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Română (Romanian)

ACT in Romanian

The ACBS Romania Chapter has a website and a Facebook group.

Doing What Matters in Times of Stress (2020) An Illustrated Guide (World Health Organization)
Cum să faci ceea ce contează în perioade stresante: un ghid ilustrat


Romania Chapter

Affiliated 2019

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Chapter Website:

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Acceptance and commitment therapy is a psychological intervention method belonging to the “third wave” of cognitive-behavioural therapies. This type of therapeutic approach has proven its efficiency in several mental disorders, from anxiety disorders all the way to psychoses. In the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, ACT has proved to be efficient especially due to the cognitive defusion techniques, but also due to approached based on the significance of language, since in ACT theory, language is an influencing factor of life experiences and behaviour.

Cojocaru, C. & Schenk, A. (2021). The Importance of Life Values and Psychological Flexibility During Pandemic Times. The Proceedings of the International Conference Globalization, Intercultural Dialogue and National Identity.

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic is associated with increased stress levels and mental health problems for a large amount of people all over the world. Emotional difficulties, poor academic or job performance and disfunctional coping mechanisms tend to appear as a reaction to unceartainty. Besides maintaining an adaptive behavior related to physical health promotion and perserving, there is also imperative that we establish strategies to protect our psychological condition. Identifying our core life values, as well as developing a flexible, non-rigid way of thinking can be efficient methods for facilitating resilience in this challenging period.

Measures in Romanian (Română)
  • AAQ-II - Romanian
  • COPE - Romanian
  • CompACT - Romanian
  • DERS - Romanian
  • FFMQ - Romanian
  • MEQ - Romanian

Romania - Mures County - Targu Mures - Affiliate of ACBS

Mures County - Targu Mures Affiliate of ACBS

Click here to join the Mures County - Targu Mures Affiliate of ACBS Affiliate!

Affiliated 2019


Cosmin Popa & Cristiana-Manuela Cojocaru

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