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Teacher's Guide to Evolution, Behavior, and Sustainability Science

Humans are a highly cooperative species - cooperation is what brought us to the global society that we are today. And yet, the biggest problems facing the well-being of individuals, our species, and our planet seem to be the result of our inability to work together.

Humans are a highly flexible species - we inhabit almost all the ecosystems of the world. And yet, the biggest problems facing the well-being of individuals, our species, and our planet, seem to be the result of our inability for flexible behavior change.

How can teachers engage students in these apparent paradoxes?

The second edition of the Global ESD creative commons publication, A Teacher's Guide to Evolution, Behavior, and Sustainability Science, provides educators with an interdisciplinary road map to understanding the origins, development, and flexibility of our uniquely elaborated human capacities to cooperate around things that matter, and provides tools and approaches for teaching about these concepts in their classrooms. 

Download the teacher guide here:

- Contributed by ACBS Member, Dr. Susan Hanisch (October 2020)