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APA Citation Download
Gloster, A. T., Walder, N., Levin, M. E., Twohig, M. P., & Karekla, M. (2020). The empirical status of acceptance and commitment therapy: A review of meta-analyses. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 18, 181-192. doi:10.1016/j.jcbs.2020.09.009
Gloster, A.T., Hummel, K.V., Lyudmirskaya, I., Hauke, C., & Sonntag, R.F. (2012). Aspects of Exposure Therapy in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. In P. Neudeck & H.-U. Wittchen (eds.), Exposure Therapy: Rethinking the Model - Refining the Method, (pp. 127-152). Berlin: Springer. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Gloster, A.T., Lamnisos, D., Lubenko, J., Presti, G., Squatrito, V., Constantinou, M., Nicolaou, C., Papacostas, S., Aydın, G., Chong, Y., Chien, W., Cheng, H., Ruiz, F. J., Garcia-Martin, M., Obando-Posada, D., Segura-Vargas, M., Vasiliou, V., McHugh, L., Höfer, S., Baban, A., Dias Neto, D., Nunes da Silva, A., Monestès, J.L., Alvarez-Galvez, J., Paez-Blarrina, M., Montesinos, F., Valdivia-Salas, S., Ori, D., Kleszcz, B., Lappalainen, R., Ivanović, I., Gosar, D., Dionne, F., Merwin, R., Kassianos, A., & Karekla, M. (2020). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on mental health: An international study. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0244809. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0244809.
Glover, N. G., Sylvers, P. D., Shearer, E. M., Kane, M., Clasen, P. C., Epler, A. J., Plumb-Vilardaga, J. C., Bonow, J. T., & Jakupcak, M. (2016). The efficacy of Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in VA primary care. Psychological Services, 13(2), 156-161.
Godfrey, E., Wileman, V., Galea Holmes, M., McCracken, L. M., Norton, S., Moss-Morris, R., Noonan, S., Barcellona, M., & Critchley, D. (2019). Physical Therapy Informed by Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (PACT) Versus Usual Care Physical Therapy for Adults With Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Journal of Pain, 21(1-2), 71-81.
Godfrey, K. M., Butryn, M. L., Forman, E. M., Martinez, M., Roberts, S. R., & Sherwood, N. E. (2019). Depressive symptoms, psychological flexibility, and binge eating in individuals seeking behavioral weight loss treatment. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 14, 50-54.
Godfrey, K. M., Gallo, L. C., & Afari, N. (2015). Mindfulness-based interventions for binge eating: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of behavioral medicine, 38(2), 348-362. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Godfrey, K., Schumacher, L., Butryn, M., & Forman, E. (2019). Physical Activity Intentions and Behavior Mediate Treatment Response in an Acceptance-Based Weight Loss Intervention. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53(12), 1009-1019. doi: 10.1093/abm/kaz011
Goetz, D.B. & Hirschhorn, E.W. (2021). An Evaluation of an ACT-Based “Aging Resiliently” Group. Clinical Gerontologist. DOI: 10.1080/07317115.2021.1932001
Gohari Nasab, A., Seyrafi, M., Kraskian, A., & Kalhornia Golkar, M. (2021). Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Health Anxiety and Adherence to Treatment in Patients Undergoing Open-Heart Surgery. Avicenna Journal of Neuro Psycho Physiology, 8(1), 1-6. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Gold, J. (2020, July 20). How To Accept The Things You Cannot Change, Like The Pandemic.
Gold, S. D., Marx, B. P., & Lexington, J. M. (2007). Gay male sexual assault survivors: The relations among internalized homophobia, experiential avoidance, and psychological symptom severity. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 45(3), 549-562. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Gold, S. D., Marx, B. P., & Lexington, J. M. (2007). Gay male sexual assault survivors: The relations among internalized homophobia, experiential avoidance, and psychological symptom severity. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 45(3), 549-562.
Gold, S.D., Dickstein, B.D., Marx, B.P. & Lexington, J.M. (2009). Psychological outcomes among lesbian sexual assault survivors: An examination of the roles of internalized homophobia and experiential avoidance. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 33, 54–66. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Gold, S.D., Dickstein, B.D., Marx, B.P. & Lexington, J.M. (2009). Psychological outcomes among lesbian sexual assault survivors: An examination of the roles of internalized homophobia and experiential avoidance. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 33, 54–66.
Goldiamond, I. (1974). Toward a constructional approach to social problems: Ethical and constitutional issues raised by applied behavior analysis. Behaviorism, 2(1),1-84. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Goldiamond, I. (1974). Toward a constructional approach to social problems: Ethical and constitutional issues raised by applied behavior analysis. Behaviorism, 2(1),1-84. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Goldiamond, I. (1974). Toward a constructional approach to social problems: Ethical and constitutional issues raised by applied behavior analysis. Behaviorism, 2(1),1-84.
Goldin, P. R., Morrison, A., Jazaieri, H., Brozovich, F., Heimberg, R., & Gross, J. J. (2016). Group CBT versus MBSR for social anxiety disorder: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84(5), 427.
Golijani-Moghaddam, N., Hart, A. & Dawson, D. L. (2013). The Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure: Emerging reliability and validity data. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 2, 105-119.
Golijani-Moghaddam, N., Morris, J.L., Bayliss, K., & Dawson, D.L. (2023). The CompACT-10: Development and validation of a Comprehensive assessment of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy processes short-form in representative UK samples. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 29, 59-66.
Golparvar, M., & Akbari, M. (2019). The Effectiveness of Integrative Acceptance Commitment-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (ACT-CBT) and Parent Management Training (PMT) on the Affective Capital of Adolescent Boys with Sexual Abuse. The Journal of Counseling Culture and Psychotherapy, 10(39), 71-98. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Golshani, G. &Pirnia, B. (2019). Comparison of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) On the Severity of Fatigue, Improvement of Sleep Quality and Resilience in a Patient with Prostate Cancer: A Single-Case Experimental Study. International Journal of Cancer Management, 12(2), e88416.
Gomes, C., Perez, W., de Almeida, J., Ribeiro, A., de Rose, J., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2020). Assessing a derived transformation of functions using the implicit relational assessment procedure under three motivative conditions. The Psychological Record, 69, 487-497.
Gómez, I., Martín, M. J., Chávez-Brown, M., & Greer, D. (2006). Toma de perspectiva y Teoría de la Mente: aspectos conceptuales y empíricos. Una propuesta pragmática. Salud Mental, 29, 5-14.