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Video resources applying ACT for parents with babies

Possums & Co. provide free ACT videos on their website targeted towards parents with babies at the following link:

We also have integrated ACT into many of our resources available via Milk & Moon paid membership at   For example, see  There are ACT workbooks for parents as well as guided mindfulness activities.

If you have any questions about these resources, please contact Caroline at

The free ACT videos on the Possums & Co. website are a series divided into sections and the following content is covered:

Part 1

Why ACT when we are caring for a baby

The human brain is a problem-solving machine, and it gets even busier when we’ve had a baby!

Everything worthwhile in a human life brings both joy and pain

Part 2

What practical problems need to be addressed first up?

Find effective, evidence-based support for breastfeeding problems, bottle-feeding problems, and unsettled baby behaviour
Keep the parenting team as strong as possible
Think about how best to care for your own needs in the midst of it all
Babies need us to respond as best we can to their crying
Find groups of like-minded parents

Part 3

Getting your bearings: your values are your compass when life with baby is tough

Part 4

Are you ready to turn off the struggle switch?

Part 5

Noticing and naming what’s happening in your mind and body, then trying out some strategies

Dropping an anchor into the present moment

Making room for unpleasant or painful feelings

Part 6

Doing what matters to you (even when you don’t feel like it)

Part 7

Hand over heart: the power of self-compassion