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Tom Lavin, MFT, LCADC, ACATA: New Skills for Living - Experts on using ACT in daily life

Tom Lavin, MFT, LCADC has hosted the local ABC affliate television show in Reno, NV titled New Skills for Living, a health and wellness series, since 1995 in an effort to help people learn skills to live vital and meaningful lives.

Tom is the recipient of the 2014 IMPACT AWARD of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science.

You can see expert ACT therapists discuss how ACT principles can be applied to so many aspects of your life!

Topics: ACT in Daily Life, Anxiety, Addiction, Chronic Illness, PTSD, Eating Disorders, Mindfulness for College Students, Families and Addiction Recovery, Smoking Cessation, Valued-Based Living, Happy Couples, Autism, Meaningful Living, etc.

Each of the videos are approximately 20-30 minutes in length. 

Visit for more information.

"ACT in Daily Life", Steven C. Hayes, PhD


"ACT: Anxiety" Steven C. Hayes, PhD


"ACT: Addressing Addiction" Steven C. Hayes, PhD


"ACT Addressing Chronic Illness" Steven C Hayes, PhD


"Mindfulness for College Students" Jacqueline Pistorello, PhD


"ACT: PTSD" Jacqueline Pistorello, PhD


"ACT: Anxiety" Kelly G. Wilson, PhD


"ACT: PTSD Treatment" Victoria Follette, PhD


"Stop Smoking" Jonathan Bricker, PhD


"Happy Couples" Robyn D. Walser, PhD


"Living Values Makes a Difference" Jennifer C. Plumb, MA


"Effective Psychotherapy" Tom Lavin, MFT, LADC


"Help for People with Eating Disorders" Jason Lillis, PhD


"ACT Therapy for Substance Abuse and Disordered Eating" Lindsay B. Fletcher, MA


"Principles of Vital Living" Tom Lavin, MFT, LADC


"How Families Can Deal with Financial and Relationship Stress" Tom Lavin, MFT, LADC


"Addiction and Family Recovery" Tom Lavin, MFT, LADC


"ACT: Autism" Nanni Presti, MD, PhD


"Addiction Recovery" Barbara Kohlenberg, PhD


"When Life Hurts: ACT and Logotherapy" Tom Lavin, MFT LADC