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Training Committee

This committee shall support the development, evaluation, and availability of high-quality CBS training (e.g. ACT, applied RFT), and do so in a manner consistent with statements of the ACBS community’s values as described in the Trainers’ Agreement. Here, “high quality” means training that creates conditions that establish higher levels of psychological flexibility through empirically supported processes, and that increases the trainees’ ability to apply CBS. Toward that mission, one standing duty of this committee is to oversee and coordinate the peer-review process for being listed as a recognized ACT trainer on the ACBS website.

In the past, the Training Committee has been responsible for:
• Oversight of the peer-review process, including updates to the process and forms
• Creating a video describing how peer-review operates
• Conducting and evaluating a Trainer’s survey
• Encouraging diverse trainers to apply for the peer-review process
• Developing a Trainer’s Think Tank for World Conferences (which encourages trainer community building)

2024/2025 Committee

Current Chair - Lou Lasprugato (U.S.)
Raul Manzione, Brazil
Sarah Pegrum, Canada
Mônica Valentim, Brazil

Non-PRT Member: Will Perez, Brazil

RFT Specialist: Fabian Olaz, Argentina

(This page was updated on 05/23/2024)

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