of the protocol. Method-Seven participants were recruited from a community-based mental health clinic. The group was facilitated by the first author (JF) who is a psychiatrist and certified yoga instructor. ACT concepts were introduced in each 90-minute session during an opening guided meditation and included observer perspective, values, goals, defusion, acceptance, self compassion and mindfulness. Those concepts were then repeated and practiced during the yoga postures. Self-report measures of anxiety, depression, self-compassion and mindfulness were completed pre-, mid- and post-group. Results-Two subjects dropped out of the group and there was excellent attendance by the remaining five participants. Acceptability was demonstrated in positive ratings and comments on a feedback questionnaire. Initial effectiveness was demonstrated by reduced anxiety and depression scores, and increased self-compassion and mindfulness ratings. Discussion-Anxiety disorders are under treated despite the existence of effective treatments. Stigma around seeking treatment, and poor availability of effective treatments may contribute to under treatment of anxiety. Yoga-based ACT has the potential to be an effective, non-stigmatizing approach that could be made widely available to individuals struggling with anxiety. Larger, controlled studies of this approach are required.

18. The role of intuitive eating to buffer the negative effects of external shame and body dissatisfaction on binge eating psychopathology: A mediational and transcultural study

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Obesity, adults, women, binge eating, intuitive eating, transcultural studies

Paola Lucena-Santos, MSc., Ph.D. Student., University of Coimbra - Portugal
Margareth Silva Oliveira, MSc., Ph.D., Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
Renata Klein Zancan, MSc., Ph.D. Student, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
Ana Carolina Maciel Cancian, MSc., Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
José Pinto-Gouveia, MSc., Ph.D., University of Coimbra - Portugal

Introduction: The present study aims: (1) to explore if intuitive eating emerged as a mediator of the effects of body dissatisfaction and external shame on binge eating; and (2) to test the model’s transcultural invariance. Method: This was a transcultural (Brazil and Portugal) and transversal study, conducted in convenience samples of women with overweight or obesity (BMI ≥25) currently undergoing treatment to weight loss. Results: There were significant differences regarding the BMI (t(295)= 5.435; p < .001) and years of education (t(244)= -3.520; p = .001) between countries (Brazilian sample: n= 197; Portuguese sample: n= 100), but no differences were found regarding age (t(295)= -1.555; p = .090). Results showed a negative and significant indirect effect (through intuitive eating) of external shame and body dissatisfaction on the dependent variable, while the standardized direct effect of both variables on binge eating still positive and significant in the presence of the mediator. Regarding the model’s invariance, no differences between countries were found in terms of weights (ΔX2(3)=2.346; p= .504) or covariances (ΔX2(2)=1.579; p= .454). Discussion: Intuitive eating emerged as a partial mediator and seems to buffer the negative effects of external shame and body dissatisfaction on binge eating. This conceptual model was robust enough to keep its invariance simultaneously in Brazil and Portugal despite all sociocultural differences and even despite the differences between the samples themselves (i.e., BMI and years of education). This was the first study to highlight the transcultural relevance of intuitive eating on binge eating severity.

19. The Effectiveness of a Group Therapy Program for Adolescents

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Adolescence

Aja M. Meyer, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
Robert Mason Burdine, M.Ed.

Background‎: Although ACT applies to adolescents in numerous ways, concepts and methods that consider developmental stages were needed, leading to the development of the DNA-v model by Hayes and Ciarrochi. This model was designed to help young people strengthen advisor, noticer, and discoverer skills and identify values, in order to improve psychological flexibility (Hayes & Ciarrochi, 2015). Rayner, Hayes, and Ciarrochi (2017) developed a program entitled “Write your own DNA: A group program to help young people live with vitality and strength" that uses this model. As there have been few studies that have examined the effectiveness of ACT with adolescents in a group format, this study aims to assess improvements in the core processes of ACT with adolescents.
Method: Nine groups of adolescents will participate in the Write your own DNA protocol. Participants will be administered the Child Acceptance and Mindfulness Measure (CAMM) and the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for Youth (AFQ-Y8) at pre-treatment and post-treatment. We hypothesize that participants will report an increased awareness and acceptance of internal processes (assessed with the CAMM) and decreases in cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance (assessed by the AFQ-Y8).
Results: Potential Results. After completing the group, it is expected that there will be a decrease in cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance. It is also expected that there will be an increase in self-awareness, mindfulness, and acceptance without judgment.
Discussion: We hypothesize that the Write your own DNA program will be an effective treatment that will assist young people in improving psychological flexibility.

20. Evaluation of a Two-Session ACT Training for Parents of Adolescents and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Molly Lamb, B.A., Southern Illinois University
William B. Root, M.S., Southern Illinois University
Ruth Anne Rehfeldt, Ph.D., Southern Illinois University
India Hertel, B.S., Southern Illinois University

Research consistently shows parents of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience more parental stress than parents with children in any other developmental category (Baker et al., 1997; Hauser-Cram et al., 2001; Hayes & Watson, 2013). Previous research has begun investigating the use of ACT protocols as an intervention to increase psychological flexibility and reduce stress among this population (Dixon and Palilunas, 2018). Due to evidence provided in the literature demonstrating ACT as an effective intervention for parents of individuals with ASD, the current study conducted an evaluation of a brief ACT training in comparison with a traditional parent support group for this population. Participants of the study were twenty parents and grandparents who identified as caregivers of an individual ranging from ages three to twenty-eight diagnosed with ASD. Each intervention consisted of two, two-hour sessions. Participants were provided with the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II and Parental Stress Scale pre and post intervention. Independent t-tests were ran in order to determine if mean change scores differed on the questionnaires across the ACT and TAU groups. Open-ended questionnaires were also provided to participants in order to collect data on the participants’ verbal behavior when discussing their experiences as parents of individuals diagnosed with ASD. Clinical implications are offered.

21. Exploring The Relationship Between Psychological Flexibility and Consequences of Substance Use in Juvenile Offenders: The Predictive Validity of Defused Acceptance

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Substance Use

Jules C. Martowski, M.S., Baylor University
Samuel Stork, B.A., Baylor University
Jacqueline E. Hapenny, M.S., Baylor University
Brittany Sherrill, B.A., Baylor University
Laurie Russell, M.S., Baylor University
Sara L. Dolan, Ph.D., Baylor University

Research has found that juvenile offenders exhibit high rates of psychopathology (anxiety, behavior problems, etc.) and comorbid substance use problems, which in turn relate to increased recidivism. While psychological flexibility (PF) has been shown to negatively correlate with mood and behavioral problems in non-justice involved youth, its relationship with substance use consequences in incarcerated adolescents has not been assessed and thus it may provide further insight for addressing recidivism. The present study examined interrelations between substance-use related PF and consequences from illicit substance use in a juvenile offender sample. Seventy-four of 102 incarcerated juvenile offenders endorsed consequences from substance use in the past six months. Participants had a mean age of 15.2 years (SD = 1.11), were predominantly male (93.2%), and identified as non-Hispanic (51.4%) and African-American (37.8%).
Psychological flexibility (AAQ-SA) negatively correlated with substance use consequences (r = -.40, p < .01) and an examination of the two factors on this scale revealed a strong relationship with Defused Acceptance (r = -.46, p < .01) but not Values Commitment (r = -.19, ns). Hierarchical linear regression analyses found that Defused Acceptance accounted for a significant amount of unique variance in substance use consequences (ΔR2 = .06, partial r = -.30, p < .05) above the influence of general internalizing and externalizing symptoms, whereas Values Commitment did not (ΔR2 = .01, partial r = - .10, ns). Findings suggest that treatments targeting PF may be suitable for reducing recidivism in juvenile offenders who have comorbid psychopathology and substance use problems.

22. Perspectives on culturally relevant Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-based smoking cessation intervention among Latino smokers with depression or anxiety symptoms

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Latino smoking

Virmarie Correa-Fernandez, Ph.D., University of Houston
Amanda Broyles, BA, University of Houston
Niloofar Tavakoli, BS, University of Houston
Erica Cantu, MPH, University of Texas
Melanie Gallego, University of Houston

Background: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has demonstrated promise as an efficacious treatment for smoking cessation, depression and anxiety separately, but more research is needed to consider ACT an evidence-based intervention for the co-occurrence of smoking and depression and anxiety, particularly among Latinos. The extent to which this intervention should be culturally-tailored to Latino population and how to incorporate cultural considerations in treatment remains to be determined. Method: This exploratory mixed-method study aims to examine the perspectives of Latino smokers with depression and anxiety on: 1) cultural factors that should be integrated in a smoking cessation intervention, and 2) the perceived utility of an ACT-based cessation intervention targeting this population. Participants will complete a brief online questionnaire about demographics, tobacco use, depression, anxiety and psychological traits relevant to ACT. Four focus groups (FG; 2 females and 2 males) with a maximum of 12 participants per group (N=48) will be conducted. FG guide inquire about the participants’ perspectives with respect to several commonly used metaphors in ACT and their application to smoking behavior and negative mood. Recommendations for cultural adaptations is also explored. Results: Study is in the recruitment phase. A pilot run-through of the study demonstrated the acceptability of the FG guide and the feasibility of conducting the study. Recommendations to present the metaphors were provided. Conclusion: After study completion, it is expected that findings from the focus groups will contribute to informing the development of the treatment protocol that is culturally relevant for Latino smokers with depression and anxiety.

23. Psychometric properties of the Body-Image Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (BI-AAQ) and its relationship with depression symptoms and emotional eating behaviour in a general sample of Mexican population

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Psychological flexibility

Fresia Paloma Hernandez Moreno, Ph.D., Tecnologico de Monterrey
Andrea Morales Carrillo, Tecnologico de Monterrey
Mariel Gonzalez Knoell, Tecnologico de Monterrey
Gabriela Aurora Martinez Ramirez, Tecnologico de Monterrey

The objective of this study was to explore the psychometric properties of the Spanish translations of the Body-Image Acceptance and Action Question aire (BI-AAQ), and its relationship with depression symptoms and emotional eating behavior in a general sample of the Mexican population. Back translation procedure was used in order to achieve a conceptual equivalence of the scale. The study consisted in a non-randomized sample of 312 participants from different countries of the country. Results indicate a factorial structure of one factor, composed of 11 items explaining the 54.85% of the variance, with a .91 value of Cronbach’s alpha. There was also found a relationship between depression symptoms and body image inflexibility (rs= .341, p= .001), between body image inflexibility and emotional eating behavior (rs= .704, p= .001), and between depression symptoms and emotional eating behavior (rs= .349, p= .001). We conclude that the BI-AAQ has excellent psychometric properties, however, we recommend further studies in clinical population.

24. FOMO, or fear of missing out, and the use of mindfulness and values-based interventions to mitigate its potentially negative effects in an international population in the United Arab Emirates

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: FOMO, MIndfulness, Values, Cell Phone Overusage

Chasity O'Connell, American University of Sharjah & Human Relations Institute and Clinics (Dubai)

FOMO, or fear of missing out, is a phenomenon in which individuals experience an “uneasy and sometimes all-consuming feeling that you’re missing out—that your peers are doing, in the know about, or in possession of more or something better than you" (JWT, 2012). Research on FOMO suggests that those struggling with FOMO may experience increased depressive and anxiety symptoms (Baker, Kreiger, & LeRoy, 2016), increased stress, reduced psychological well-being (including social relationships and engagement in life) (Przybylski, Murayama, DeHaan, & Gladwell, 2013; Baker, Kreiger, & LeRoy, 2016; Elhai, Levine, Dvorak, & Hall, 2016)), increased risk of psychopathology (Lee, Kim, Choi, Lee, & Yook, 2014), increased risk of “addictive technological behaviors" (Schou, Billieux, Griffiths, Kuss, Demetrovics, & Pallesen, 2016), and increased risk of dangerous behaviors such as texting and driving (Steinmetz, 2015; Lee, Champagne, & Francescutti, 2013; Dossey, 2014). This paper will explore FOMO within the context of Self-Determination Theory (Przybylski et al.) and the mechanisms that influence its occurrence specifically within the highly-diverse population of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This paper will also investigate the prevalence of FOMO in the UAE, explore its relationship with psychological distress and well-being, and provide the preliminary data results of an intervention wherein participants (comprised of university students and adults in the community) partake in a six-week, group-based intervention focusing on learning practical mindfulness skills and values-exploration exercises (based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).

25. An ACT intensive group therapy for adults who stutter: Results from a pilot study

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Stuttering

Frédérick Dionne Ph.D., Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Marie-Eve Caty PhD, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Nancy Blanchette, CIUSS MCQ

Adult stutterers regularly have speech-related fears, anxieties, depression and high level of avoidance. With the exception of the the work of Beilby, Byrnes and Yaruss (2012), there are very few studies or protocols using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with adults who stutter. This study aims to introduce an intensive group therapy combining ACT with Cambridge support for adults who stutter (n=3). The two three-day weekends program took place at a student university clinic. This is a onegroup pretest posttest design. The three participants completed self-reported questionnaires before and after the intensive therapy and at 1 month, 3 months and 6 months post-therapy. The frequency of stuttered syllables were also assessed for each of the time points. The results show significant improvements in psychosocial functioning, mindfulness skills, psychological flexibility, and overall speech fluency. Implications of this study are discussed in terms of future developments.

26. Northern Uganda: Trauma History/Clinical Trauma Work Experiences Using Interventions Developed on Principles of Behavioral Science

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests

Kizito Wamala, Center for Victims of Torture (CVT)

Northern Uganda experienced war by the LRA from 1986 - 2006. That war left hundreds of thousands dead, millions traumatized and hundreds of thousands exiled. Among the survivors, that war left very serious mental health suffering. Currently in Northern Uganda, the PTSD and depression prevalence is very high, most recent researches indicating rates as high as 30% in the general population for both conditions. This makes trauma treatment very necessary and requires very effective approaches by the very meager numbers of qualified and specialized counselors in Northern Uganda.
The author's interventions are based on group and individual models/settings of counseling. The group model is conducted using a protocol developed on principles of CBT, ACT, NET and somatic exercises. The individual model is based specifically on ACT. For enrollment into the services, all clients are screened and assessed: (intake; pre-treatment and follow-up; post-treatment) using the Questionnaire of the Harvard Refugee Trauma Program in the areas of Physiological Functioning, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD and Behavioral Functioning.
The two models have led to very high results of improvement and general functioning. Remission of symptoms and improvement in general behavioral functioning is shown to be a high as 93% and 97%, respectively. More consistent results showing improvements are seen among individual clients treated specifically using ACT.
ACT is highly effective in the treatment of PTSD and related disorders using the individual counseling model in Northern Uganda implying that ACT might be very effective in group treatment and will target a bigger number of clients.

27. Evaluating the implementation of an intervention based on acceptance and commitment therapy in postsecondary institutions

Primary Topic: Educational settings
Subtopic: Implementation

Alexandra Nedelcu, Psy.D., University of Sherbrooke

BACKGROUND: Although many effective programs exist for reducing psychological distress in postsecondary students, few have been implemented and tested in community settings. The aim of this mixed-method study was to evaluate the implementation of an intervention based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) used to reduce psychological distress in postsecondary students. Its first goal was to describe the factors that may have facilitated or hindered the implementation of the intervention in nine Quebec postsecondary institutions, as perceived by the stakeholders who offered it. Its second goal was to document the fidelity of implementation according to four different components of adherence (content, frequency, duration and coverage).
METHOD: Twenty-two (N = 22) counsellors (e.g. psychologists) who offered the workshops were recruited. They first participated in a semi-structured interview and then answered a questionnaire assessing implementation fidelity.
RESULTS: The results indicate that the factors facilitating the implementation of the workshops were mainly related to 1) support from managers and colleagues, 2) effective promotion and recruitment methods, and 3) working with a co-counsellor. Conversely, implementation was hindered by obstacles such as 1) the length of the intervention, and 2) the difficulty of choosing an adequate time to offer it during the semester. In regard to implementation fidelity, most stakeholders reported having followed the suggested protocol.
DISCUSSION: This study provides a better understanding of what facilitates the accessibility and sustainability of ACT-based interventions in postsecondary settings and offers recommendations to facilitate the implementation of this type of intervention.

28. Exploring the relations between discrimination, psychosocial outcomes, and psychological inflexibility among college students

Primary Topic: Educational settings
Subtopic: Discrimination, psychological inflexibility, college students, psychological symptoms, social functioning

Woolee An, M.S., Utah State University
Aryn M. Dotterer, Ph.D., Utah State University
Su Jung Park, Utah State University
Michael E. Levin, Ph.D., Utah State University

Approximately seven in 10 adults in the United States experience some form of discrimination (American Psychological Association, 2016), broadly defined as the experience of unfair treatment by individuals and social institutions based on personal characteristics such as, race, age, gender, sexual orientation, physical disability, religion, education/income, ancestry or national origins, or physical appearance (Gonzales et al., 2016; Williams & Mohammed, 2009). Multiple studies have found that perceived discrimination is associated with various negative physical and psychological outcomes (Kressin, Raymond, & Manze, 2008; Paradies, 2006; Pascoe & Smart Richman, 2009; Williams & Mohammed, 2009). From an ACT perspective, psychological inflexibility plays an important role in a broad range of psychological problems (Bluett, Homan, Morrison, Levin, & Twohig, 2014; Hayes et al., 2006; Ruiz, 2010). Therefore, this study examined the role of psychological inflexibility in the associations between discrimination and psychosocial outcomes among college students. Using a short-term longitudinal design, 354 college students completed assessments of psychological symptoms and social functioning at two-time points. Path analyses were performed to examine the direct and indirect effects among psychological inflexibility, psychological symptoms, and social functioning. The results indicated that psychological inflexibility mediates the relation between perceived discrimination and psychosocial outcomes. These findings suggest that targeting psychological inflexibility may be clinically useful and effective particularly for college populations.

29. Teaching summarization strategies among fifth graders with learning disabilities: an application of Chinese dialogue-based intelligent tutoring system

Primary Topic: Educational settings
Subtopic: Children with learning disabilities

Chen-huei Liao, Professor, National Taichung University of Education
Wan-Shan Tsai, M.S., National Taichung University of Education
Kai-Chih Pai, Ph.D. candidate, National Taichung University of Education

The present study aims at exploring the pedagogical effectiveness of summarization strategies among five graders with learning disabilities by Chinese dialogue-based intelligent tutoring system. The teaching strategies are developed based on human tutor that simulated teacher’s teaching interaction and strategies. Students interacted with a computer tutor to learn summarization strategies by typing texts and choosing correct answers. The Chinese dialogue-based intelligent tutoring system gives different feedback immediately based on the students’ responses and assesses whether they are correct, incorrect or if there are any misconceptions. This process helps students to understand the concepts of the course that they should learn, and also rectify their misconceptions.
The single subject experimental design was employed with teaching summarization strategies by Chinese dialogue-based intelligent tutoring system as an independent variable, and students’ summarization writing ability was the dependent variable. Three students with learning disabilities and three non-disabled students were participated during the baseline, intervention, and maintenance, and analyzed using visual analysis and interviews.
These findings indicated that the proposed summarization strategies are effective for students. The teaching strategies had immediate and maintaining effects on all students with learning disabilities and non-disabled students. Only one student with learning disabilities showed poor efficiency in maintaining. Moreover, students with learning disabilities acquired more interactions and feedbacks than non-disabled students. Students also showed positive affirmation to the proposed summarization strategies.

30. Preliminary results of a guided vs. unguided Web-based ACT program on procrastination among university students

Primary Topic: Educational settings
Subtopic: ACT

Guillaume Raymond, Ph.D.(c), Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Joel Gagnon, Ph.D.(c), Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Simon Grégoire, Ph.D., Université du Québec à Montréal
Frédérick Dionne, Ph.D., Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Background: Academic procrastination is an ubiquitous problem among university students yet, effective interventions are lacking. Past studies have found Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) delivered via the Web to be efficacious for a variety of problematics. On the other hand, guidance has been shown as beneficial concerning adherence to treatment in Web-based programs. The purpose of this study was to test the efficacy of a guided vs unguided Web-based ACT program to decrease procrastination and increase psychological flexibility.
Method: The 8-weeks program comprised of a (1) Web platform, (2) videos, (3) exercises to complete each week, (4) weekly emails and (5) a forum. It was offered to students from two Canadian universities during Fall 2017. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two groups: unguided and guided. Questionnaires were completed before and after the 8-weeks program.
Participants: The final sample was comprised of 20 Canadian university students (85% women).
Results: Concerning procrastination, a significant main effect on time was found: F(1,18) = 6.74, p = .02, η2 = .10. Regarding psychological flexibility, results also revealed a significant main effect of time: F(1,18) = 10.34, p < .001, η2 = .10.
Discussion: Results highlight the potential effectiveness of a Web-based ACT program to decrease academic procrastination and increase psychological flexibility. The guided vs unguided condition had no effect on the results. We discuss aspects that could be improved for future developments to enhance the quality of the program and increase students’ engagement.

31. The impact of intensive intervention in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Psychoeducation comparision group in overweight and obese individuals: A Brazilian randomized study

Primary Topic: Functional contextual approaches in related disciplines
Subtopic: Obesity and Overweight

Ana Carolina Maciel Cancian, M.Sc, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul
Igor da Rosa Finger, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul
Patrícia Ariane Guedes, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul
Renata Klein Zancan, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul
Margareth da Silva Oliveira, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul

Background: Overweight and obesity are related with several physical and mental problems and is a major concern worldwide. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT focuses on the clarification of personal values, intrinsically leading to reinforcing life directions, actions and goals. To achieve behavioral goals, an individual must have strategies to deal with emotional avoidance and cognitive fusion.
Methods: This study investigated the impact of an ACT one day workshop intervention compared to one day of Psychoeducation comparison group. A sample of 72 overweight and obese individuals were randomized (ACT: n = 39) and (Psychoeducation: n = 33). Weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), cognitive fusion, mindful eating and binge eating, using the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ), Mindful Eating Questionnaire (MEQ) and Binge Eating Scale (BES). The measures were assed at posttest and 5-month follow up.
Results: Significant differences were found in the ACT group in cognitive fusion at posttest and follow up (CFQ: F = 3.35, p = 0.04). Weight, BMI, mindful eating and binge eating showed differences after time (Weight: F = 10.89, p = 0.002; BMI: F = 12.06, p = 0.001; MEQ: F = 29.24, p = 0.001; BES: F36.32, p = 0.001) but no significant differences were found between the groups.
Discussion: Results indicate that a brief ACT intervention can clarify the function of eating behaviors, and help obese and overweight individuals to be less fused with thoughts. It is warranted that more studies investigate if ACT longer intervention can impact more than psychoeducation in other variables.

32. Yes Minister! An exploration of the experience of organisational politics in the UK Senior Civil Service with reference to psychological flexibility

Primary Topic: Organizational behavior management
Subtopic: Leadership

Ross McIntosh, City University of London

There is a scarcity of qualitative research exploring the key constructs of organisational politics (perceptions of politics, political skill and political will) and none has been located with participants from the UK Senior Civil Service (SCS). This qualitative study is an in depth exploration of the experience and management of organisational politics in the SCS. It also explores the hypothesis of a novel interaction between the constructs of organisational politics and the processes of psychological flexibility, which has been identified as a key factor in understanding psychological health, as it captures the multiple opposing forces that are experienced in the social environment.
17 members of the SCS from a range of Civil Service Departments and agencies were interviewed (10 female, 7 male; 12 Deputy Directors (DDs), 5 Directors). A Template Analysis was conducted to produce a thematic framework to represent the data.
An integrative theme was derived from the data which permeated the accounts from all participants. This integrative theme was made up of 3 sub-themes, all strongly related to values led behaviour in the workplace. This integrative theme also showed an interaction between psychological flexibility and the constructs of organisational politics. No claims are made about the nature of this potential interaction; it is suggested that it could form the basis for further research. Practical implications are considered and research limitations discussed.

33. The Validation Study of a Korean Version of Valuing Questionnaire(K-VQ)

Primary Topic: Other
Subtopic: Validation study

Choonja Yoo, Ph.D., Seoul Women's University Graduate School of Professional Therapeutic Technology in Korea
Kyung Park, Ph.D., Seoul Women's University Graduate School of Professional Therapeutic Technology in Korea

Introduction : In this study, a validation study of the Korean version of Valuing Questionnaire(K-VQ) was conducted as an appropriate evaluation tool to reliably measure the ‘value’ of ACT therapy.
Method: Participants : 390 Korean university students of both gender(112 males, 278 females)
Measurements :Korean version of Valuing Questionnaire(Yoo, 2017)
Data Analysis : Technology Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Correlation Analysis, Factor Analysis, Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis
Results: Factor 1(Progress) reflects value practice and includes a clear perception and patience about what is personally important. Factor 2(Obstruction) showed the same result as Smout et al.(2014), indicating avoidance of unwanted experiences and indifference to values.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis : The correlation coefficient between the items and the total score was .31 ~ .62, indicating a reasonable correlation coefficient in all items when adopting the correlation as a acceptable criterion.

34. Stigma toward Drug Users: Strategies of Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) for Healthcare Providers

Primary Topic: Performance-enhancing interventions
Subtopic: AOD stigma

Joanna Gonçalves de Andrade Tostes, Ph.D. Student, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Brazil
Pollyanna Santos da Silveira, Ph.D., Catholic University of Petrópolis (UCP), Brazil
Telmo Mota Ronzani, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF), Brazil

Background: Drug use is considered one of the most stigmatizing health conditions. Evidences have shown that it is associated with several impairments as poor access to health care, low education levels and unemployment. Stigma toward drug users is also found among healthcare providers. Besides the poor availability of services, many people who might benefit from treatment do not seek it or leave it prematurely to avoid stigmatization.
Method: We have developed and adapted a new Brazilian protocol based on international recommendations about interventions to reduce stigma, the Key Ingredients of Anti-Stigma Programs for Health Care Providers, and especially on the Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT). We will conduct two sessions of workshop with a one week break. Each one will last six hours. The pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design will be used. We will select a quota sampling of 100 healthcare providers, from specialized and non-specialized public services, to compose the Experimental Group (EG) and the Control Group (CG). To evaluate this intervention, we will use the follow Brazilian validated measures: Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale, Attribution Questionnaire-adapted to addicts, Opening Minds Scale for Health Care Providers-adapted to addicts, Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire, and Acceptance and Action Questionnaire.
Results: Now we are piloting it and in a few months we will have the preliminary results of feasibility and effectiveness indicators to fully present them.
Discussion: We need to move forward by implementing evidenced-based strategies to reduce professional stigma indicators, as the Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT), and evaluating their effectiveness.

35. The Matrix for Sports Performance

Primary Topic: Performance-enhancing interventions
Subtopic: Sports Performance

Sebastian G. Kaplan, PhD, Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Laura Sudano, PhD, University of California San Diego

Background: Athletes experience a variety of performance impairing internal experiences, such as fear of failure, muscle tension during competitions, and thoughts about predicted failures. Athletes often work with mental performance specialists on strategies for overcoming such barriers to success, which frequently take form of relaxation exercises, thought stopping, or other methods to address unwanted thoughts, feelings, or physical sensations. Coaches may also employ such strategies to help their athletes succeed. While many athletes find these methods helpful, many will also experience continued worsening of their performance as these internal experiences further deplete their focus and energy. Acceptance-based methods have also become effective strategies in the world of sport performance. The matrix (Polk and Schoendorff, 2014) is a recently developed visual framework for applying acceptance-based intervention principles in clinical settings.
Methods: The presenters, in their roles as mental health and performance professionals integrated in a college sports medicine clinic, have used the matrix with several athletes. This presentation describes the application of the matrix with a baseball pitcher experiencing significant performance challenges.
Results: Thus far, the athlete has understood the matrix from a conceptual standpoint and has begun to implement new practice strategies. We will continue to gather clinical information relevant for this presentation in the coming months.
Discussion: Acceptance-based methods are not new in the world of sports performance. However, novel applications of acceptance-based methods are needed in order to provide mental performance professionals with an array of strategies that could prove effective with the diverse population of competitive athletes.

36. An Intervention Study of Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment on Sports Performance and Psychological Benefits among College Students

Primary Topic: Performance-enhancing interventions
Subtopic: Performance Enhancement

Shousen Xu, Ph.D., Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
Jingcheng Li, Ph.D., Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
Xia Zhao, Baidu Union

Objective: The purpose of present pretest-posttest control group design was to examine the intervention effects of Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment (MAC) on sport performance and psychological benefits.
Methods: Totally, 51 participants were recruited from golf elective course in PE college and were assigned to MAC group (n=33) and control group (n=18). Participants were asked to record hole-in scores using putter, and to assess the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Second Edition (AAQ-Ⅱ), and the Competitive State Activity Inventory-2 (SCAI-2) at pre-, posttreatment (70minutes, 6 weeks) through self-report.
Results: The results of repeated measures analysis of variance indicated that, (1) The scores of posttest in both MAC group and control group were significant higher than the scores of the pretest in both big hole and small hole. Meanwhile, the improvement effect of MAC group in small hole-in score was significantly higher than that of control group. (2) MAC intervention improved the mindfulness trait of participants significantly. (3) MAC intervention decreased the level of experimental avoidance significantly. (4) On the Competitive State Activity Inventory-2, MAC intervention was able to decrease the level of cognitive anxiety, and increase the level of state confidence, however, MAC resulted in increase in physical anxiety.
Conclusion: Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment intervention improved sport performance and psychological benefits of college students, and could be applied to the college students in the formation stage of motor skill.

37. The Relationship Between Experiencing Parental Psychological Aggression and Anger Expression Styles

Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: Children, Parenting

Leyla Ergüder, M.S., University of North Texas
Zeynep Hatipoğlu Sümer, Ph.D., Middle East Technical University

Having been exposed to psychological aggression from parents, children learn by observing and may imitate their parents` way of anger expressions (Bandura 1971). Experiencing aggression from parents was positively related to children’s use of detrimental anger expression styles for both genders (Wolf & Foshee, 2003).
The purpose of the study is to investigate the association between experiencing parental psychological aggression and anger expression styles among college students.The sample of 614 college students from a public university in Turkey.Emotional Abuse and Neglect Subscale of Childhood Trauma Questionnaire and Anger Expression Styles Inventory were used to collect data.Correlation analysis was utilized to test the hypothesized relationship between variables.
The findings of the study demonstrated that for men, there were significant positive correlations between experiencing parental psychological aggression and anger expression styles of anger-out and anger-in(r=.16,p< .05,r= 25, p<.01,respectively), but correlation between experiencing emotional abuse/neglect and anger control, one of the sub-construct of anger expression styles, was negative and not statistically significant(r=-.12,p>.05).For women, findings revealed that the relationship between experiencing psychological parental aggression and anger expression styles were statistically significant and positive for anger-out and anger-in(r=.19,p<.01,r= .22,p<.01),and negative for anger-control(r=-.15,p<.01).
Findings of the study revealed that college students who experienced emotional abuse from their parents demonstrate less control over their anger compared to students who do not have parental psychological abuse history.Moreover, college students who experience psychological aggression from their parents in their childhood more likely to express their anger outwards. The theoretical and practical implications and recommendations for future research were presented.

38. Sense of coherence as a protective factor from PTSD, depression and anxiety: A Belgian study based on the terrorist attacks of March 22, 2016

Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: PTSD

Ilios Kotsou, Ph.D., Chaire Mindfulness, Bien-Etre au travail et Paix économique, Grenoble Ecole de Management & Université Libre de Bruxelles
Christophe Leys, Ph.D., Faculty of Psychology, Université Libre de Bruxelles
Pierre Fossion, Brugmann Hospital, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium

Background: On Tuesday March 22, 2016, three suicide bombings occurred in Brussels, Belgium: two at the Brussels International Airport and one in Maalbeek subway station. Thirty-two civilians were killed and more than 300 people were injured. Islamic State of Iraq claimed responsibility for the attacks. Two days following these attacks, our research team started a prospective study about the psychological consequences of this collective trauma.
Aim: The authors conducted a prospective study aiming at observing the evolution of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and depressive and anxiety disorders symptoms (DAD) and the protective role of Sense of Coherence (SOC) after the Brussels March 2016 terrorist attacks.
Method: They collected data on a non-clinical sample of 464 participants through an on-line questionnaire, two days (time 1) and three months (time 2) after the attacks. They measured the level of PTSD, DAD and SOC at time 1 and 2.
Results: They observed a negative relationship between SOC and both DAD and PTSD symptoms. A high level of SOC enable individuals to overcome DAD symptoms faster than individuals with lower level of SOC. This effect is not present regarding the evolution of PTSD symptoms.
Conclusions: Results confirm the protective function of SOC and the relevance of the current separation of PTSD from anxiety disorders. Authors propose an interpretation of this relevance taking into account the cognitive distortion observed in PTSD. At a clinical level, PTSD and DAD should benefit from different therapeutic interventions after trauma exposure.

39. The effect of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention on implicit and explicit stigma towards mental illness
Sponsored by: ACBS Japan Chapter
Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: Mental illness stigma

Natsumi Tsuda, Doshisha University
Takashi Muto, Doshisha University

Background: The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of interventions on reducing stigma towards mental illness. According to Masuda et al. (2007), in students with low psychological flexibility, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) intervention was more effective than educational intervention. Although the study used only explicit methods, it is not clear whether stigma was correctly measured. This study made use of ACT and educational intervention to reduce stigma and measured the effect by using implicit methods. Method: Participants were psychology students (N=79) divided into 4groups (2 (psychological flexibility: high or low)×2 (intervention: ACT or educational)). As Masuda et al.’s (2007) interventions were originally in English, the experimenter translated programs into Japanese. Measures were taken before and after the intervention and at a 1-month follow-up. 1) Implicit stigma, 2) explicit stigma, 3) psychological flexibility were measured. Results: 1) There was only a significant effect for time (explicit stigma: F(2, 124)=12.59, p<.01; implicit stigma: F(2, 124)=11.93, p<.01), 2) there was no correlation between the change scores of psychological flexibility and stigma towards mental illness (both implicit and explicit). Discussion: This research demonstrated educational and ACT interventions significantly reducing stigma toward mental illness. However, there was no relationship between psychological flexibility and mental illness stigma (both implicit and explicit). These results differ from those of previous studies (e.g. Masuda et al., 2007). There were some needs to study more about the relationship between mental illness stigma and psychological flexibility by using implicit and explicit stigma.

40. Psychological Flexibility in the Family Context: Evidence From A Sample Of Greek-Speaking Parents Of Younger Children With Externalizing Problems

Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: Family Context, Parenting, Behavior Problems, Psychological Flexibility

Anthi Loutsiou, PsyD, University of Cyprus
Andri Anastasiou, MA, University of Cyprus

This study tests the usefulness and ecological validity of a standardized measure of Psychological Flexibility in the parenting role (PR). It also tests the relationship between psychological flexibility-PR with other parenting variables and child behavior outcomes. A community sample of parents (N=206) (N=173 mothers) of children with externalizing behavior problems (Age= 2-8 years old) was recruited through open announcements to participate in the clinical trials of a parent training program. Parents completed a larger packet of self-administered questionnaires adapted in Greek and data was collected at baseline prior to any interventions. A measure of Psychological Flexibility-PR was developed in Greek based on the Parenting version of the 15-item AAQ (PAAQ). Reliability analyses suggest strong internal consistency of the measure. Preliminary factorial analyses support the original two subscales of psychological flexibility-PR (Inaction and Unwillingness) and a total score. Correlational analyses show that the parents’ psychological flexibility is negatively correlated to parenting stress. Further analyses will be conducted to assess the degree to which aspects of psychological flexibility-PR predict the variance in the child’s behavior problems. This study adds to the existing literature suggesting that psychological flexibility-PR is an important variable within the family context and appears to relate to outcomes of both the parents and the children. Implications for both research and practice with families of younger children will be discussed.

41. The use of acceptance and commitment therapy as a preventive and promotional program for mental health: A systematic review

Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: Depression

Ching Yee Lam, MPhil, MN, The Open University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Yim Wah Mak, PhD, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Sau Fong Leung, PhD, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Background: Mental health is essential to everyone as well as the community that prevention and promotion in mental health is imperative. ACT has been found as an empirically effective psychological intervention. It encourages people to accept unpleasant feelings hence increasing an individual’s psychological flexibility, and to move toward valued behavior. With an increasing use of ACT in preventing mental illness and promoting mental wellness, this review evaluate the effectiveness of ACT on psychological outcomes in non-clinical samples at primary level.
Method: A systematic search of relevant English language peer-reviewed journal was conducted in five computerized databases (PubMed, Medline, PsycINFO, CINAHL, and Embase) using keywords “acceptance and commitment therapy" AND (“prevent*" OR “promot*") dated until March 2018.
Result: Seventeen studies were included in this review. ACT has been used as a universal prevention, selective prevention, and promotional program in the past decade. It was delivered in a format of face-to-face, web-based, smartphone applications, bibliotherapy, or group therapy. Study participants were mostly recruited from schools, workplace or community in developed Western countries. The efficacy of ACT was examined independently and was compared with health education, usual practice or wait-list control group. Improvement in mental wellness and symptom reductions was reported in 14 universal/selective prevention program and promotional programs.
Discussion: ACT appeared to be applicable to general public in a non-therapy approach. This presentation reports efficacy of ACT in different delivery format for prevention and promotion in mental health, and to identify implications for practice or future research relating ACT and mental health.

42. ACTeen: a pilot Acceptance and Commitment Training for adolescents

Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: ACT, Adolescents, Mindfulness, Groups

Emanuele Rossi, Psy.D., APC, SPC - AISCC
Natalia Glauser, Psy.D., APC, SPC - AISCC
Antea D'Andrea, Psy.D., APC, SPC - AISCC
Erica Curzi, Psy.D., APC, SPC - AISCC
Elena Cucchiari, Psy.D., APC, SPC - AISCC

Childhood and adolescence are characterized by difficulties ascribed to several issues that differ significantly from those observed in adults. Therefore, the application of procedures mainly focused on developmental needs was necessary in clinical practice. Recently an increase of studies and textbooks concerning this age has been observed in literature, and subsequently also in the ACT framework.
In the present study we propose an Acceptance and Commitment Training in a cohort of children and adolescents, achieved by adjusting the group setting instructions included in “ACT for Adolescent" (Turrell and Bell, 2016).
The Acceptance and Commitment Training for Adolescents was organized in a well-defined number of sessions, encouraging the ACT core processes using metaphors, mindfulness exercises and teen-friendly experiences.

43. Psychological First Aid Plus Matrix

Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: Psychological First Aid and Matrix

Naomi Johnstance, PARSA Trainer

NRC( Norqegian Refugee Council) provides legal support for regfugee from Iran, Pakistan and Internal displacement from war. So most of these placements have mental health issues, but legal staff can't do anything for these emotional concerns. Thus NRC with cooperation of PARSA organization develop a manual to cover this issue in the field. PARSA and NRC develop a new manual based on WHO(World Health Organization) Psychological First Aid and NRC protection guide lines which is fit into context of Afghanistan to support these legal counselors in dealing with their beneficaries.
The powerful tool the legal counselor use with beneficaries is Matrix, and they legal Counselor also use as self care him or her self. because Matrix is more practical, quickly emopwer beneficaries and easy for the beneficaries and legal counselor to use it to daily work and life. Further more immediately show beneficaries that you behavior, is not consist with values that you define for your self.
Right now I and My colleague Dr.Norman are delivering this training across the regions of Afghanistan.

44. An Interpretative Phenomenological Exploration of Group-Based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Adolescents

Sponsored by: Ontario ACBS Chapter
Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: Adolescents, Group Treatment, Anxiety, Depression, Transdiagnostic intervention, Qualitative

Tajinder Uppal Dhariwal, Ph.D., OISE/University of Toronto
Sheri Turrell, Ph.D., Trillium Health Partners

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a transdiagnostic therapeutic approach that has proven effective for a wide range of psychiatric disorders with adults. There is limited evidence suggesting the effectiveness of group-based ACT with adolescents. An open trial was conducted using quantitative methodology to explore the effectiveness of group-based ACT with adolescents (n = 72) experiencing heterogeneous symptoms of anxiety and/or depression in a community hospital outpatient program (Uppal Dhariwal et al., in preparation). Results revealed significant reductions in symptoms of anxiety and depression from pre to post, and further significant reductions in symptoms post to three months follow-up (3MFU). Due to the exploratory nature of this investigation and lack of control or comparison group, a qualitative study was also conducted concurrently to explore adolescents’ experience, better understand the utility of group-based ACT, and corroborate the quantitative study findings. A subset of 10 adolescents participated in semi-structured interviews at post and 3MFU. Interpretative phenomenological analysis revealed themes of usefulness of treatment, improvements attributed to ACT, non-ACT factors, barriers to treatment use, and treatment within a group context. Each of the participants reported that ACT helped them to make values based behavioral changes. Several participants indicated that factors other than ACT contributed to their improvements. Overall, the qualitative results provided support for the utility of group-based ACT as a transdiagnostic treatment with adolescents. Future research is warranted comparing group-based ACT to control groups and alternative therapies with populations across multiple contexts before firm conclusions can be drawn.

Friday, July 27, 6:00-7:00pm - Poster Session #3

1. ACT for Cancer Survivors with Clinically Significant Fear of Recurrence: Results of a 3-Arm Randomized Pilot

Primary Topic: Behavioral medicine
Subtopic: Cancer

Shelley A. Johns, PsyD, ABPP, Indiana University School of Medicine
Kathleen Beck-Coon, MD, Indiana University School of Medicine
Linda F. Brown, PhD, HSPP, Indiana University
Michelle LaPradd, MS, Indiana University School of Medicine
Patrick O. Monahan, PhD, Indiana University School of Medicine

Background: Fear of cancer recurrence (FCR) is a prevalent and persistent source of distress for survivors. Few empirically-supported treatments for FCR exist. The objective of this 3-arm pilot was to assess feasibility and preliminary efficacy of ACT in reducing FCR and cancer-related avoidant coping (C-RAC) compared to survivorship education (SE) and enhanced usual care (EUC).
Methods: Post-treatment breast cancer survivors (BCS; n=91) with clinically-significant FCR were randomized to ACT, SE, or EUC. ACT and SE groups met 2 hours/week for 6 weeks; EUC was self-administered with survivorship readings. Feasibility was assessed with percentage of eligible BCS who enrolled, trial retention, and attendance (ACT; SE). Intent-to-treat ANCOVA was used to calculate pair-wise Cohen’s d effect sizes between the 3 arms on FCR and C-RAC post-intervention (T2) and 6-months later (T3) controlling for baseline (T1) scores and covariates.
Results: Of eligible BCS, 61.7% enrolled in the trial. Retention was 94.5% through T3, and attendance was ACT=5.0 sessions and SE=5.2 sessions, with no significant between-group difference (p=0.47). ACT was superior to SE in reducing FCR at T2 (d=0.69, p<0.05) and T3 (d=0.73, p<0.001). ACT was also superior to SE in reducing C-RAC at T2 (d=0.66, p<0.05) and T3 (d=0.97, p<0.001). ACT was superior to EUC in reducing FCR at T3 (d=0.42, p<0.05) and in reducing C-RAC at T2 (d=0.68, p<0.05) and T3 (d=0.80, p<0.001). No significant differences between SE and EUC emerged at any point.
Discussion: ACT is a promising intervention for BCS with FCR that warrants a fully powered efficacy trial.

2. Emotion Regulation Deficits and Impaired Working Memory as Correlates of Emotional Eating

Primary Topic: Behavioral medicine
Subtopic: Emotion Regulation

Tanya S. Watford, M.S., Bowling Green State University
Abby Braden, Ph.D., Bowling Green State University
Emily Ferrell, B.S., Bowling Green State University

Emotional eating (EE), or eating in response to emotions, is related to depression, binge eating, and weight gain. Poor emotion regulation (ER) is a risk factor for EE. Low working memory (WM) may also be a risk factor for EE, as WM is an important cognitive factor in emotion regulation (ER). Aims of the current study were to: 1) examine whether the relationship between ER and EE is stronger when WM is impaired and to 2) examine whether the relationship between WM and EE is stronger when ER is poor. A college student sample (n = 77; BMI = 26.84 + 6.79; age = 20.25 + 2.49; 79.2% female) completed measures of EE in response to depression, boredom, and anger/anxiety (Emotional Eating Scale), ER (Difficulties in Emotion Regulation scale) and a WM task (AOSPAN). Moderated regression analyses were conducted. Results showed that WM moderated the relationship between ER and boredom EE, ΔR2 = .12, p = 0.02, and depression EE, ΔR2 = .12, p = 0.03, such that poorer WM strengthened the relationship between poor ER and greater boredom and depression EE. Results showed that ER moderated the relationship between WM and boredom EE, ΔR2 = .04, p = 0.05, such that poorer ER strengthened the impaired WM/greater boredom EE relationship. Findings suggest that the mechanisms of boredom and depression EE may be different than anxiety/anger EE. Additionally, individuals with low WM and poor ER may be at increased risk for boredom and depression EE.

3. Predictors and mediators of outcome in cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic pain: The contributions of psychological flexibility

Primary Topic: Behavioral medicine
Subtopic: Chronic pain

Sophia Åkerblom, MSc, Lund University
Sean Perrin, PhD, Lund University
Marcelo Rivano Fischer, PhD, Skåne University Hospital
Lance M McCracken, PhD, King's College London

Background: To our knowledge, no previous studies have investigated whether psychological flexibility predict outcomes in CBT for chronic pain, or whether components from the psychological flexibility model besides acceptance mediate such outcomes. One aim of this study is to evaluate a range of possible predictors of outcome in CBT for chronic pain, including psychological inflexibility. Another aim of this study is to investigate psychological inflexibility, acceptance, committed action, cognitive fusion and values-based action as mediators of treatment outcome.
Methods: 232 participants took part in a multidisciplinary CBT treatment program for chronic pain with assessments at pre-treatment, post-treatment and at 12-month follow-up. Treatment outcome was indexed by pain intensity, pain interference, and depression.
Results: Higher levels of psychological inflexibility at baseline predicted worse pain interference and depression, lower levels of committed action predicted worse depression, at 12-month follow-up. Psychological inflexibility, acceptance, committed action, values-based action, and cognitive fusion all (separately) mediated treatment outcomes. Multivariate mediation analyses revealed that acceptance, committed action, and values-based action appeared to play the largest roles in the multivariate analyses, among those sub-processes available from the psychological flexibility model.
Discussion: The results from this study support the notion that the processes from the psychological flexibility model are general, transdiagnostic and trans-situational as they appear to operate within a traditional CBT-oriented treatment approach, as well as within contextual forms of CBT, and for a population with diverse problems cutting across diagnostic categories, including both somatic and psychiatric complaints. More precise targeting of these processes may yield better outcomes.

4. A Health Self-Management Support Intervention for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness: Exploring the ACT Therapeutic Stance with Peer Support Specialists
Sponsored by: Contextual Medicine SIG
Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Psychosis

Adrienne Lapidos, Ph.D., University of Michigan

Background: Scientist- and consumer-driven conceptualizations of metal health recovery have historically diverged, and mental health intervention development can benefit from inclusion of a community voice.
Method: A team of clinicians, university investigators, and mental healthcare consumers serving as Certified Peer Support Specialists (CPSSs) created a partnership to develop and test a CPSS-led physical health self-management intervention that would meet a Community Mental Health Agency’s needs. The Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) therapeutic stance was used as a foundation.
Results: Consumers (N=7) completed pre- and post-intervention questionnaires. Consumers reported high satisfaction with the intervention, and CPSSs (N=2) found personal and professional enrichment in learning ACT. Yet staff turnover proved to be an insurmountable barrier to sustainability.
Discussion: Throughout the project, CPSSs were valuable research partners, possessing “insider" (consumer) and “outsider" (provider) identities, and conveying consumer-driven notions of recovery. They reported that ACT felt deeply resonant with their work as Peer Support Specialists. Chief implementation barriers related to inner and outer setting.

5. Pathways to Pleasure: Flexibility as a Route to Sexual Pleasure as Women Age

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Sex therapy

Kate Morrissey Stahl, LCSW, PhD, CST, University of Georgia
Jerry Gale, PhD, MFT, University of Georgia
Denise Lewis, PhD, University of Georgia
Doug Kleiber, PhD, University of Georgia

Older adult women make up a growing part of the population, and yet literature on the sexual activity over their life spans is lacking. This qualitative interview study explored the experience of 16 women aged 57–91 to better understand sexual pleasure over a lifetime. The participants described having to challenge cultural rules to create a supportive environment for sexual expression. Having access to Novel contexts in which to learn, cultivating Intimacy with partners and with oneself, being Creative with sexual activities, and Extending one’s sense of sexual possibility into advanced age (NICE) supported sexual pleasure as women aged. Overall, this supports the application of psychological flexibility to sexual behavior in older adult women.

6. Turkish Version of BAVQ-R: Preliminary Analysis of Reliability and Validity

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Psychosis

Zülal ÇELİK, Bakirkoy Research & Training Hospital for Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurosurgery
Merve TERZİOGLU, Bakirkoy Research & Training Hospital for Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurosurgery
K.Fatih YAVUZ, Bakirkoy Research & Training Hospital for Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurosurgery

BACKGROUND: While hallucinations also exist in non-psychotic individuals, leads significant distress especially in psychotic individuals. The most common hallucinations are known to be of auditory type. Beliefs About Voices Questionnaire (BAVQ-R) is a self-report scale which has been developed for assessing how people understand and respond to their voices. This research investigates the reliability and validity analysis of Turkish version of BAVQ-R.
METHOD: The study group consisted of 50 psychotic patients with auditory hallucinations. The scale was translated by two independent person and then corrected by the authors. A socio-demographic data form, Voices acceptance and action scale (VAAS), Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II), Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS), Quality of Life Scale for Schizophrenic Patients, revised Beliefs About Voices Questionnaire (BAVQ-R), Psychotic Symptom Rating Scale Auditory Hallucinations were administered. Internal consistency and split-half analyses were performed to evaluate the reliability. Validity analyses were also conducted.
RESULTS: TBAVQ-R showed good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha values for each sub-scale, Resistance: 0.659; Engagement: 0.893; Malevolence: 0.82; Benevolence: 0.908; Omnipotence: 0.721). Split-half reliability of scale was 0.791. Significant correlations found between TBAVQ-R sub-scales (from r= .429 to .624). As expected subscales other than Omnipotence was not correlated with VAAS. SAPS scale was correlated with Malovolence, Resistance and Benevolence subscales (r=.281, r=.384, r=.-381).There were also significant correlations found between Malevolance, Resistance, Omnipotance subscales and AAQ-II (r=.447, r=.354, r=.598 respectively).
DISCUSSION: It can be proposed that TBAVQ-R is a reliable and valid measure for the assessment of individuals' attitudes to auditory hallucinations.

7. The effect of ACT-enhanced DANCE treatment for reducing burden of caring in Japanese family caregivers of dementia: A single-case experimental design

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Dementia

Takashi Muto, Ph. D., Doshisha

McCurry (2006) proposed that a contextual behavioral treatment model of DANCE which is an acronym for five core principles for family caregivers of dementia. However, the DANCE treatment has had little evidence and reports applied in non-western country. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of ACT-enhanced DANCE treatment for reducing burden of caring in Japanese family caregivers of dementia. In this study, 5 Japanese family caregivers of dementia were treated 6-12 weekly or biweekly sessions of treatment. The effects of ACT-DANCE for reducing distress were assessed using a multiple baseline design across participants. After treatment, three of five participants showed significant decrease in self-reported score of burden of caring for family with dementia. When implementing statistically combined Tau-U analysis of all 5 participants were significant decrease in this score (Tau-U = -0.56, 95% CI [-0.9008, -0.2260]) , p = .0028). These findings suggest that might be also an effective for reducing distress of Japanese family caregivers of dementia.

8. Difficulties in Emotion Regulation: A Transdiagnostic Predictor of Adolescent Depression and Anxiety

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Emotion Regulation and Psychopathology

Marissa D. Sbrilli, B.A., Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Jason D. Jones, Ph.D., Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Jami F. Young, Ph.D., Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Background: Emotion regulation (ER) is a multi-dimensional construct important in the development and maintenance of psychopathology (Sloan et al., 2017). Most research on ER has been cross-sectional (Compas et al., 2017) and has included limited examination of ER’s multiple dimensions (D’Agostino et al., 2017). This study examines the concurrent and longitudinal associations between ER dimensions and adolescents’ depression and anxiety symptoms.
Method: Adolescents completed measures at baseline (n=74) and 9 months later (n=57). A brief version of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS; Gratz & Roemer, 2004) measured overall ER as well as six dimensions of ER. The Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI; Kovacs, 2003) and the Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC; March et al., 1997) measured depression and anxiety symptoms. We used hierarchical regression to examine the association between ER and symptoms of depression and anxiety at baseline and 9 months later, after adjusting for demographic covariates and baseline symptoms (9-month model).
Results: The DERS total score and several subscale scores were significantly correlated with depression and anxiety symptoms. Greater ER difficulties were associated with more severe depression symptoms in the baseline model (β=.51, p<.05) and in the 9-month model (β=.41, p<.05). Greater ER difficulties were associated with more severe anxiety symptoms in the baseline model (β=.44, p<.05) and in the 9-month model (β=.28, p<.05).
Discussion: ER difficulties were found to significantly predict depression and anxiety symptoms concurrently and longitudinally, over and above variance accounted for by demographic covariates and baseline symptoms. Clinical implications will be discussed.

9. The relationship between experiential avoidance and its short-term consequences: Using ecological momentary assessment

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Experiential avoidance

Taiki Shima, Doshisha University
Kazuya Inoue, Waseda University
Junichi Saito, Waseda University
Hiroaki Kumano, Waseda University

Introduction: To measure experiential avoidance (EA) in daily life, ecological momentary assessment (EMA; Stone & Shiffman, 1994) is employed (e.g., Machell et al., 2015). Previous studies have demonstrated EA acts as a predictor of negative states. However, few studies have focused on the relationship between EA and the short-term consequences of each behavior. In this study, we investigate EA and the consequences of each episode of behavior.
Methods: Participants: 22 students (F = 18, mean age 18.82 ± 0.80). Procedure: Participants were instructed to complete the form when they received a cue e-mail (four times per day) or observed an unpleasant experience. Items: Three EA items and eight state items (regret, excited, weary, fulfilling, irritated, pleasant, satisfied, and concentration levels) were measured during each report. Analysis: A correlation analysis was performed.
Results: The mean score of the EA items were significantly correlated positively with the mean scores for regret, excited, weary, irritated, and pleasant states (ρ = .76, .44, .75, .67, 61 respectively). They also significantly correlated negatively with the mean score for concentration level during the behavior (ρ = -.53).
Discussion: Almost all of these results were in line with previous studies. We found that the relationship between EA and negative states were especially robust. Although most results supported our hypothesis, some relationships (EA × excited and pleasant states) were inconsistent with our hypothesis. Measuring methods that use EMA may have room for improvement. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI (grant number 17J10709).

10. Social trust as a moderator of the relationship between stigma-related acceptance and self-reported prejudice

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Prejudice

Leah M. Bogusch, M.A., Bowling Green State University
Mary T. Moeller, M.A., Bowling Green State University
Tabitha C. Waite, M.A., Bowling Green State University
William H. O'Brien, Ph.D., Bowling Green State University

Background: Increasing psychological flexibility has been identified as a potential intervention point for reductions in bias toward minorities (Levin et al., 2016). The present study examined social trust as a potential moderator for the relationship between stigma-related psychological flexibility and ratings of prejudice toward minorities.
Method: An online sample (n = 315) of US citizens completed the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Stigma, General Trust Scale, and ratings of prejudice toward minorities as part of a larger study following the 2016 presidential election.
Results: A hierarchical multiple regression was conducted. In the first step, two variables were included: psychological flexibility and social trust. These variables accounted for a significant amount of variance in ratings of prejudice, R2 = 0.21 F(4, 310) = 20.56, p < .0001. The interaction effect of social trust as a moderator was added to the model, which accounted for a significant amount of the variance in self-reported prejudice, ΔR2 = 0.03 F(1, 310) = 11.25, p = .0009, b = .27, t(310) = 3.35, p = .0009. A review of the interaction plot showed that as psychological flexibility and social trust increased, self-reported prejudice decreased.
Discussion: This study provides additional evidence for the relationship between psychological flexibility and lower self-reported prejudice. The role of social trust as a moderator for reductions in prejudice indicates that increasing social trust may reduce outgroup bias and reduce desire for group-based hierarchies (Cargile, 2017).

11. Convergent and Known-Groups Validity of the Self-as-Context Scale

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Contextual self

Robert D. Zettle, Wichita State University
Kyle Rexer, Wichita State University
Jeffrey Swails, Wichita Sate Universitry
Suzanne R. Gird, Wichita State University<

The validity of a newly developed Self-as-Context Scale (SACS) with Centering and Transcending subscales was evaluated by administering it to nonclinical and clinical samples. Among college students (N = 360), strong correlations of total and subscale scores with those of the Self Expressions Questionnaire (SEQ), another recent measure of the contextual self, supported the convergent validity of the SACS. An exploratory factor analysis of pooled items from both instruments indicated that those from the Centering subscale of the SACS and the SEQ loaded on the first two factors. Transcending items alone loaded on a third factor, suggesting that the contextual self is a multifaceted construct with a dimension not fully captured by either the Self as Distinction or Self as Observer subscales of the SEQ. The validity of the SACS was further supported via the results of a known group comparison with a diagnostically diverse group of psychiatric outpatients (N = 54). Given the contribution that self-as-context is thought to make to psychological flexibility, this clinical sample as expected endorsed each of the SACS items to a significantly lesser degree than our group of college students. The overall results suggest that the SACS predictably overlaps with the SEQ, but not to the extent that they are indistinguishable from each other at least when administered to nonclinical populations.

12. Centering-Focused Protocols vs. Two Control Groups in Coping with Induced Pain

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Contextual self, mindfulness

Robert D. Zettle, Wichita State University
Eric Richardson, Wichita State University
Yvonne Chaw, Wichita Sate Universitry
Suzanne R. Gird, Wichita State University
Charles Hayes, Wichita State University
Lucas Cylke, Wichita State University

Increased present-moment awareness and self-as-context have been viewed as constituting a centered response style that enhances psychological flexibility. A self-as-context (SAC)-based protocol that showed promise in increasing tolerance to acute pain when contextualized to that experience (Carrasquillo & Zettle, 2014) was further evaluated by comparing it to another centering-focused protocol and two control groups. In between presentations of the cold pressor, college students were randomly assigned to listen to a 20 min CD specific to one of the following four conditions: (a) the SAC-based protocol, (b) a mindfulness-based protocol contextualized to pain, (c) information about pain that served as an attention-placebo control group, or (d) an historical overview of the university that served as a no-treatment control group. The most powerful finding was that the no-treatment control group at best had no effect in improving pain tolerance and even resulted in a significant increase in pain intensity. By contrast, the two centering-focused protocols significantly decreased the level of pain experienced, while the attention-placebo condition had no effect. Of the two centering-focused conditions, any comparative differences favored the SAC-based protocol. It was the only one to display large effect size improvements across all measures derived from the cold pressor, compared to no significant increase in pain threshold and only a medium effect size on pain intensity for the mindfulness-based protocol. The overall results suggest that even an attention-placebo condition improves the ability to cope with induced pain, but that additional benefits accrue when a centered response style is encouraged.

13. Comparison Between CBT and ACT for Public Speaking Performance

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Social Anxiety Disorder

Soultana Mpoulkoura, B.A., Minnesota State University, Mankato
Jeffrey Buchanan, Ph.D., Minnesota State University, Mankato

Background: Public speaking anxiety affects many people in the general population. Traditional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy aims to reduce distress by altering maladaptive schemas (Rapee & Heimberg 1997), but this approach is not always successful. Recent research has shown ambiguous support for cognitive restructuring as a mechanism of change. Therefore, further research is needed to discover effective treatments. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, emphasizes psychological flexibility and values rather controlling negative thoughts (Hayes, 2006). Acceptance based approaches have been tentatively shown to be successful for increasing performance. Both treatments have shown to decrease anxiety, and possibly performance may be the key differentiator of these two treatments. The current study compared brief acceptance and cognitive control based interventions for increasing performance on a public speaking task. It was hypothesized that participants in CBT and ACT conditions will exhibit greater reduction of anxiety following the speech task compared to the psychoeducational control group. It was also hypothesized that the acceptance based intervention will lead to greater increases in performance compared to other two protocols.
Methods: Participants were college students at a Midwestern public university and were then randomized to receive an acceptance, cognitive-control, or psychoeducational-based protocol. Participants then prepared and gave 5 minute autobiographical speech in front of an audience of two research assistants.
Results: Data collection is ongoing with results expected by May 2018.
Discussion: By developing effective interventions we aim to help people with public speaking anxiety to perform better in public speaking scenarios, thus improving their overall quality of life.

14. ACT on Life group: A Pilot Study of ACT with Adolescents in Outpatient Mental Health Clinics

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Adolescent, group therapy, anxiety, depression

Amber M. Johnston, Ph.D., IWK Health Centre
Susie McAfee, Ph.D., Dalhousie University
Michelle Tougas, MSc, Dalhousie University

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a third wave Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. ACT focuses on increasing psychological flexibility through building mindfulness-based skills to support the exploration of values and willingness to move toward creating a life full of vitality. Sixteen adolescents between the ages of 15-19 years who identified as struggling with symptoms of anxiety, low mood, and/or chronic stress participated in 10, 90-minute ACT group sessions in outpatient mental health clinics and an additional 3-month follow up. Two, 2-hour ACT group sessions were offered to parents. Traditional CBT group protocols previously offered in this setting often resulted in high dropout rates and subsequently longer wait times for the families who returned seeking individual psychotherapy. The goals of this pilot project were to: increase psychological flexibility, increase retention, and decrease service utilization post group. Repeated measures ANOVA from pre-post group measures revealed: significant decrease in frequency and believability in automatic thoughts (ATQ), avoidance and fusion (AFQ-Y), emotional symptoms (SDQ-EE), depressive symptoms (CDI2), anxiety symptoms (MASC), as well as an increase in valued living (VQ). Gains were maintained at 3-month follow up. Compared to the traditional CBT group, the ACT group had higher retention (65% versus 39%), and lower utilization of services post-group (38% versus 29%). These findings suggest that the ACT on Life group is a feasible treatment option in an outpatient mental health setting.

15. The impact of a gratitude journal intervention on values-behavior congruence and subjective well-being

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: values; subjective well-being; gratitude

Robin Grumet, M.A., McGill University
Marilyn Fitzpatrick, Ph.D., McGill University
Gentiana Sadikaj, Ph.D., McGill University

Background. The positive impact of gratitude interventions on subjective well-being (SWB) is well established (Davis et al., 2016), however the mechanisms underlying this relationship are less understood. Research also supports a positive association between values-behavior congruence (VBC) and SWB (e.g., Lundgren, Dahl, & Hayes, 2008). Although research has yet to directly examine the relationship between gratitude and VBC, gratitude may promote self-improvement motivation (Armenta, Fritz, & Lyubomirsky, 2016) and facilitate goal progress (Emmons & Mishra, 2011). The current study utilized a randomized controlled trial design to examine the impact of a gratitude intervention on VBC, as well as the potential mediating role of VBC in the positive relationship between gratitude and SWB. Methods. North American participants recruited from Mechanical Turk participated in a bi-weekly gratitude journaling intervention (Emmons & McCullough, 2003) or control intervention (“The Life details exercise"; Sheldon & Lyubomirsky, 2006) over four weeks. They completed baseline, mid-point, and post-test questionnaires. The Valuing Questionnaire (Smout et al., 2016), Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985), Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988), and Gratitude Questionnaire (McCullough, Emmons, & Tsang, 2002) assessed changes in VBC, SWB, and gratitude respectively. Results. Mediation analyses will explore whether the impact of the gratitude intervention on SWB was mediated by changes in VBC. Discussion. Results are discussed in the context of the ACT model and clinical implications are offered.

16. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for the Treatment of PTSD: A Meta-Analysis of Treatment Outcome Studies

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: PTSD, ACT

Aniko Viktoria Varga, B.A., Bowling Green State University
Jennifer T. Grant, B.S., Bowling Green State University
Joel Engelman, B.A., Bowling Green State University
William H. O'Brien, Ph.D., Bowling Green State University

Background: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has been shown to be effective in treating various psychological disorders, including anxiety, depression, and psychosis. The current meta-analysis examined the effectiveness of ACT in the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Method: A comprehensive literature search was conducted, and six relevant treatment outcome studies were located. These studies primarily tested PTSD symptom reduction after an ACT-based intervention. Additionally, three studies compared ACT to another active treatment such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or a Treatment as Usual intervention. ACT versus alternative treatment at post-treatment and pre-treatment versus post-treatment Cohen’s d effect sizes were calculated.
Results: The ACT treatment versus alternative treatment effect size was .06 (p = .5436, 95% CI [-.14, .27]). The pre-treatment versus post-treatment effect size for ACT was 0.96 (p = .005, 95% CI [0.50, 1.42]), After removing outlier studies due to heterogeneity the effect size was .67 (p < .001, 95% CI [0.29, 1.06]). The pre-treatment versus post-treatment effect size for alternative treatment was .56 (p = .055, 95% CI [-0.01, 1.14]).
Discussion: These results suggest that ACT did not differ from alternative treatments in reducing PTSD symptoms. However, ACT had a moderate to large effect in reducing PTSD symptoms at post-treatment. Nonetheless, control treatments did not have a significant effect on PTSD symptoms from pre- to post-treatment. It is suggested that future research should focus on psychological flexibility processes to better understand the outcomes and processes targeted in ACT.

17. Flexibility between the Lines: Psychological Flexibility through Language Analysis, a Pilot Study

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Language - psychological flexibility

Melissa Miller, University of Louisiana
Emily Sandoz, University of Louisiana

Psychological flexibility has been identified as an important dimension of human functioning across a number of domains. As psychological flexibility involves flexible, sensitive responding in the presence of aversive private events, assessment has been nearly entirely limited to self-report questionnaires (e.g., the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire and variations). These self-report data, however, are subject to significant disadvantages that may impact the validity of the assessment. Another approach to assessment of psychological flexibiltiy might involve soliciting a sample of verbal behavior that can be directly assessed in terms of psychological flexibility. Linguistic Analysis allows for quantification of unstructured verbal responses. The Linguistic Inquiry Word Count (LIWC) program is one such program that has been used to assess emotion regulation, mindfulness and meditation, and experiential avoidance. This paper will present pilot data examining the convergence between self-report questionnaires of psychological flexibility at 3 time points, and semi-structured journal entries. Implications for the continued use of linguistic analysis to assess psychological flexibility will be discussed.

18. Psychological Flexibility, Pain Characteristics, and Risk of Opioid Misuse in Noncancerous Chronic Pain Patients

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Chronic Pain

Amanda Rhodes, M.A., Kean University
Donald Marks, Psy.D., Kean University
Jennifer Block-Lerner, PhD, Kean University
Timothy Lomauro, PhD, VA New Jersey Health Care System

Opioids are a leading prescription medication for persistent and recurrent pain, which affects 10% - 35% of the US population annually. To our knowledge, this is the first study exploring psychological flexibility and its association with pain severity, pain interference, early aversive histories and risk of opioid misuse in chronic pain patients. Data were collected at two outpatient pain clinics in the northeastern United States. Adults (N = 99) completed a cross-sectional survey with validated measures. Findings suggest that pain severity, pain interference and early aversive history each uniquely predict risk of opioid misuse. Psychological flexibility mediated the individual pathways between pain severity and pain interference, with risk of opioid misuse. Further, pain severity predicted pain interference, mediated by psychological flexibility. Implications of findings are discussed in terms of future psychological and medical assessments and interventions for chronic pain. One’s willingness to be open, centered and engaged with the world, psychological flexibility, appears to play a significant role in the experience of and coping strategies for physical pain.

19. ACT and DBT: a practical integrative approach for beginner and intermediate therapists working with multi-problematic clients

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: ACT and DBT

Loureiro Lucia, private practice
Principi Carolina, private practice

As therapists trained in both Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, we usually use techniques from both models when working with our clients, specially those with multiple problems. We surveyed a small sample of therapists trained in ACT and DBT to gather data about the clinical situations in which they integrate these approaches, and the therapeutic interventions they use.
In this poster, we´ll summarize the most common patterns clinicians follow when trying to combine both models. We believe there are limitations in these attempts of integration: • They don´t integrate processes from both models: generally they include specific techniques from one model into a case conceptualized from the other; • They´re intuitive, instead of previously planned, and they usually respond to limitations the clinicians find in each model. • There´s a lack of clarity regarding the case conceptualization, both for client and therapist.
In this presentation, we aim to suggest a practical and simple way of integrating ACT and DBT considering the limitations beginner and intermediate therapists find in their daily practice. We suggest integrating both models from the beginning of treatment, designing a case conceptualization that includes elements of both DBT and ACT put together in an organized and coherent fashion.
Finally we propose an integration of models in terms of therapist´s skills, considering that the work with multiproblematic clients can be enhanced by the use of the specific clinical competencies of each approach.

20. Shaping Social Skills in Context: Social Fitness Club

Primary Topic: Functional contextual approaches in related disciplines
Subtopic: Children and Adolescents

Sally Lohs, M.D., Medical College of Wisconsin
John Parkhurst, Ph.D., Children's Hospital of Wisconsin
William Massey, Ph.D., Oregon State University

Social competence is essential to the development of social relationships. Additionally, limited social competence results in increased rates of school failure and adult psychopathology (Moffitt, Caspi, Harrington, & Milne, 2002; Kilma & Repetti, 2008). The skills underlying social competence, broadly referred to as social skills, are often taught to children and adolescents to promote positive outcomes and remediate social deficits. Meta-analytic reviews of social skills training programs for individuals with social-behavioral difficulties suggest moderate positive effects of social skill training interventions (Gresham, 2015).
Social Fitness Club (SFC) is a novel social skills training group that utilizes both modeling and positive reinforcement to shape contextually-dependent social skills in a fitness-type environment. SFC aims to increase flexible engagement and reduce avoidance in adolescents (12-17 years old) with emotional/behavioral concerns and poor social awareness. Participants completed eight (90 minute) social skills training sessions and were compared against multi-informant measures of their pre-intervention pro-social and self-efficacy behaviors.
Researchers will report on change in social behaviors, as measured by the Social Skills Improvement System (Gresham & Elliott, 2008), the Test of Adolescent Social Skill Knowledge (Laugeson & Frankel, 2006), and the Self-Efficacy for Social Situations Scale (Gaudiano & Herbert, 2003).
In addition to presenting social skills data, the researchers will discuss how behavioral skills programs, like SFC, can be used in novel settings to shape contextually-dependent social skills. The researchers will also discuss ways to effectively engage community providers in behavioral skills programs and ways to improve utilization of such programs in the future.

21. Integrating ACT and Behavior Analytic practices into an athletic coaching business model

Primary Topic: Functional contextual approaches in related disciplines
Subtopic: Athletics, Coaching

Christopher Hebein, University of Nevada, Reno
Patrick Smith, University of Nevada, Reno
Steven C Hayes, Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno

In the world of athletic competition, the individual who applies targeted stress and rest at the correct time leading up to a competition ends up being the most physically capable of the competition. But many athletes mistakenly value the stress over the rest and end up overtrained or injured and thus not competitive. Additionally, strict rule-governed behavior can produce short-term improvements but long-term adverse outcomes for both athlete and coach. This poster outlines a number of processes within a coach-athlete business interaction that can incorporate ACT and Behavior Analytic consistent practices such as reinforcement, values clarification, and mindfulness in order to increase the likelihood of more sustainable behaviors and prepare athletes for probable long-term outcomes beyond the sport. Single case study data for some of these practices will be presented.

22. The Anti-ACT: How Organizations Sustain Systems of Psychological Inflexibility

Primary Topic: Organizational behavior management
Subtopic: Behavior Systems Analysis

Christopher Hebein, University of Nevada Reno
Ali Molaie, University of Nevada Reno
Neal Falletta-Cowden, University of Nevada Reno
Michelle Forman, University of Nevada Reno
Lauren Brown, University of Nevada Reno

Background: Research supports the use of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) model in addressing challenges within organizations including stress and health management, safety, and job satisfaction. However, few reports examine how organizations (political groups, cults, etc.) engage in practices that promote or support psychological inflexibility in their members. Deliberate or not, organizational rigidity, excessive rule governance and value conflicts may disrupt the functioning of individual flexibility. We provide case and descriptive analysis of the psychological inflexibility processes implicated in political groups, cults, social justice movements, and related organizations that may lead to deleterious psychological outcomes for individual members even while promoting organizational goals.
Methods: A literature review on psychological flexibility processes, rigidity and rule governance applied to organizations and groups will be followed by a conceptual analysis on the organization as a systemic source of psychological inflexibility that interfere with ACT core processes.
Results and Discussion: In order to achieve organizational goals (e.g. profit, influence), groups may foster psychological inflexibility via structuring environments that promote fusion with rules, specifically with regard to strengthening or defending the conceptualized self from perceived threats; experiential avoidance of painful realities that contradict notions of the conceptualized self; and committed action toward values that do not comport with a perspective-taking sense of self. Organizations may inadvertently establish even efficient behavioral systems that lead to psychological inflexibility in individual members. A conceptual analysis emphasizes that individual flexibility may be less effective if the existing behavior systems increase measures of rigidity.

24. Enjoy translating TED talks from the ACBS world!

Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: ACBS, TED

Emanuele Rossi, Psy.D., APC, SPC -

TED talks are powerful talks of brief duration which have the function of spreading ideas. In the last few years they increased their efficacy and today we can hear talks about almost all topics translated in more than 100 languages. At the same time the international community of TEDx organizes events at a local level elevating them to a global level.
AMARA is the official award winning system that TED uses for translation and transcription. Amara is a subtitle editor designed to be easy to use and understand in order to transcript and translate video and make it more globally accessible.
Recently the ACBS community is making extensive use of TED Talks and AMARA system, sharing around the world its mission to alleviate human suffering and advance in human well-being.
This poster illustrates how to enjoy TED and AMARA communities. You will learn how to sign up and start the translation process and then move forward with the subtitling and the sharing. There are few clear rules to follow in order to accomplish the mission and spread the ideas in an effective way. By enjoying the community of volunteers and translators you will contribute to spread word of ACBS TED talks worldwide.

25. Meta-analysis of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Weight-loss, Physical Activity, and Other Weight-related Outcomes

Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: Weight

Sallie A. Mack, B.S., Utah State University
Jason Lillis, Ph.D., Brown University
Michael E. Levin, Ph.D., Utah State University

Obesity is a major public health concern linked to a host of negative physical and psychological health outcomes. Standard behavioral treatments (SBTs), typically composed of behavioral techniques such as controlling food intake, managing food cravings, and increasing physical activity, are the gold standard in weight loss. However, studies have failed to show long-term effectiveness of SBTs for weight loss, with participants commonly regaining all weight lost. Additionally, there is increasing emphasis on the health benefits of weight-associated behaviors such as increased physical activity and diet, independent of weight loss, and studies have begun evaluating interventions that target these behaviors as primary outcomes.
More recently, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has been adapted and applied to weight loss and weight-related behaviors, such as physical activity and diet. ACT-based interventions have shown promising effects in addressing weight loss, increased exercise, emotional eating, body dissatisfaction, weight-self stigma, and binge eating. The efficacy of ACT-based interventions targeting weight-related outcomes has been evaluated in a variety of samples, including college students, employees and general community samples. However, despite the number of trials evaluating ACT for weight-related issues, there are no meta-analyses currently summarizing this efficacy data.
This poster will present a preliminary meta-analysis of 14 randomized controlled trials testing the efficacy of ACT-based interventions as compared to SBTs. Specific outcomes that will be reviewed include weight loss and weight regain prevention, physical activity promotion, diet change, and attitudes towards weight and eating.

26. Mindfulness, psychological flexibility and wellbeing in a sample of Italian adolescents

Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: Adolescents, Psychological Flexibility, Mindfulness, Wellbeing

Emanuele Rossi, Psy.D., APC, SPC - AISCC
Antea D'Andrea, Psy.D., APC, SPC - AISCC
Erica Curzi, Psy.D., APC, SPC - AISCC
Elena Cucchiari, Psy.D., APC, SPC - AISCC
Natalia Glauser, Psy.D., APC, SPC - AISCC

Mindfulness can be defined as an awareness that is open-hearted, moment-to-moment and non-judgmental (Kabat-Zinn; 2005). Psychological flexibility can be defined as the ability to fully contact the present moment without defense as a conscious human being and to act in accordance with one's chosen values (Hayes et al., 2006). The main aim of this poster is to analyze and compare correlation between mindfulness, psychological flexibility and psychological wellbeing in a large group of Italian adolescents. Results will include descriptive data and correlation analyses between the ACT core processes of psychological flexibility, mindfulness and wellbeing.

27. Web system for ACT: About development and utilization situation of ACT-online

Primary Topic: Professional Development
Subtopic: Vocational Rehabiritation

Fumiki Haneda,Vocational Counselor, Startline.Co.Ltd

On the Startline Co., Ltd., we are consulting on employment of persons with disabilities and managing satellite offices with support for persons with disabilities. Currently, 54 companies use satellite office services, and about 350 people with disabilities (about 60% are mental or developmental disorders) are working there every day. Currently, ACT is carried out in the initial training for disabled people who are using satellite office and training for improvement of employability to persons with disabilities using employment transition support agencies(EIT;Employability Improvement Training). Support of these ACTs is provided according to individual needs by using ACT-online system which can carry out ACT on the Web developed by us. At present, about 140 disabled people register with ACT-online and use support such as ACT exercise. ACT-online is like a big bowl that registers and manages various ACT exercises. Administrators of this Web system can independently create and introduce various contents using several types of fixed formats. Currently, ACT-online developed by us includes about 100 Japanese original contents. In our EIT, ACT support such as psychological education, implementation of daily ACT exercise, etc. are carried out during 9 days training period. In order to examine the effect of these ACT support, we are evaluating questionnaire by FFMQ, CFQ, AAQ -Ⅱ and IRAP at the start and end of training. In this presentation we will introduce development including ACT-online original content and ACT effect in EIT. And as a future task I would like to think about the extensibility of ACT-online.

28. Does psychological flexibility influence liking?

Primary Topic: Psychological flexibility

Silvia Berkner, University of Leipzig, Germany
Sascha Krause, University of Leipzig, Germany

Psychologically flexible behavior (being present and aware of your feelings and emotions, taking your thoughts not too seriously and watch feelings and thoughts from a step back - perspective, being aware of your values and acting accordingly) was hypothesized to lead to a "compassionate style of communication that is attractive and desirable to other people" (Kashdan, 2010). In the present study participants (N = 139) not acquainted with each other, were assigned to groups of 4 to 6 (same sex) members. They had a short introductory meeting, rated how much they liked each other (round robin design), then had a 5 min conversation (free choice of topic) and afterwards again rated how much they liked each other. The 5 min dyadic interactions (N = 618) were videotaped and rated by observers concerning psychological flexibility. The analyses of interpersonal perceptions were based on the Social Relations Modell (SRM, Back and Kenny, 2010) to separate perceiver/target, actor/partner, and relationship effects. A significant correlation (r = .32, p < 0.01) was found between observed psychological flexibility and the target effect of liking after the conversations. The results indicate that psychologically flexible behavior increases liking after a dyadic interaction. Problems encountered are discussed, as how to operationalize psychological flexibility for behavior observation and how to improve interrater reliability.

29. Validation de la version française abrégée du Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI)

Primary Topic: Questionnaire validation
Subtopic: Psychological flexibility

Simon Grégoire, Ph.D., Université du Québec à Montréal
Joel Gagnon, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Cloé Fortin, Université du Québec à Montréal
Rebecca Shankland, Université Grenoble Alpes
Frédéric Dionne, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Ilios Kotsou, École de management de Grenoble
Jean-Louis Monestès, Université Grenoble Alpes

Cette affiche présente les propriétés psychométriques de la version française abrégée (24 items) du Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI) (Rolffs, Rogge, & Wilson, 2016). Une première étude a été menée auprès d’étudiants universitaires français (n = 282) et québécois (n = 360) afin d’évaluer la structure factorielle de l’échelle, l’invariance de mesure, la validité convergente, la cohérence interne et la stabilité temporelle. Une seconde étude été réalisée auprès de 479 salariés en Europe (n = 264) et au Québec (n = 215) afin de répliquer les résultats de l’étude 1. Les résultats indiquent qu’un modèle à 12 facteurs (6 facteurs de flexibilité et 6 facteurs de rigidité) s’ajuste le mieux aux données. Les corrélations entre les facteurs du MPFI varient entre 0,34 et 0,79 (flexibilité) et entre 0,10 et 0,79 (inflexibilité). De plus, une invariance de mesure forte entre l’occupation (étudiants vs travailleurs), le pays d’origine (Québec vs France) et le genre (femme vs homme) a été obtenue. Ces résultats supportent la validité de construit du MPFI. Le patron de corrélations entre les sous-échelles du MPFI et différentes échelles de flexibilité psychologique (p.ex., AAQ II) supporte la validité convergente de l’outil. Finalement, le MPFI démontre de bons coefficients alpha (0,83 à 0,92) et test-retest (0,71 à 0,76) (2 semaines). En somme, cette version française abrégée possède de bonnes qualités psychométriques et peut être utilisée auprès de différentes populations francophones, tant en recherche qu’en intervention.

30. Concurrent transfer of suppression and escape functions of pain-related verbal stimuli via same and opposite relations
Sponsored by: ACBS Dutch-speaking Chapter
Primary Topic: Relational Frame Theory
Subtopic: Thought suppression, RFT

Roy Thewissen, Ph.D., Maastricht University
Ian Steward, Ph.D., National University of Ireland
Ann Meulders, Ph.D., Catholic University of Leuven

Thought suppression is a strategy often used to manage pain, but research indicates that it can be counterproductive (Wegner et al., 1987). Previous RFT studies have revealed a 'transfer' of thought suppression functions via multiple derived relations ('same' and 'opposite')(Stewart et al. 2015). The current work extended the latter by investigating transfer of thought suppression alongside transformation of escape functions in the context of a pain-related verbal stimulus.
At first, participants were given training and testing of same and opposite relational responding in a five-member relational network. During a subsequent conditioned fear-of-movement task, participants learned to associate an aversive electrocutaneous stimulus with a verbal stimulus (Exp 1: 100 % and Exp 2: 75% contingency). Next, they were randomly assigned to engage in either a suppression task or control task. During final testing, in which they continued with their assigned task, they could choose to remove various visually presented verbal stimuli.
Experiment 1 revealed a weak but significant 'transfer' of suppression functions via 'same' as well as 'opposite' relations in the suppression condition, though not an expected transformation of escape functions via 'same' and 'opposite' relations in the control condition. Experiment 2 showed a significant 'transfer' of suppression functions via 'same' and a weak but significant transfer of suppression functions via 'opposite' relations in the suppression condition, and a transformation of escape functions via 'same' and 'opposite' relations in the control condition. Possible concurrent influence of escape versus suppression functions, depending on contingency rate, when suppressing pain-related verbal stimuli is discussed.

31. Assessment of Derived Relational Responding for Preschoolers
Sponsored by: ACBS China Chapter
Primary Topic: Relational Frame Theory
Subtopic: Preschoolers

Fen-Fen Wang, M.S, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zhuo-Hong Zhu, Ph.D, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yue Chen, M.S, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Background: The current research focused on relational frame theory, which suggests that arbitrary applicable relational responding is the foundation of language and cognition. The research attempted to discover new evidences regarding the development of the ability of preschoolers’ language and cognition based on behavioral analysis.
Method: In this study, 230 Chinese preschoolers from 2 to 7 years of age participated completely with 554 children signed up at first. Each child completed an assessment included following types of relational responding: coordination, opposition, comparison, hierarchical relation, temporal relation, spatial relation and metaphor reasoning. Participants all individually finished the assessment in a quiet room and data were collected on the percentage of correct response to each item.
Results: Participants were divided into different groups by age, which shows that (1) for all types of relational responding, there were significant difference among ages (p<0.000); (2) for different age groups, the relational responding accuracy of participants had significant difference in all types of relational responding(p<0.000); (3) no significant gender difference existed.
Discussion: The result reveals that (1) with the growth of children, the ability of preschoolers’ relational responding is improved gradually; (2) different types of relational responding lead to different tendency of development. Coordination, opposition and comparison were developed earliest, temporal and spatial relation were taken the second place, and hierarchical relation and metaphor reasoning came the last; (3)The age of four is most likely to be the turning point of the development of derived relational responding.

32. Using Relational Frame Theory to increase cognitive skills in children with autism: The case for metaphors

Primary Topic: Relational Frame Theory
Subtopic: Autism

Maria Jose Sireci, IESCUM, University Kore Enna
Laura Visentin, IESCUM
Francesca Mongelli, University Kore Enna
Giovambattista Presti, IESCUM, University Kore Enna

Autistic individuals often experience difficulties with higher order language patterns, such as metaphors or deceptions; metaphors are a form of figurative speech and their comprehension is fundamental for social functioning. Using and understanding metaphorical language require the complex ability to understand one term in comparison to another one: according to RFT, such complex human behaviors can be conceptualized as responding to derived relations. From an RFT perspective, that ability is based on three relational frames: coordination, hierarchy and distinction. To understand a metaphor, it is necessary to relate an item to its properties (hierarchy) and then identify properties that are similar (coordination) and dissimilar (distinction). Following Persicke et al. (2012) protocol we developed 46 short stories, 10 in baseline and 36 for training: each story (in baseline and in training as well) included three features relevant to metaphors. A visual cue with two columns in which participants had to list the features of each target and identify the shared ones, was used in order to facilitate transfer of function to target. 8 children ranging from 5 to 11 years and with a diagnosis of autism except for one with an X-fragile syndrome were trained to respond to three metaphors per story. Each session included 4 stories (12 metaphors per session), 2 new and 2 from the previous sessions. The first session included only 2 stories. Baseline stories were used to test derived responses and generalization after the training. Preliminary results confirm and extend Persicke et al. (2012) to other languages.

33. Fostering Meaning and Motivation - Poster Award Winner

Primary Topic: Relational Frame Theory
Subtopic: Public Speaking Anxiety

Ana Gallego, University of Jyväskylä
Raimo Lappalainen, University of Jyväskylä
Matthieu Villatte, Evidence-based institute of Seattle
Louise McHugh, University Colleague Dublin

Background: Based on Relational Frame Theory, the present study aimed to analyze the comparative effect of two self-based interventions (“Hierarchical Self" and “Distinction Self"). Previous studies highly the superiority of hierarchical, rather than distinction, deictic relations in terms of reducing distress.
Method: Using a between-subjects design, the participants (n= 90) were randomly assigned to one of the three groups: Group 1 (Hierarchical Self), Group 2 (Distinction Self), Group 3 (Control group, expose alone). The primary outcome dependent variable was public speaking anxiety that was measured by the engagement in the behavioral task (i.e., giving a speech in front of a camera). An additional dependent variable was general psychological flexibility and defusion skills.
Results: Our preliminary analyses suggested that the two RFT-based interventions (“Hierarchical Self" and “Distinction Self") had larger impact on defusion skills compared to the control group. More precisely, the difference was medium size (d=0.56) in favor the “Hierarchical Self" compared to the control, and small (d=0.37) in favor for the “Distinction Self" compared to control. However, all three interventions had equal impact on public speaking anxiety and general flexibility skills.
Discussion: Our findings indicate that adding very brief self-based exercises to public speaking skills training (e.g. when giving presentations) might change positively students’ cognitive strategies. The implications of the findings for clinical practice are discussed.

34. Assessing a Derived Transfer of Functions Using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure Under Three Motivative Conditions

Primary Topic: Relational Frame Theory
Subtopic: IRAP

Cainã Gomes, Paradigma – Centro de Ciências do Comportamento
William F. Perez, Paradigma – Centro de Ciências do Comportamento
João Henrique de Almeida, Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Arthur Costa e Silva, Paradigma – Centro de Ciências do Comportamento
Júlio C. de Rose, Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Dermot Barnes-Holmes, Ghent University

Some behavior analytic researchers have argued that the derived transfer of functions provides a functional-analytic model of symbolic control. One issue that arises in assessing the derived transfer of functions is determining how “strong" those functions might be. This was the primary purpose of the current study, which investigated the effects of motivative conditions on derived transfer of function. First, two equivalence classes were established: A1-B1-C1-D1 and A2-B2-C2-D2. These classes comprised nonsense forms and two meaningful stimuli: a picture of a glass full of water (A1) and a neutral picture (A2). Derived transfer of function from the meaningful stimuli to two nonsense forms (D1 and D2) was then assessed by means of a semantic differential and an IRAP. Before assessment, participants were divided in three groups: the first had water intake; the second had pepper; the third had pepper before the semantic differential, followed by an extra dose before the IRAP testing blocks. Results suggest that the motivative conditions progressively affected both measures. Regarding the semantic differential, D1 (water) and D2 (neutral) stimuli were close to neutrality for the Water group; for the Pepper and Double Pepper group, however, the D1 (water) stimulus had a positive valence while D2 (neutral) was neutral. In the IRAP, both the Water and Pepper group evaluated D1 as positive; nonetheless, for the Double Pepper group, IRAP scores revealed that D1 was even more positive compared to the other groups. Implications for the IRAP literature and conceptual issues regarding motivative operations are discussed.

35. The Relationship Between Psychological Inflexibility, Cognitive Fusion, Gender Role Conflict, and Normative Male Alexithymia in a Sample of Cisgender Males

Primary Topic: Theoretical and philosophical foundations
Subtopic: Psychological Inflexibility and Masculine Gender Norms

Michael McGlenn, M. A., Alliant International University, California School of Professional Psychology
Jill Stoddard, Ph.D., Alliant International University, California School of Professional Psychology

Extensive literature illustrates the negative consequences men experience when they deviate from socially prescribed masculine beliefs, expectations, and behaviors (i.e., gender role conflict; GRC). Researchers also propose that societal pressures for males to restrict emotional expression may contribute to difficulties with identifying, describing, and expressing affective experiences (i.e., normative male alexithymia; NMA). While the negative outcomes of GRC and NMA have been well documented, little is known about the underlying psychological mechanisms that prompt men to adhere to these social norms even when they come at great personal cost. Psychological inflexibility (PI), or the persistent use of behavioral strategies to avoid unwanted internal experinces at the expense of deeply held values, may help explain the negative consequences men experience when they adhere to socially prescribed behavior. The current study seeks to understand the relationship between NMA, GRC, PI, and cognitive fusion (CF). At least 77 cis-gendered males will complete online assessments that measure these constructs. It is hypothesized that NMA, GRC, PI, and CF will positively correlate with each other, and that CF, PI, and NMA will be significant predictors of GRC. The current study also hypothesizes that either PI or CF individually, or a PI/CF combined factor will mediate the relationship between NMA and GRC, with PI/CF together expected to demonstrate the strongest mediation effect. Data collection is ongoing and expected to be completed by May.

36. Effect of social contingency on rule-following among people with high and low depressive symptoms

Primary Topic: Theoretical and philosophical foundations
Subtopic: Depression

Kazuki HASHIGUCHI, Graduate School of Psychology, Doshisha University
Shin-ichi ISHIKAWA, Ph.D., Faculty of Psychology, Doshisha University
Takashi MUTO, Ph.D., Faculty of Psychology, Doshisha University

Objects: This study aimed to investigate whether adolescents who self-reported high or low levels of depressive symptoms would exhibit differential sensitivity to changing contingencies due to tracking or pliance instructions.
Method: Following a screening procedure, 23 high-depressive and 23 low-depressive students were selected. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two experimental conditions in which social contingency was either weakened by reading the instruction privately (tracking condition) or strengthened by reading it out loud to the experimenter and being monitored by the experimenter (pliance condition). Participants were instructed on how to respond during a simple learning task (four blocks, 40 trials each). The instructions in the first half of the study (blocks 1 and 2) were correct and those in the second half (blocks 3 and 4) were incorrect. The average number of correct responses was subjected to a 2 (Depressive symptoms: high vs. low) ×2 (Instruction-type: tracking vs. pliance) × 2 (Contingency: Block 3, Block4) repeated-measures ANOVA.
Results: The results revealed no significant interactions and main effect. However, a similar analysis by gender indicated that in the pliance condition, the average number of correct responses of high-depressive female students was significantly lower than that of low-depressive female students.
Conclusion: The results suggest that high-depressive women under social contingency exhibit less sensitivity to contingency in the environment.

37. Is ACT Efficient Buddhism?

Primary Topic: Theoretical and philosophical foundations
Subtopic: Buddhism, Mindfulness, Values

Stephanie Lin, B.A., San Jose State University
April Wentworth, B.S., San Jose State University
Jazmine Mauricio, B.A., San Jose State University
Megan Rauch, B.A., San Jose State University
Linette Villa, B.A. (as of May 2018), San Jose State University
Jennifer Gregg Ph.D, San Jose State University

Background: Mindfulness research and Buddhist practices emphasize the role of non-judgmental awareness and mindfulness related to the present moment over a targeted emphasis on living one’s personal values, as seen in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Mindfulness researchers, however, have assumed that the meaningfulness of mindfulness meditation comes, at least in part, from the role of more intentional behavior. The majority of the research on this subject suggests that mindfulness practices promote change through quiet observation of one’s thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations as they come and go, instead of acting out on them (Hölzel, Lazar, Gard, Schuman-Olivier, Vago & Ott, 2011). ACT, on the other hand, as a psychological intervention, targets overt behavioral changes more explicitly through the clarification of and facilitated commitment to, personal values - chosen life directions that one can work towards moment by moment (Hayes, Luoma, Bond, Masuda, & Lillis, 2006).
Method: Participants (N= 195) completed an online survey via Amazon Turk. The HIT was restricted to workers in the United States who had at least a 95% task approval rate for their previous HITs. Participants completed a battery of questionnaires including the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ), and the Valued Living Questionnaire (VLQ).
Results: Results reveal a partial mediation of values in the relationship between mindfulness and meaning in life (Sobel = 4.46, p<.000).
Discussion: Results are discussed in terms of other recent findings comparing mindfulness alone and in conjunction with targeted values interventions.

38. How do children conceptualize the concept of mindfulness? Implications for future measures

Primary Topic: Interventions cliniques
Subtopic: Mindfulness, children, comprehension, measure, developmental considerations

Julie Beauregard, Université de Sherbrooke
Raphaëlle Beauregard-Lacroix, Université de Sherbrooke
Véronique Parent, Université de Sherbrooke
Fabienne Lagueux, Université de Sherbrooke

In the past 20 years, a growing interest in the concept of mindfulness and its application can be noted. However, it remains clear that this concept, given its multidimensional nature, is difficult to define. Moreover, most studies have been conducted with adult populations. For this reason, mindfulness-based interventions used amongst children stem directly from interventions intended for adults. The lack of developmental considerations in research on mindfulness is therefore clearly highlighted and is illustrated, namely, by the limited number of studies on this concept as it relates to youth and its measurement within this population. The purpose of this study is to better understand the concept of mindfulness as it is operationalized in children, while considering inherent developmental characteristics. Using a descriptive and exploratory perspective, children aged 8 to 12 years old (n = 14) participated in semi-structured interviews in order to explore how youth understand and describe the concept avec mindfulness in their own words. Results derived from a thematic analysis highlight the complexity of the concept of mindfulness and the difficulties children may experience in understanding this concept clearly. Although most participants understood some elements of what mindfulness is (for example, paying attention to the present moment by being aware of one’s surroundings and physical sensations), many wrongly associated this concept with other ideas, such as relaxation and thought suppression. Thereby, considering a developmental perspective when evaluating the concept of mindfulness with children would allow for the development of measures and interventions better suited for this clientele.

39. Feasibility Study of a Mindfulness-Based Educational Program (MBEP) for First Year High School Students in a Regular Classroom

Primary Topic: Éducation
Subtopic: Mindfulness in school settings

Linda Paquette, Ph.D., Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Jacinthe Dion, Ph.D., Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Nadia Fortin, BA, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Tommy Chevrette, Ph.D., Université du Québec à Chicoutimi

Many MBEPs are set up in schools to help adolescents cope with stress issues, sometimes with mitigated results. This study aims to test the feasibility of a program created for the Quebec school community. It is composed of 10 weekly sessions lasting one hour, followed by a second intervention consisting of five minutes of meditation per day over four weeks. The study was carried out using an experimental multiple n of 1 design of type A-B-A'-C-A '' with nine high school students in grade 1 (5 girls and 4 boys) aged between 11 and 12 years. In all, 29 measures of mindfulness capacity, anxiety, alexithymia (difficulty to identify emotions), and frequency of meditations were taken weekly at each of these phases: A (pre = 5 T); B (10 weeks intervention = 10 T); A' (post = 5 T); C (intervention 5 min X 4 weeks = 4 T) and A'' (post = 5 T). Visual analysis using the non-overlap percentage exceeding median (PEM) method (Ma, 2006) for group data indicates that mindfulness capacity and alexithymia improved at each phase. However, the anxiety score improved only during phases B and C and returned to baseline or above baseline levels in phases A' and A''. The frequency of meditations was very low during the 29 measurements. Individual results showed disparity between participants in the evolution of symptoms. These results suggest a possible interaction effect between alexithymia and anxiety, as well as a need for a post-intervention follow-up and an improvement of the program.

40. Functional analytic psychotherapy for older adults at risk for suicide: A conceptual rationale

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Elderly, suicide, social connectedness, FAP
Ali Molaie, M.A., University of Nevada, Reno

Background: Adults aged 70 and older have the highest rates of suicide in many regions of the world. Findings from numerous theoretical and empirical reports support the role of social disconnectedness as a risk factor for suicidal behavior among older adults. Functional analytic psychotherapy (FAP) specifically targets functional classes of interpersonal behaviors that interfere with development and maintenance of social connectedness, and may thus provide a viable intervention option for elders at risk for suicide. This paper will examine the concordance between risk factors for suicide related to social disconnectedness in older adults, and functional classes targeted in FAP in order to provide an initial theoretical rationale for the empirical investigation of a novel application of FAP to elders at risk for suicide.
Method: Psychological literature databases were reviewed for theoretical and empirical reports that examined 1) markers of social disconnectedness associated with suicide-related outcomes in older adults (suicide ideation, attempts, and completion) and 2) functional classes targeted in FAP.
Results: Risk factors for suicide related to social disconnectedness in the elderly include: isolation, loneliness, family discord, low social support, perceived burdensomeness, impaired emotion recognition and social decision-making, and self-reported social problem-solving deficits and chronic interpersonal difficulties. The range and diversity of risk factors align with, and can be categorized within, the functional classes targeted in FAP.
Discussion: The results provide initial theoretical support for empirical investigation of the efficacy of FAP as a secondary intervention strategy to prevent the development of suicidal behavior in older adults experiencing social disconnectedness.

Friday, July 27, 7:00-8:00pm - Poster Session #4

1. Training perspective-taking skills by using A maze-instruction game: A case study

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: perspective-taking, spatial perspective-taking, down syndrome

Yu Horiuchi, Ritsumeikan-University graduate school of science for human service
Yuka Miyake, Ritsumeikan-University graduate school of science for human service
Yuka Hiramatsu, Ritsumeikan-University graduate school of science for human service
Taiki Minami, Ritsumeikan-University graduate school of science for human service
Shinji Tani, College of comprehensive psychology, Ritsumeikan-University

Background: The participant was a 15-year-old boy with Down syndrome who participated in ABA therapy, about once every two weeks. The participant will face increased numbers of social relationships in high school, so we attempted to provide training in perspective-taking, using a maze-instruction game, in which the participant instructs the therapist to move from a starting point to a goal point in a maze.
Method: The maze has a starting point and a goal point. The therapist–participant arrangement had four settings. Informed consent was gained from the participant’s mother. First, a maze was set up and printed on a sheet, and two chairs were arranged in front of the sheet. Therapist 1 and the participant sat on the chairs, while therapist 2(Koma) stood on the starting point of the maze sheet. The participant instructed Koma based on the motions that he desired the therapist to take direction. Based on the participant’s instructions, Koma moved on the maze. The participant and Koma wore the same wrist band sets as prompts. They wore red bands on their right wrists and blue on their left wrists. Results: When the participant and Koma were facing in the same direction, a correct response rate of BL was more than 96%. When the participant was facing Koma, the correct response rate(CRR) was 86%. After training in prompts, the CRR improved. However, although the CRR of face to face setting improved due to the prompt, the CRR when facing the same direction declined.

2. A preliminary evaluation of a brief ACT-intervention for women with vulvodynia

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Pain (vulvovaginal pain)

Pernilla Maathz, MSc, Uppsala University
Thomas Parling, PhD, Karolinska Institutet & Stockholm Health Care Services
Johanna Ekdahl, PhD, Mittuniversitetet
JoAnne Dahl, Ph D, Uppsala University

Approximately one woman in ten women suffers from persistent, unexplained vulvar pain, e.g. vulvodynia. This type of pain is triggered by touch or pressure to the vulva and commonly occurs during sexual activity, often resulting in sexual dysfunction and distress. The impact of vulvar pain on sexual well-being differs depending on individual coping patterns. Women presenting with experiential avoidance, ie avoiding sexual activities in general or seeking ways to suppress pain in order to endure painful intercourse, experience the most negative effects. This study investigates if a brief intervention based on Acceptande and Commitment Therapy (ACT) can improve the sexual well-being among women with vulvodynia by helping them to find more helpful ways to respond to sex-related pain. The intervention was evaluated using a multiple baseline design with six women diagnosed with vulvodynia as participants. Preliminary analysis show that five out of six participants achieve reliable reductions in sexual distress and four women showed improvements in sexual function. All participants rated treatment acceptability as high. Daily measurements made during the baseline and intervention phases are currently under analysis, and the results of the analysis will be presented along with a discussion about study limitations and the implications of this research for the treatment of vulvovaginal pain.

3. The Exploration of Contextual Behavioral Variables for Sexual Minority Employees

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Sexual minority research, Work place

A. Theodore Artschwager, B.A., Bowling Green State University
R. Sonia Singh, M.A., Bowling Green State University
William H. O'Brien, Ph.D., Bowling Green State University

People who identify as sexual minorities often experience harassment and incivility in the workplace (Sears & Mallory, 2011). Although it is important to combat discrimination on a global scale, due to the heterocentric structure of society, sexual minorities often experience invaliding and destructive internal and external events. These events imply a need to better understand sexual minority experiences. Bond and Lloyd (2016) provided suggestions for developing psychological flexibility at an individual level to build resilience. However, this chapter was primarily based on theory and there are no published investigations examining sexual minority individuals in the work place and constructs related to contextual behavioral science (e.g., psychological flexibility, mindfulness).
The current study assessed the relations among quality of life, psychological inflexibility, cognitive fusion, and mindfulness. Participants (n = 312) were employed adults who self-identified as sexual minorities. Participants completed the WHO Quality of Life Scale (WHO, 1998), Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (Bond et al., 2011), Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (Gillanders et al, 2014), Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (Brown & Ryan, 2003).
A multiple linear regression was calculated with the three predictor variables of psychological flexibility, cognitive fusion, and mindfulness (R2=.45, F(3,306)=51.82, p<0.01). Psychological inflexibility (b = -0.33, p < 0.001) cognitive fusion (b = -0.31, p<0.01), and lower mindfulness were significantly associated with lower quality of life (b = 0.12, p < 0.05).
These results suggest that contextual behavioral constructs may be important targets in conceptualizing, understanding, and providing treatment to employees who identify as sexual minorities.

4. The Experience of Shame and Emotion Regulation Difficulties Related to the 2016 Election

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Emotion Regulation, Shame, 2016 United States Presidential Election

Tanya S. Watford, M.S., Bowling Green State University
R. Sonia Singh, M.A., Bowling Green State University
Mary Moeller, M.A., Bowling Green State University
Aniko Viktoria Varga, B.A., Bowling Green State University
William H. O'Brien, Ph.D., Bowling Green State University

The election of President Donald Trump was greeted with substantial protest, feelings of distress, and thoughts of betrayal from those who opposed him (Rosa & Bonilla, 2017) and has been described by popular media and academic sources as a traumatic event to some. Specifically, people identifying of different minority identities have expressed feelings of otherness and not belonging as a result of the election. Shame is defined as a negative affective state towards characteristics of the self (Tangney, 1991) and is related to one’s personal identity. Further, this experience of shame may be related to difficulties in emotion regulation. The current study examined the relationships between trauma symptoms, shame, and emotion regulation in an adult sample in the United States (n = 162). It was hypothesized that trauma would have a significant indirect effect on emotion regulation through the construct of shame overall and as it relates to identities (e.g., gender, sexual orientation, race, and vote in the election). The Trauma Screening Questionnaire, the Personal Feelings Questionnaire–2 (PFQ-2), and the Difficulties with Emotion Regulation Scale were administered. The PFQ-2 was also administered for several different constructs of personal identity. Results indicated a significant indirect effect of trauma on emotion regulation through overall shame b = .102, BCa 95% CI [0.035, 0.221]. These results were replicated with analyses of identity-based constructs of shame. Results suggest that people may be experiencing difficulties with emotion regulation as a result of the 2016 election based on shame related to personal identities.

5. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: What are the Benefits for University Students?

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Acceptance and commitment therapy, psychological flexibility, university students, qualitative study

Laurence Morin, B. Sc., Université de Montréal
Lysa-Marie Hontoy, B. Sc., Université de Montréal
Karine Rondeau, Ph. D, Université du Québec à Montréal
Simon Grégoire, Ph. D, Université du Québec à Montréal

Studies conducted to date with post-secondary students have relied predominantly on quantitative and self-reported measures (e.g. Danitz, Suvak, & Orsillo, 2016; Grégoire, Lachance, Bouffard & Dionne, 2017; Räsänen, Lappalainen, Muotka, Tolvanen, & Lappalainen, 2016). Such studies did not succeed to capture the complexity of the process involved in ACT group interventions, and have not addressed the perceived benefits that students derive from this type of intervention. While qualitative studies allow for a more elaborate examination of the benefits that post-secondary students gain from interventions based on ACT (Patton, 2015), no studies of this nature, to date, have explored the topic. Hence, this qualitative study was conducted to explore the experience of students participating in the KORSA workshops, an intervention offered since 2013 in post-secondary institutions in Quebec (Grégoire, Lachance, Bouffard, Hontoy, & De Mondehare, 2016). One hundred and forty-six university students (N = 146) shared their impressions of the workshops in a written format. Thematic analysis of their testimonies revealed that the workshops resulted in the students: 1) perceiving their difficulties (e.g., thoughts or painful emotions) differently, 2) adopting new attitudes (e.g., acceptance) and behaviors (e.g. investing in different actions), and 3) experiencing a state of well-being, presence, and serenity. In addition, the nature and intensity of the benefits they derived from the workshops appeared to be influenced by context-specific characteristics in which the workshops were offered (e.g. university environment), as well as the attitudes of the facilitators (e.g. kindness, empathy).

6. Effectiveness of an Acceptance and Commitment Intervention on Values: a Randomized Controlled Trial

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Values, Students

Lysa-Marie Hontoy, Université de Montréal
Laurence Morin, Université de Montréal
Simon Grégoire, Ph.D., Université du Québec à Montréal
Mireille Joussemet, Université de Montréal

The main purpose of ACT is to teach clients to accept and embrace necessary suffering in order to help them live in accordance with their chosen values (Hayes et al., 1999). However, to date, very few empirical studies examining the effectiveness of ACT have included a measure of valued living (Smout et al., 2014). In addition, little is known about what type of values may contribute to wellbeing. Self-determination theorists have distinguished the content of values as either intrinsic (e.g., affiliation) or extrinsic (e.g., financial success). A substantial body of research has demonstrated that prioritizing intrinsic over extrinsic values is associated with greater well-being (Kasser, 2002). The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether an ACT-based intervention will increase valued living and will encourage a shift in personal values from extrinsic to intrinsic. During the winter of 2018, 80 students were recruited in a Canadian university and randomly assigned to an experimental group (n=40) or a wait-list control group (n=40). Currently, students in the experimental group are taking part in five 2.5-hour workshops during a 5-week period and are asked to do exercises at home (e.g., meditation). All participants completed the pre-measurements in February and will complete the post-measurements in April. Wait-list students will then receive the intervention. We hypothesize that participants in the experimental group will report greater valued living and will prioritize intrinsic values over extrinsic ones when compared to the control group. Statistical analyses will be performed in May 2018, once the data has been collected.

7. The use of the ACT metaphor in an alcoholic rehabilitation department

Sponsored by: ACT Italia
Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: metaphor

Alessia Medioli M.D., ACT Italia, ASCCO Parma, Fondazione Richiedei
Francesca Pergolizzi Ph.D., ACT italia ASCCO Parma
Luigina Scaglia M.D., Fondazione Richiedei
Nanni Presti M.D., ACT Italia, ASCCO Parma

Background: In a residential treatment (28 days) for alcoholic clients, metaphors were proposed as a creative expressive modality that the conversational interview often does not offer as already known in the literature (DèLutti1987).
Method: The study started in January 2017 and is still ongoing. The data refer to 195 clients, whose average age is 52 years and who are 70% male and 30% female, 32% are poly-consumers.
We have worked individually using metaphors tailored to the patient, which touch the processes of hesaflex. We used classical ACT metaphors with client-only groups:, leaves of the stream, demons on the boat, chessboard, , GPS navigator, bottle in the sea (modified for setting reasons). We used metaphors that led to the production of a three-dimensional object in groups made up of relatives and patients to discuss the concept of acceptance and sharing of values with the family.
Results: Thanks to the use of metaphors in RFT it is possible to break the traps of language and create new connections and new contexts, overcoming psychological suffering and building a life of value. (VVAA http: //
Discussion: This work, aligning itself with the international scientific literature ( Stoddard 2007) shows how the use of metaphor in ACT prospective becomes an effective and shared therapeutic tool, and how this in our experience takes place on an individual level, in groups of only clienta, and in mixed groups of clients and relatives and how to establish a new relationship with thoughts, in a simple and effective way.

8. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for acceptance of aging self-stereotypes: A proof of concept study

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Geriatric psychology

Mary Moeller, M.A., Bowling Green State University
Leah Bogusch, M.A., Bowling Green State University
Tabitha Waite, M.A., Bowling Green State University
William O'Brien, Ph.D., Bowling Green State University

Belief in stereotypes about the older adult population is related to many detrimental effects on memory, recovery from illness, and lifespan as individuals age. Nursing home residents may be particularly vulnerable to these types of stereotypes because they are consistently reinforced by the nursing home environment and staff. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is effective in targeting stereotypes, both about the self and about others, and in encouraging defusion from these thoughts. This study involved a four-week single subject study design with five nursing home residents in which participants attended an individual ACT session for an hour once per week. It was hypothesized that residents who participated in the intervention would report a) significantly more defusion from their belief in aging stereotypes, b) less daily distress, depression, and anxiety, and c) more meaningful interactions relative to baseline. Along with survey data, qualitative feedback on the protocol was collected from the participants and the therapists. Split middle trend estimation, percentage of non-overlapping data, and Swanson’s d were used to analyze the data. Results indicated overall improvements in acceptance of aging stereotypes, as well as individual improvements in depression, anxiety, and interactions. Future research should explore the benefits of putting more emphasis on experiential application of ACT techniques rather than psychoeducation, explore beginning the therapy with the values components to be used as a framework for flexibility and acceptance, and focus on addressing the ageism and constraints within the nursing home system as well as utilizing individual interventions for residents.

9. Multi-group invariance examination of the factor structure of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ) in English and Spanish

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Cognitive Fusion

Stephanie V Caldas, MS, University of North Texas
Sierra Kelly, University of North Texas
Cynthia Rivera, University of North Texas
Amy R. Murrell, PhD, University of North Texas

The Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ; Gillanders et al., 2014) is a brief, self-report measure of cognitive fusion, a process of psychological flexibility targeted by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) interventions. The CFQ has been translated in different languages, including Spanish (Romero-Moreno et al., 2014), and found to have sound psychometric properties. However, research that investigates whether distinct versions of the CFQ accurately capture the same underlying construct of cognitive fusion is needed. The establishment of measurement invariance is required to compare cognitive fusion across different lingual groups. Our study investigated the factor structure of the CFQ in two samples of Latinx individuals living in the United States who completed the CFQ in English (n = 220) and Spanish (n = 150). Confirmatory factor analyses with the entire sample (n = 370) indicated good fit (X2 = 38.54 (p <.001), CFI = .973, TLI = 956, SRMR = .026). Multi-group invariance testing indicated configural invariance and metric invariance (∆X2 = .525; ∆CFI = .004), suggesting that the CFQ structure and item meanings are equivalent across Spanish and English versions of the CFQ. However, findings indicated scalar inequivalence across groups (∆X2 =15.85; ∆CFI = .014), suggesting differential item functioning at the level of the response scale. Overall, our results demonstrate some support for the CFQ as an accurate and comparative measure of cognitive fusion across different lingual groups. However, the English and Spanish versions of the CFQ are not perfectly equivalent, and future research should investigate the source of measurement bias.

10. Our Bodies as Metaphor: Using Yoga to Foster Psychological Flexibility in the College Classroom

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: College students

Paola Ricardo, M.A., Kean University
Ashlyne Mullen, M.S., Kean Univeristy
Jennifer Block-Lerner, Ph.D., Kean University
Donald Marks, Psy.D., Kean University

Yoga involves the practice of being present with one’s mind and body, usually through movement, and accepting emotions and sensations as they are in each unfolding moment. Recent research has found yoga to be a beneficial treatment, leading to improvements in anxiety, depression, panic, sleep, and overall quality of life (Khalsa et al., 2015). Additionally, yoga has been shown to help develop mindfulness and decrease experiential avoidance (Dick et al., 2014). However, receptivity to yoga and other mindfulness practices has been mixed (Gaskins et al., 2015; Olano et al., 2015). The current study offers an alternative method of delivering yoga by incorporating postures and related practices in a curriculum-based workshop. Participants (N= 68) engaged in a one-session ACT workshop infused with yoga. The postures were used as a way to embody components of psychological flexibility and cultivate openness. Quantitative and qualitative data show that, on the whole, participants were receptive to the yoga exercises and able to connect the postures with acceptance, present moment, and values processes. Specifically, on an investigator-created receptivity questionnaire (α = .92), participants rated their interest in additional practice or resources at 3.95 out of 5. One participant spoke to the value of “learning how exercises and our (lives) were connected." Another spoke to a change in openness to the practice: “I initially thought yoga was for 'hippies' and vegans and unnecessary but this workshop changed (my) thoughts." Implications for enhancing receptivity to yoga and the integration of yoga in ACT interventions will be discussed.

11. Namaste in the classroom: Evaluating the effects of yoga integrated into an ACT curriculum-based workshop

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: College students

Ashlyne Mullen, M.S., Kean University
Paola Ricardo, M.A., Kean University
Jennifer Block-Lerner, Ph.D., Kean University
Donald Marks, Psy.D., Kean University

Research suggests that distress levels in today’s college students are much higher than those of previous generations (Galatzer-Levy, Burton, & Bonanno, 2012). One approach that has shown promising results within the college population is yoga. Recent research found that depressive, anxiety, and stress symptoms decreased from baseline to follow-up in students who participated in yoga groups (Falsafi, 2016). The current study is part of a larger project examining the effects of fuller bodily engagement through ACT workshops in a college classroom-based workshop (Mullen et al., under review). Two types of one-session ACT workshops were offered: one with a yoga component and one without. In addition, ecological momentary intervention was implemented following the workshops as a way to increase the dosage. Participants in the ACT workshops and in a no-treatment control condition completed the Identity Distress Scale (Berman, Montgomery, & Kurtines, 2004) at pre, post, and four-week follow-up points. For those in the no-treatment control condition, the measure was completed at the pre time point and five weeks later. Results indicate that those in the yoga group exhibited a significant decrease (p<.01) in reported discomfort related to various aspects of identity from pre to follow-up. Those in the ACT group exhibited a decrease in reported discomfort, however this did not reach the threshold for significance (p=.08). For those in the control group, the changes from pre to follow-up were not significant (p=.18). Limitations and implications for the usefulness of yoga-related activities with this population will be discussed.

12. Psychological flexibility in young adults with depression and anxiety

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Young Adults, Partial Hospitalization

Rawya Aljabari, Ph.D., Rhode Island Hospital/Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Lauren Harris, Rhode Island Hospital/Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Olga Obraztosova, PhD, Rhode Island Hospital/Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Mark Zimmerman, MD, Rhode Island Hospital/Alpert Medical School of Brown University

Being a young adult poses many challenges in today’s society; one challenge being that up to 74% of first diagnosed mental health disorders occur before age 24 (Kessler et al, 2007). Depression and anxiety symptoms are especially common among young adults (Zivin et al, 2009). This in turn impacts one’s sense of self as young adulthood is a time of development and frequent changes in love, work, self-image, and worldviews (Erikson, 1968; Rindfuss, 1991). It is arguable that there is a connection between this developmental stage, psychological health, and psychological flexibility. Psychological flexibility refers to is an individual’s ability to fully connect with the present moment and to behave in ways consistent with one’s identified values (Hayes, Strosahl, & Wilson, 1999; 2012). The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of change in psychological flexibility and time in treatment on symptoms of depression and anxiety in young adults. A sample of 155 young adults in a partial hospital program completed self-report questionnaires measuring change in pre-and-post-treatment psychological flexibility, post-treatment depression symptoms, and post-treatment anxiety symptoms. Results suggest that change in psychological flexibility (M = -10.80, SD = 12.34) and time in treatment (M = 7.52, SD= 3.52) are significant predictors of final depression (R2 = 0.12, Adj R2 = 0.11, β= 0.28, p< 0.001) and anxiety symptoms (R2 = 0.09, Adj R2 = 0.08, β= 0.24, p < 0.01).Implications of the findings will be discussed, along with suggestions for future research.

13. The Role of Loneliness and Psychological Flexibility in the Pathway from Romantic Rejection to Depression

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Depression

Im Fong Chan, Murray State University
Michael Bordieri, Murray State University

Romantic rejection has been linked to reduced psychological well-being and increased psychological distress (Field, Diego, Pelaez, Deeds, & Delgado, 2009). Emerging findings suggest that loneliness may play a role in this relationship (Wei, Shaffer, Young, & Zakalik, 2005), and psychological flexibility with regard to distressing memories has been extensively linked to psychopathology (Kashdan, 2010; Levin, Hildebrandt, Lillis, & Hayes, 2012). The aim of the current study was to examine the role of loneliness and psychological flexibility in the context of the relationship between romantic rejection and depression. Consistent with previous findings, results from 77 participants demonstrated that psychological flexibility and loneliness were positively associated with depression. In addition, the interactional effect of both psychological flexibility and loneliness moderated the relationship between breakup distress and depressed moods while controlling for covariates. These findings highlight the importance of psychological flexibility and loneliness as potential mechanisms underlying the breakup distress and the depression pathway. Implications of the current findings to self-compassion and acceptance- based-therapies are discussed.

14. Developing and testing a brief version of the CompACT

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Measure development

Nima G Moghaddam, University of Lincoln
David L Dawson, University of Lincoln, UK

Commonly-used measures of psychological flexibility are somewhat narrow in scope, and have been critiqued in terms of their questionable precision. We have previously described the development and preliminary validation of a new broad-scope measure of psychological flexibility (the CompACT). In this poster, we will reveal a brief form of the CompACT that is more apt for repeated use in applied settings, developed from multiple data-sets (combined N = 733), and examine its reliability and validity in relation to the original measure. Moreover, we will draw on recent data from intervention studies to highlight that the CompACT (in brief and full formats) is sensitive to treatment effects and can out-perform the AAQ-II as a marker and mediator of treatment-related change in clinical outcomes.

15. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for adults with head and neck cancer experiencing psychological distress: A hermeneutic single case efficacy design (HSCED) series - Poster Award Winner

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: cancer, anxiety, depression

Nicolle Morris, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Nima Golijani-Moghaddam, Lincoln University, United Kingdom
Sanchia Biswas, National Health Service, United Kingdom
Anna Tickle, University of Nottingham

Background: Individuals with head and neck cancer (HNC) are at risk of experiencing significant psychological distress (i.e. anxiety and depression).There is a need to test and refine psychotherapy interventions for this population.
Aim: The study examined change processes and outcomes for three adults with HNC who engaged with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Method: An adjudicated hermeneutic single-case efficacy design (HSCED) was used to enable a multi-level exploration of change. Rich case records (a matrix of quantitative and qualitative clinical evidence) were subject to critical analyses by three independent psychotherapy experts (‘judges’) who identified change processes, and determined the outcome for each client.
Results: Judges unanimously concluded that all clients showed good outcomes; specifically they progressed towards therapy goals and experienced reliable reductions in psychological distress. Judges systematically considered non-therapy factors and attributed client’s changes to their experience of therapy. ACT-specific processes and a strong therapeutic relationship at least partially mediated change for all clients; albeit to different degrees. Moderating client variables were identified.
Conclusions: Findings provide evidence that ACT can be an effective intervention for individuals with HNC experiencing psychological distress. Clinical and research implications are discussed.

16. Guided Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) self-help for clients on a waiting list for psychological therapy

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Adult mental health

Kate French, University of Lincoln
Nima Golijani-Moghaddam, University of Lincoln
Thomas Schröder, University of Nottingham
Rebecca Blacker, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Background: Waiting lists for clinical psychology services within the UK are long. A low-cost, transdiagnostic waiting-list intervention could improve experiences and initiate processes of psychotherapeutic change. Guided ACT self-help holds promise in this regard – with evidence supporting its efficacy in other contexts – but has not yet been tested as a waiting-list intervention. Moreover, research needs to explore underlying change-processes. Do changes follow the predictions of the Phase Model of Psychotherapeutic Outcome (PMPO), and are these changes mediated by psychological flexibility as posited by ACT?
Method: A multiple-baseline single-case experimental design was utilised to explore participant outcomes in psychological flexibility, wellbeing, symptomatology, and life functioning, during a 10-week phone-guided ACT self-help intervention. Participants then engaged in a post-intervention change interview to triangulate results.
Results: Three participants completed the full 10-week intervention: Two experienced improvements in psychological flexibility, wellbeing, and symptomatology, but no improvements in life functioning; the other participant experienced no significant changes in outcomes. Visual analysis of weekly outcomes did not support the temporal predictions of the PMPO. Links between psychological flexibility and outcomes were supported, but changes in psychological flexibility were not found to precede outcomes. Participants attributed outcomes to both life events and the intervention, and placed emphasis on the positive impact of the guiding phone calls. Feedback also indicated that the intervention requires adaptation to improve accessibility prior to future implementation.
Discussion: Future research should continue exploration into ACT processes, and consider whether phone calls alone could meet clinical need within waiting-list populations.

17. Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy self-help for carers of people with multiple sclerosis: A feasibility randomised controlled trial

Primary Topic: Clinical Interventions and Interests
Subtopic: Carers of people with Multiple Sclerosis

Kristy-Jane Martin, MSc BSc (Hons), Trent Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, University of Nottingham
Dr Nima Moghaddam, PhD, DClinPsy, Trent Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, University of Lincoln
Dr Nikos Evangelou, Division of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Nottingham
Prof. Roshan dasNair, Trent Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, University of Nottingham

Background: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) may be a feasible intervention for carers of people with Multiple Sclerosis experiencing carer-related strain. This study assessed feasibility of an RCT of ACT self-help (SH), telephone-supported ACT self-help (SH+), compared to usual care (UC). Study objectives related primarily to feasibility and acceptability of study design and interventions.
Method: A mixed-method, parallel three-armed feasibility RCT. The SH group received an ACT self-help text, whereas the SH+ group additionally received weekly telephone support. All participants completed measures at baseline, three-month and six-month post-randomisation. Carer Strain was measured using Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and Modified Carer Strain Index (MCSI). A quality of life measure (CAREQOL-MS) alongside two ACT process measures (Acceptance and Action Questionnaire; AAQ-II and Comprehensive Assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy; CompACT) were also completed and a sample of participants were interviewed.
Results: Twenty-four carers of PwMS were randomised. Participants found the design to be feasible, but highlighted difficulties with the self-help text and timing of the intervention. An exploratory, group-level analysis indicated effectiveness for the SH+ group on measures of carer strain (consistent across both follow-ups) but only one significant improvement for the SH group (on one outcome measure, at 6-month follow-up) and no reported qualitative changes.
Discussion: A full trial of ACT-based, telephone-supported self-help is warranted, further to significant changes to study design. Notably, the SH group was not deemed a feasible intervention. An internal pilot would be necessary to assess the feasibility of the study after the suggested changes are incorporated.

18. Academic assessment and psychological distress among medical students: How do they ACT?
Sponsored by: ACBS Dutch-speaking Chapter
Primary Topic: Educational settings
Subtopic: Psychological distress

Mrs. A.Smeets, MSc, Department of Pathology, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Mrs. Dr. M. Latijnhouwers, Radboud Health Academy, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Mr. Dr. M. Vorstenbosch, Department of Anatomy, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Prof. Dr. R. Laan, Radboud Health Academy, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

(Background:)Assessment often invokes stress or anxiety. Multiple studies suggest a higher prevalence of psychological distress among medical students compared to the age-matched student population. In curriculum-development, there is an increasing emphasis for medical educators to consider the health and well-being of their students. This study aims to determine the perceived stress and subsequent stress-management techniques of students during a cumulative assessment program.
(Method:) In a focus-group interview setting, 2 homogeneous groups of medical students (n=7, n=5) discussed this topic on 4 different moments throughout their first year of college. The ‘ACT hexaflex’ was used as a framework for the interview guide. Special attention was given to ‘Acceptance’ and ‘Committed Action’. Interviews were analyzed qualitatively using Atlas-ti. The study was carried out at Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
(Results:)“A little stress is vital for an optimal performance – High stress levels are paralyzing – Planning may reduce feelings of anxiety – However, you never know when your preparation will suffice – Prior to the exam, my drinking and smoking levels increase massively. It helps me to forget."
(Discussion:)The interview-quotes illustrate, that students often experience assessment as a battlefield in which they hope to achieve victory. Experiential avoidance of anxiety came in different shapes and sizes. We hypothesize that a more committed and deliberate coping style – as used in ACT – could contribute to students’ well-being. In future research, we will explore, implement and evaluate the possibilities to enhance psychological flexibility of our students during periods of assessment.

19. Targeting Psychology Flexibility, Sleep Hygiene, and Physical Activity in High School Students using the DNA-V Model - Poster Award Winner

Primary Topic: Educational settings
Subtopic: DNA-V Model

Samuel Faulkner, M.A., East Carolina University
Sean O'Dell, Ph.D., Geisinger Medical Center
Jeannie Golden, Ph.D., East Carolina University

Background: Universal interventions in schools are an important component of mental health prevention, yet few. The DNA-V model explicitly targets psychological flexibility through similar processes used in ACT. The study assessed the feasibility and satisfaction of programming, impact of programming on psychological flexibility, sleep, and physical activity in adolescents, and potential moderators of treatment.
Method: 115 rural, mostly African American high school students participated. Students in the intervention condition (n = 71) received 6 weeks of DNA-V-consistent programming regarding sleep and physical activity. Outcome measures were collected pre-intervention, weekly, post-intervention, and at 1-year follow up. Implementation fidelity was collected at each session, and teacher and student satisfaction were collected post-treatment.
Results: Over 70% of students rated DNA-V components, handling private experiences, and overall satisfaction “somewhat useful" or “very useful". Teachers reported overall programming and students handling thoughts and feelings better “very useful." Programming demonstrated 98% fidelity. Preliminary analyses indicate mean improvement in sleep hygiene from pre- (M = 3.09) to post-intervention (M = 4.85) and mean reductions in psychological inflexibility (M = 15.13 to M = 14.83) for students in the intervention group.
Discussion: The present study seeks to fill gaps in the literature regarding SEL programming for high school students from a diverse, economically disadvantaged area. Results indicate universal programming targeting psychological flexibility can be feasibly conducted with satisfaction in a high school setting. Improvement in psychological flexibility and health-related outcomes provides initial justification for psychological flexibility as a target for SEL curricula.

20. Reciprocal relationships between experiential avoidance and depressive symptoms among Japanese adolescents: A one-year longitudinal study

Primary Topic: Educational settings
Subtopic: Children, Depression

Kenichiro Ishizu, Ph.D., University of Toyama
Yoshiyuki Shimoda, Ph.D., Saga University
Tomu Ohtuski,Ph,D., Waseda University

This study examined the relationship among experiential avoidance, psychological stressors, and depression in Japanese adolescents, through one-year prospective design, conducted in three waves with an interval of four month. Experiential avoidance is a construct that has been used in the context of acceptance and commitment therapy, and can be measured with the Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire, designed for youth (Greco et al., 2008). Previous studies have shown that in adolescents, as well as in adults, experiential avoidance is correlated with various internalizing symptoms, but few studies have explored the longitudinal relationship between experiential avoidance and health related outcomes. To examine the longitudinal relationship between experiential avoidance and depressive symptoms, Japanese junior high school students (7th to 9th grade, N = 855) were requested to complete the questionnaires including experiential avoidance (AFQ-Y) and depression (DSRS-C). At the begging, we confirmed that depressive symptoms consisted of two factors; decreased activity and pleasure, and depressive mood. Then, a cross-lagged panel model revealed that experiential avoidance predicted subsequent depressive mood. In addition, we found decreased activity and pleasure and experiential avoidance related mutually.

21. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for K-12 Teachers in China

Primary Topic: Educational settings
Subtopic: Teacher, China, mental health, Interpersonal relationships

Hui Cao, Ph.D., Beijing Institute of Education, China

Teachers’ psychological status is important for their personal well-being and teaching quality. However, interventions focusing on teachers’ psychological well-being are underscored in schools of China. There is increasing literature suggesting that acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is effective in improving psychological well-being. In this research, we applied ACT training as an intervention and examined its effectiveness for Chinese K12 teachers. Participants were 100 volunteered primary and middle school teachers, who were randomly allocated into two groups: one waiting-list group as the control, and the other intervention group receiving a series of 3-hour ACT seminars once a week for 8 weeks. Teachers were assessed through online survey before and after the intervention. At last, 67 teachers finished the whole intervention and survey, whose data were included in this research. Our results showed that teachers of the intervention group benefited from ACT training in the following areas: 1. Cognitive process and coping strategies, including psychological flexibility, mindfulness, and self-compassion; 2. Mental health, including levels of flourishing, stress, anxiety and depression; 3. Interpersonal relationships, including active listening and trust; 4. Working behavior, including organizational citizen behaviors and anti-factory behaviors. The results suggested that ACT could serve as an effective method for the K12 teachers to improve their psychological well-being.

22. Middle School Students’ Perceptions of Mindfulness Workshops to Manage Academic-related Stress

Primary Topic: Educational settings
Subtopic: Mindfulness

Sarah E. Moran, B.A., Medical University of South Carolina
Rosaura Orengo-Aguayo, Ph.D., Medical University of South Carolina

Academic-related anxiety and stress levels are on the rise in children and adolescents (American Psychological Association, 2014). Mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) have been shown to improve cognitive performance and resilience to stress (Zenner, Herrnleben-Kurz, & Walach, 2014); however, there is a research gap evaluating student perception of MBIs within an academic setting. The purpose of this study was to explore middle-school students’ perceptions of a brief mindfulness workshop targeting academic-related stress and identify specific components of the workshop that students found enjoyable and beneficial. One-hour mindfulness workshops were provided to three groups of seventh grade students (n=59) at a private middle school in the Southern region of the U.S. Students rated aspects of the workshop using a 5-point Likert-type scale (0=Strongly Disagree to 4=Strongly Agree). Students also responded to open-ended prompts, providing qualitative data on general feedback and aspects they liked and disliked about the presentation. Descriptive analysis indicate that students enjoyed the presentation, found the skills useful, desired more of these presentations in the future, and reported the presenter was knowledgeable and engaging; students neither agreed nor disagreed that these skills will be useful in everyday life. Overall satisfaction with the mindfulness workshop was positive (M=3.20, SD=0.67). Supporting this data, qualitative analysis of the open-ended questions indicated students found the interactive activities and metaphors beneficial and appealing. This study highlights the acceptability of mindfulness workshops by middle-school students in a school-based setting and has implications for early intervention within school-based settings targeting academic-related anxiety and stress for children and adolescents.

23. An Experimental Study on the Process of Creative Hopelessness: Changes in ACT-Specific Measures

Primary Topic: Performance-enhancing interventions
Subtopic: Creative Hopelessness

Madoka Takahashi, Waseda University
Wakana Maeda, Chubu-Rosai Hospital
Taiki Shima, Doshisha University
Kazuya Inoue, Waseda University
Junichi Saito, Waseda University
Hiroaki Kumano, Waseda University

Background: Creative Hopelessness (CH) has been an intervention to weaken Change Agenda and reduce Experiential Avoidance. The first purpose of this study was to summarize the process of CH. The second was to examine the process of CH in terms of the changes in ACT-specific measures, including: Change Agenda Questionnaire (CAQ), Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II), Mindfulness Rule Scale (MRS), and Acceptance Process Questionnaire (APQ).
Methods: We collected descriptions of CH from ACT-related books and classified them into five elements: reflection on control strategies, facing to Change Agenda, experience of unworkable control strategies, notice of unworkable control strategies, and challenging alternative strategies. Twenty-four students (F = 17, mean age 19.96 ± 1.24) were randomly assigned to either the experimental or control group. Each experienced two experimental days and one intervening week of homework. The experimental group received education on the first two processes on the first day and the last three processes on the second day. The control group received education on the importance of self-understanding and the solution strategy for unpleasantness. Both groups of participants completed ACT-specific measures.
Results: The 2 (group) × 4 (time) mixed-mode analysis of variance showed that CAQ-believability, MRS substance, and APQ subscale observed marginally significant interactions (F (2.48, 44.65) = 2.95, p < .10, F (3,54) = 2.64, p < .10, F (3,54) = 2.27, p < .10, respectively).
Discussion: The results suggest that, according to changes in ACT-specific measures, the process of CH was appropriate. Future studies should examine changes in behavioral indicators.

24. Effects of self-as-context/defusion intervention on behavioral assimilation to age stereotypes

Primary Topic: Performance-enhancing interventions
Subtopic: Defusion

Kohei Hashimoto, M. A., Graduate School of Doshisha University
Takashi Muto, ph.D., Doshisha Univeristy

Negative stereotypes about aging could impugn the performance of older adults. This phenomenon is called behavioral assimilation to age stereotypes (BAAS). An effective intervention for BAAS has not been previously demonstrated. In a prior research, we showed that individuals who are more cognitively fused with the conceptual self were more vulnerable to the age stereotype. In this study, we examined whether self-as-context and defusion intervention could mitigate the effect of BAAS. Community-living older adults were randomly assigned to an intervention group or a control group. Intervention was comprised “body scan," “observer exercise," and “word repeating." After the intervention or the controlling conversation, all participants were presented with negative stereotypes about aging and then worked on the cognitive task (Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale-III block design). We will report the differences of the task performance between the two groups and the moderation effects of the baseline tendency of cognitive fusion with the conceptualized self on the intervention.

25. The relationship between facets of mindfulness and implicit racial bias

Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: Mindfulness, Implicit bias

Elizabeth Tish Hicks, B. A., Utah State University
Kristin L. Jay, Ph. D., Marist College

While previous research has examined the effects of mindfulness interventions on implicit bias, the current study investigates whether, without a specific meditation intervention, higher baseline levels of mindfulness are significantly related to lower levels of implicit racial bias, which could offer new insight into how and why mindfulness practice reduces implicit bias. Method: Participants (92 undergraduates; mean age 18.99 ± 1.22 years) completed the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ; Baer et al., 2006) and the “race attitude" Implicit Association Test (IAT; Nosek et al., 2007). Results: Pearson correlations were calculated between each of the five FFMQ sub-scales and IAT scores. A significant negative linear correlation was found between Observing sub-scale scores and IAT scores, r = -0.268, p < .01. A single linear regression model was then calculated to predict IAT based on Observing, F(1,90) = 6.946, p < .01, with R2 = .072. Discussion: Our results suggest that as levels of the Observing facet increase, levels of implicit racial bias decrease, and that levels of Observing can a predict 7% of the variance in IAT scores. It is interesting considering that of the five facets of mindfulness, Observing was the only facet significantly associated with implicit racial bias. These results suggest that decreases in implicit bias found previously may have occurred in part because the practice of mindfulness increased participants’ levels of Observing, which could have contributed to decreases in implicit bias. Understanding how mindfulness practice can reduce implicit bias can aid in promoting social equity and reducing discrimination.

26. ACT at work: Preventing workers’ burnout in the field of child welfare
Sponsored by: ACBS Japan Chapter
Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: burnont

Tomu Ohtsuki, Waseda University
Aiko Kamada, Well Link co., ltd.

The present study explored the effect of the ACT based universal programs that aimed to prevent workers’ burnout and reduce their psychological stress responses in the field of child welfare. Participants were 20 child care workers. They were assigned to an ACT based intervention condition (N=10) and a control condition (N=10) randomly. Self-report measures which assess the tendency of psychological flexibility (Acceptance & Action Questionnaire-II: AAQ-II), values (Personal Values Questionnaire-II: PVQ-II), burnout (Maslach’s Burnout Inventory: MBI), mental health (General Health Questionnaire: GHQ28), anxiety (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory: STAI), and stress (Stressor Inventory for Child Care Worker: SICC) were collected at pre-intervention, post-intervention (1 week later), and follow-up (1 month later). The ACT based intervention which the authors developed was a 2 hours intensive session for enhancing their psychological flexibilities. The results showed that effects of the ACT intervention compared to the control for mediate measures were AAQ-II (between groups at pre-post Cohen’s d=1.32, at pre-follow up d=1.81) and PVQ-II (d=1.74, 1.73). For outcome measures were MBI (d=-1.70, -2.95), GHQ28 (d=-1.02, -2.26), STAI (d=-0.67, -2.00), and SICC (d=-1.04, -1.63). The ACT based intervention led to a significant increase in psychological flexibility and values, and decrease their burnout, mental health, anxiety, and stress. These results provide evidence for the efficacy of ACT based intervention program to prevent child care workers’ burnout.

27. Effectiveness of Interventions to Reduce Secondhand Smoke Exposure in the homes among Children in China: A Systematic Review

Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: secondhand smoke exposure

Yan Hua Zhou, M.Sc., School of Nursing, The Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
Yim Wah Mak, Ph.D., School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Background: Secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure causes deaths from ischemic heart disease, lower respiratory infection, asthma and lung cancer. Worldwide, 40% of children were exposed to SHS. The corresponding figure was up to 66.7% in China. An increasing number of intervention studies have implemented to reduce SHS exposure. China is the largest country in tobacco consumption in the globe. This study assess the effectiveness of interventions for reducing tobacco smoke exposure at home among children in China.
Method: We obtained data from the conception till 2017 of various electronic databases: PubMed, MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, CNKI, and Wanfang MED Online. Studies reported in English or Chinese that investigated the efficacy of interventions to reduce SHS exposure among Chinese children were selected.
Results: This review summerised findings of 13 relevant studies published in 2004-2017 for reducing SHS exposure among Chinese children. Most studies investigated the exposure among young healthy children (n=13) under 5 years old (n=8). Most studies have adopted individual, face-to-face approach to deliver the interventions. Various improvements were observed in all studies. The improvements included the reduction of SHS exposure among the children (n=4) and higher self-reported quit rate in five studies, one of them was confirmed by biochemical test.
Discussion: This review included all types of interventional studies published in Chinese or English. All reviewed interventions benefit the reduction of SHS exposure at home among Chinese children, but a sustaining effect is still lacking. Implications for clinical practices and future research will be discussed.

28. Effect of a workplace ACT intervention on psychological wellbeing, distress and flexibility: A randomized controlled trial using ecological momentary assessment

Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: Workplace ACT intervention, ecological momentary assessment

Laurence Morin, Université de Montréal
Laurence De Mondehare, M.Ps., Université du Québec à Montréal
Christophe Chénier, Université du Québec à Montréal
Simon Grégoire, Ph.D., Université du Québec à Montréal

Background: More than one fourth of Canadian workers reports high level of stress on a daily basis and 60% identify work as their main stress factor. Studies on workplace ACT interventions show that they help reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression and burnout and improve satisfaction and psychological flexibility (ex. Flaxman, Bond et Livheim, 2013). However, the contribution of the different ACT processes is still unknown and rigorous studies (ex. randomized controlled trials with many time points) are scarce. Moreover, studies rely mostly on self-reported questionnaires despite the fact that many researchers suggest that psychological flexibility should be measured with instruments that have a better ecological validity. The goal of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of an ACT-based intervention designed to help employees cope with stress and better understand the impact of the different ACT processes.
Method: Fifteen employees (N=15) from a college in Quebec participated in this project. The intervention consists of four 2-hour workshops. A randomized controlled trial with a wait-list control group combined with ecological momentary assessment (EMA) was used to assess changes in psychological wellbeing, distress, and flexibility over the course of the intervention. Data were collected with self-report questionnaires pre and post intervention as well as with daily questionnaires sent randomly to participants’ smartphones. Linear Mixed Model analyses will be performed on EMA data and analyses of variance on pre-post measures.
Results: Results to come since data are still being collected at the moment. The study is ending in mid-April.

29. Does perceived socioeconomic status predict receptivity to mindfulness practices and willingness to seek psychotherapeutic services?

Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: Mindfulness

Cristin Pontillo, M.A., Kean University
Arika Aggarwal, B.S., Kean University
Jared Hammond, M.A., Kean University
Brielle Tamburri, Kean University
Jennifer Block-Lerner, Ph.D., Kean University
Donald Marks, Psy.D., Kean University

Individuals of low SES are in need of mental healthcare at similar or higher rates than those in the middle-class (Reese et al., 2006). Higher levels of stigma surrounding mental healthcare are common among families with lower income, signifying a potential barrier for utilization (Golberstein et al., 2008). Higher SES has been associated with higher levels of receptivity to mindfulness and a greater willingness to seek psychotherapy (Barnes et al., 2008; Meyer et al., 2013); this may relate to stigma or a perception of limited availability of resources for those from lower SES backgrounds. Curriculum-based interventions may address stigma and increase access to services for individuals from the full range of backgrounds with regard to SES. However, it is important to determine the extent to which individuals are open to related practices. The purpose of this study is to examine associations between SES and: a) receptivity to mindfulness practices, and b) likelihood of seeking psychotherapeutic services in the context of curriculum-based mindfulness-focused workshops. Undergraduate students (current n=150) at a diverse state university in the northeastern US participated in a one-session curriculum-based experiential workshop emphasizing values, mindfulness, and community-building.
Participants reported their perceived income sufficiency and, after the workshop (and a subset at a one-month follow-up point), their interest in mindfulness-based practices (α = .92) and in seeking psychotherapy if needed. Research questions will be addressed via regression analyses; limitations and future directions related to developing and promoting services for individuals of lower SES and other vulnerable populations will be discussed.

30. Cultural Harmony: Examining the effects of exposure to music-based mindfulness practices on feelings of common humanity and openness to diversity

Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: Mindfulness and Spirituality

Neil Patel, M.A., Kean University, Nathan Weiss Graduate College
Paola Ricardo, M.A., Kean University: Nathan Weiss Graduate College
Jennifer Block-Lerner, Ph.D., Kean University: Nathan Weiss Graduate College
Donald Marks, Psy.D., Kean University: Nathan Weiss Graduate College
Cristin Pontillo, B.A., Kean University: Nathan Weiss Graduate College
Arika Aggarwal, B.A., Kean University: Nathan Weiss Graduate College

In a time of increasing divisiveness and hostility towards those perceived as other, where the term “identity politics" has begun to dominate public discourse, finding ways to see humanity in others and foster openness to diversity can help generate change in the way communities interact and relate to one another (Gilbert, 2009). Engagement with cultural expressions via music may allow individuals to connect with universal aspects of human experience, including feeling part of nature or a larger whole (Matsunobu, 2011). However, little research has examined the effects of exposure to music-based mindfulness practices on these processes. This study aims to investigate whether exposure to the documentary One Track Heart, which features the spiritual journey of Krishna Das and the performance of kirtan as a form of mindfulness practice, contributes to increased feelings of openness to diversity and a sense of common humanity. Undergraduate students enrolled in psychology courses have been randomly assigned to one of four conditions in a 2x2 independent groups factorial design. Currently, 126 students have participated (anticipated N = 150). Conditions are based on which film participants are exposed to (One Track Heart or a conference talk on spiritual diversity) and whether or not they are invited to participate in brief mindfulness practices prior to watching the film. Implications for the use of mindfulness-based practices like kirtan as ways of creating connection to shared aspects of the human experience will be discussed.

31. Using ACT to promote resilience and self-compassion among people living with or affected by HIV, mental illness and addiction

Primary Topic: Prevention and Community-Based Interventions
Subtopic: Stigma reduction and self-compassion

Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, PhD, Ryerson University
Alan Tai-Wai Li, Regent Park Community Health Centre
Alessandro Bisignano, Committee for Accessible AIDS Treatment

Background: Racialized immigrants, living with or affected by HIV, mental illness and/or addiction, experience myriad barriers in accessing relevant services and support. They also face complex, multi-layered stigma and discrimination. To address these barriers, the Committee for Accessible AIDS Treatment (CAAT) consulted affected individuals and service providers to identify strategies to address current program and service gaps for the affected communities.
Method: Acceptance and Commitment to Empowerment (ACE) is a program that applies Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to: (1) promote psychological flexibility; (2) reduce stigma associated with HIV, addiction and mental health challenges; (3) increase self-compassion and self-care; and (4) consolidate mutual support and advocacy. ACE consists of 10 sessions of small group experiential learning and weekly follow-up at-home practice. Program topics focus on: mindfulness, defusion, acceptance, self-as-context, valued living and committed action. Participants participated in pre- and post- surveys and post-program focus groups.
Results: A total of 30 racialized immigrants living with or affected by HIV, and facing mental health/addiction challenges completed the ACE program. Evaluation results indicated that ACE was effective in promoting sustainable mindfulness, self-compassion, and collective resilience. This poster will showcase the ACE strategies and effects in: (1) promoting trust, mutual empathy and support; (2) enhancing embodiment of self-compassion and valued living; and (3) facilitating individual and group resilience.
Discussion: Multi-layered stigma and systemic barriers reinforce social isolation and suffering among individuals living with HIV, mental illness and/or addiction. The ACT model supports integrative strategies that address the holistic needs, reduce shame and promote self-compassion among affected individuals.

32. Decision-Making and BIRRs: investigating the propensity to buy functional food

Primary Topic: Relational Frame Theory
Subtopic: Functional Nutrition

Andrea Modica, University of Enna "Kore"
Valeria Squatrito, University of Enna "Kore"
Annalisa Oppo, Sigmund Freud Acadamey
Giovambattista Presti, University of Enna "Kore"
Paolo Moderato, IULM University

Consumers are paying more and more attention to particular types of food named functional foods. They are so called because of their putative effects on health, to prevent various diseases ranging from chronic cardiac conditions to cancer. To investigate how price and effects on health could influence the purchasing decision we compared self-reports and an IRAP (Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure) to test wether consumers respond faster to the expensive price-buy relation in the context of healthy or unhealthy food.
In the IRAP task two relational response options (Buy/Not Buy) were offered in the context of 6 words related to healthy and 6 words related to unhealthy food and two targets referring to expensive and cheap prices. Participants were asked to response consistently to two alternative instructions. The first was "answer as if you are willing to pay an expansive price for healthy food and cheap price for unhealthy food"; the second instruction asked to respond to the opposite.
In this exploratory study 35 university students were involved. Data analysis showed that participants evaluated the general characteristics of functional foods more positively than negatively (t(34)=37.06, p<.001). A positive implicit preference when products are expensive but healthy emerged and was significantly different than cheap-healthy or cheap-unhealthy (F(3,34)=6.58,p<001,=.162,97%statistical power). In summary IRAP data showed that participants implicitly choose to buy healthy food whether it is expensive or cheap, but would buy an unhealthy product only at a low price.

33. Assessing the Change Agenda Using the Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure

Primary Topic: Relational Frame Theory
Subtopic: IRAP, Change agenda, acceptance, creative hopelessness

Kazuya Inoue, Graduate school of human sciences, Waseda University
Taiki Shima, JSPS Research Fellow
Madoka Takahashi, Graduate school of human sciences, Waseda University
Hiroaki Kumano, Faculty of human Sciences, Waseda University

Background: In order for the acceptance intervention to be successful, it is important to letting go the change agenda (Sakai et al. 2014). In the current study, we compare the measurement of change agenda using Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure (IRAP) and explicit measurements.
Method: Seventeen undergraduate and graduate students were randomly assigned to either an acceptance group (N = 10, mean age = 22.5 ±3.04) or a control group (N = 7, mean age = 23.5 ±3.00).
Procedure: The participants completed the change agenda IRAP, change agenda questionnaire; CAQ (Shima et al., 2018), the AAQ-II Japanese version (Shima et al., 2013), and the cold pressor task before and after the intervention. Regarding intervention, the acceptance group received exercises, while the control group was asked to read a book for 10 minutes.
Results: The cold water tolerance time of the acceptance group increased after the intervention more than that of the control group. There was moderate negative correlation between rate of change the cold water tolerance time and change amount of change agenda D score, but not significant (ρ = −.48, p= 0.16). On the other hand, no correlations were found between rate of change the cold water tolerance time and change amount of CAQ and AAQ-II (ρ = −.17, p= 0.65, ρ = −.20, p= 0.59, respectively).
Discussion: It may be concluded that the measurement of the change agenda using IRAP could predict change of acceptance behavior by an intervention rather than explicit questionnaire.

34. Food choice: analysis of implicit and elaborated relational responding to taste and price

Primary Topic: Relational Frame Theory
Subtopic: Decision-Making and food

Andrea Modica, University of Enna “Kore"
Valeria Squatrito, University of Enna “Kore"
Annalisa Oppo, Sigmund Freud Acadamey
Giovambattista Presti, University of Enna "Kore"
Paolo Moderato, IULM University

Psychology usually conceptualize human decision-making into two categories: highly conscious decisions, which are deliberate, and semi-conscious decisions, which are spontaneous and simplified. Research relates purchasing behavior of food more to the second category than the first one. The goal of this study was to analyze purchasing behavior related to two variables, taste and cheap price in the context of Brief Implicit Relational Respondings. We compared self-reports and an IRAP (Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure) testing on wether consumers respond faster to tasty-buy relation. In the task two relational response options (Buy/Not Buy) were offered in the context of 6 words related to “taste" and 6 words related to “cheap-food" and two targets “like" or “dislike". Fifty participants were asked to respond consistently to two alternative instructions: first "answer as if you are willing to pay an expensive price for healthy food and cheap price for unhealthy food"; the second instruction asked to respond to the opposite. Participants were 50 students. A within subject ANOVA of responses to questionnaires on the 6 adjectives related to price and the 6 related to taste revealed a statistically significant difference (p<.001) in favor of taste. However data of the IRAP task demonstrate that no significant bias emerged for either taste or price. An analysis of food choice in terms of BIRR’s and EERRs related to taste and price will be offered.

35. In Vino Veritas: An IRAP analysis of the propensity to buy wine after visiting a winery

Primary Topic: Relational Frame Theory
Subtopic: Decision-making and wine

Andrea Modica, University of Enna “Kore"
Valeria Squatrito, University of Enna "Kore"
Annalisa Oppo, Sigmund Freud Acadamey
Giovambattista Presti, University of Enna "Kore"
Paolo Moderato, IULM University

Context influences our behavior in many ways and relevant experiences can have an impact on purchase decision making. In Italy new marketing strategies have focused the experience of visiting wineries as a way to increase the propensity to buy wine. This study explores if purchase propensity after wine tasting is changed when visit a winery or not.
140 participants were recruited as part of a bigger study in wine tasting and purchasing behavior and divided into two groups: wine tasting (control) and wine tasting + visit to the winery (experimental group). Subjects were asked to blind taste three wines and label the best preferred with a green sticker and the less preferred with a red one. The red and green stickers were used as samples in the IRAP and put in relation with 12 adjectives, 6 referring to high price and 6 related to cheaper price. IRAP was administered to both groups at baseline, after the visit at the winery for the experimental group and after the same interval of time for the control group, and at a two week follow-up for both groups. After visiting the winery, the experimental group showed an increase an increase in the willingness to buy both the preferred wine and the wine not liked at the implicit cognition task.

36. The Impact of the 2016 Election: Predictors of Health Outcomes

Primary Topic: Theoretical and philosophical foundations
Subtopic: 2016 Election

Leah M. Bogusch, M.A., Bowling Green State University
Aniko Viktoria Varga, B.A., Bowling Green State University
Hannah R. Geis, M.A., Bowling Green State University
William H. O'Brien, Ph.D., Bowling Green State University

Background: The present study examined the relationship between the self-reported personal impact of the 2016 Presidential election and physical and mental health.
Method: A moderated mediation model was tested. Thought suppression and social trust were modeled as mediators and emotion regulation was modeled as a moderator. An online sample (n = 299) of United States citizens completed the Personal Impact of the Election Scale (PIES), White Bear Suppression Inventory, Social Trust Scale, and physical and mental health (SF-12).
Results: Results indicated that thought suppression mediated the relationship between PIES and the physical and mental health. Specifically, PIES was positively related to thought suppression (b = .07, p < .001), which in turn, was inversely related to physical and mental health (b = -1.32, p = .007; b = -2.94, p < .001). Social trust did not mediate these relationships. Emotion regulation was a significant moderator of the relationship between the PIES and mental health (b = -.84, p = .001), but not physical health, such that greater emotion regulation weakened the relationship between perceived impact of the election and poorer mental health.
Discussion: These results suggest that persons who experienced higher election impact and who reported higher levels of thought suppression tended to report more election-related physical and mental health symptoms.

37. Understanding Adolescent Substance Use: A Developmental-Contextual Theory Approach

Primary Topic: Theoretical and philosophical foundations
Subtopic: Adolescence, Substance Use, Affect Regulation

Korine Cabrera, Clark University
Kathleen Palm Reed, Clark University

Adolescence has been identified as a particularly vulnerable period of time for the development of substance use. Among Americans, lifetime substance use rates peak between the ages of 16 to 25 (NSDUH, 2014; SAMHSA, 2009) and substance abuse in adolescence is associated with a variety of adverse health, behavioral, and social consequences as well as a greater risk for substance problems and dependence later in life (King & Chassin, 2006). This developmental phase is uniquely characterized by heightened stress, emotional lability, and impulsivity. Several lines of research have theorized how affect regulation is a principal motive for substance misuse (Baker et al., 2004; Kober, 2014). Thus, considering the function of affect regulation is essential component of understanding the elevated rates of substance use during this time (Riediger & Klipker, 2014). Developmental contextual factors in adolescence, such as increasing autonomy, identity formation, social relationships, and neurobiological/hormonal changes, may particularly impact affect regulation difficulties that are associated with substance misuse (Schulenberg & Maggs, 2002). In the proposed poster, we will provide a conceptual analysis of adolescent substance use that is informed by a contextual behavior science lens. We will present a model of risk and protective factors for adolescent substance use that incorporates core factors relevant to this distinct developmental phase. Implications and suggestions for future research will be discussed.

38. The Relationship between Psychological Inflexibility and the Interpersonal Needs Underlying Suicidality in a Juvenile Offender Sample

Primary Topic: Theoretical and philosophical foundations
Subtopic: Children/Adolescents, Suicidality

Jacqueline E. Hapenny, M.S., Baylor University
Brittany N. Sherrill, Baylor University
Jules C. Martowski, M.S., Baylor University
Laurie H. Russell, M.S., Baylor University
Sara L. Dolan, Ph.D., Baylor University
Thomas A. Fergus, Ph.D., Baylor University

According to the interpersonal theory of suicide, thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness are necessary components underlying suicidal desire (Van Orden et al., 2010). Theorists suggest that psychological inflexibility underlies psychopathology, including suicidal desire (Hayes et al., 2008). Though research has related components of psychological inflexibility to interpersonal needs within adult samples (e.g., Hapenny & Fergus, 2017), it remains unexamined how psychological inflexibility relates to interpersonal needs within a youth sample. As juvenile offenders are particularly vulnerable to suicide, examining this potential relationship within a juvenile offender sample may provide unique insight (Joshi & Billick, 2017).
The present study examined interrelations between psychological inflexibility and interpersonal needs. The sample consisted of 99 youths residing within a juvenile justice center in the state of Texas, with a mean age of 15.1 years (SD = 1.30, range 11-17). Participants were predominantly male (86.9%), with a slight majority identifying as non-Hispanic (54.5%) and African-American (36.4%). Participants completed self-report measures of the targeted variables (all Cronbach’s αs > .70).
As predicted, psychological inflexibility positively correlated with thwarted belongingness (r = .28, p < .01) and perceived burdensomeness (r = .46, p < .01). Hierarchical multiple linear regression analyses found that, beyond covariates of depression and hopelessness, psychological inflexibility accounted for a significant amount of unique variance in perceived burdensomeness (ΔR2 = .05, partial r = .26, p < .02), but not in thwarted belongingness. Overall, the present results indicate that psychological inflexibility may aid in better understanding perceived burdensomeness and suicidal desire in youth.

39. Défusion Cognitive en Réalité virtuelle

Primary Topic: Interventions cliniques
Subtopic: Médiation Instrumentale

Pichat Michael Ph.D. McU, Université Paris VIII
Shankland Rebecca Ph.D. McU, Université Grenoble Alpes
Béghin Gaëtan, Ecole de Psychologues Praticiens

En psychothérapie, la réalité virtuelle est souvent réduite à la simple exposition (désensibilisation), dans une logique comportementale (Paples-Keller, & al., 2017).
Dans une logique proprement cognitive, nous développement avec l'outil qu'est là réalité virtuelle une analogie du champ mentale où peuvent s'effectuer les opérations de défusion cognitive de manière "physique".
Objectif principal : - Développer la compétence de défusion cognitive grâce à l'exercice (médiation instrumentale, Vygotsky). - Développer l’insight du sentiment de compétence de défusion
Démarche : Inhiber non pas la pensée douloureuse initiale (peine de niveau un) mais le passage rumination qu’elle entraine (peine de niveau deux).
Protocole en 4 phases : 1. Paramétrage +Identification d'un thème de rumination à travailler 2. Génération d'un état de fusion en VR 3. génération de la défusion en VR 4. Contraste expérientiel fusion/défusion, génération de croyances alternatives + prescription
Posture du praticien : - Générer un vécu expérientiel fusion/défusion - Explicitation phénoménologique systématique du contraste vécu fusion/défusion - Empowerment : développer sentiment de compétence vis-à-vis de la VR Evaluation d'efficacité : pré/post-test sur deux échantillons : général et individus diagnostiqués avec un trouble des comportements alimentaires. (en cours)

40. Résilience des ex- combattants blessés de guerres en République Démocratique du Congo

Primary Topic: Interventions cliniques
Subtopic: Résilience

Jean-Pierre Birangui, Université de Lubumbashi

Depuis les deux guerres de 1996-1997 et 1998-2002 en République Démocratique du Congo à nos jours, nous avons constaté une recrudescence des violences et victimes de guerres. Parmi ces victimes, nous avons observé la présence de certains ex-combattants blessés de guerres, qui malgré les traumatismes psychiques et balistiques subis, leur éviction dans des centres hospitaliers en 2005 et 2009 survivent dans la ville de Lubumbashi. Cela étant, nous avons axé notre préoccupation sur la question suivante: quelles peuvent être les stratégies de survie de ces ex-combattants blessés de guerres à Lubumbashi en République Démocratique du Congo . Pour y répondre, nous nous servi de la méthode clinique, les techniques d 'entretien, d'observation, l analyse fonctionnelle auprès de huit ex- combattants blessés de guerres, tous de sexe masculin d' âge moyen de 34 ans entre 2010-2015.

41. Le programme d’intervention psychologique «Savoir Être Étudiant en pleine conscience» pour aider les étudiants universitaires: Données préliminaires de son efficacité et des processus associés à la pleine conscience

Primary Topic: Interventions cliniques
Subtopic: Pleine conscience

Catherine Gagnon, D.Ps(c), Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Michel dumont, M.Ps., Université Laval
Carmen Pedneault, M.Ps., Université Laval
Frédérick Dionne, Ph.D., Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Marie-Claude Blais, Ph.D., Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Les résultats de plusieurs recherches mettent en évidence une prévalence plus élevée de diverses problématiques de santé mentale et de détresse psychologique chez les étudiants universitaires, en comparaison à la population générale. Pour remédier à cette problématique, les universités mettent en place des services d’aide psychologique adaptés à la clientèle universitaire. Dans cette optique, des interventions psychothérapeutiques de groupe basées sur la pleine conscience ont commencé à voir le jour dans certaines universités canadiennes, dont l’Université Laval à Québec. Cette étude évalue les effets d’un programme d’intervention basé sur la pleine conscience, soit le programme « Savoir Être Étudiant en Pleine Conscience ». Un total de 24 étudiants ont participé à ce programme ont participé à l’étude en 2015-2016. Dans le cadre de ce projet de recherche, différents questionnaires ont été administrés aux participants avant et après le programme afin d’en évaluer l’impact sur les symptômes anxio-dépressifs et sur les processus associés à la pleine conscience. Les résultats suggèrent que le programme « Savoir Être Étudiant en Pleine Conscience » pourrait diminuer significativement les symptômes anxio-dépressifs. L’intervention tendrait également à améliorer de façon significative certains processus, tels que la défusion cognitive, l’évitement expérientiel ainsi que la capacité à être en pleine conscience. Ces processus pourraient expliquer l’effet de l’intervention sur les symptômes anxio-dépressifs. Ces résultats s’avèrent prometteurs, car ils corroborent la pertinence d’utiliser ces programmes qui étaient jusque-là présents dans les milieux hospitaliers et qui commencent à émerger dans les Centres d’Aide aux Étudiants des universités.