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Below is a list of publications relevant to contextual behavioral science. Many publications are available for download by clicking "more info" and clicking the file link on the publication's page. Please note that only paid ACBS Members are able to view and download files on this website. Learn how to add a publication here.

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APA Citation Download
Twohig, M. P., & Crosby, J. M. (2010). Acceptance and commitment therapy as a treatment for problematic internet pornography viewing. Behavior Therapy, 41, 285-295.
Twohig, M. P., & Whittal, M. L. (2009). A Case of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 16, 3-6. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Twohig, M. P., & Whittal, M. L. (2009). A Case of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 16, 3-6.
Twohig, M. P., & Woods, D. W. (2004). A Preliminary Investigation of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Habit Reversal as a Treatment for Trichotillomania. Behavior Therapy, 35(4), 803-820. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Twohig, M. P., & Woods, D. W. (2004). A Preliminary Investigation of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Habit Reversal as a Treatment for Trichotillomania. Behavior Therapy, 35(4), 803-820.
Twohig, M. P., & Woods, D. W. (2004). A preliminary investigation of acceptance and commitment therapy and habit reversal as a treatment for trichotillomania. Behavior Therapy, 35, 803-820.
Twohig, M. P., Abramowitz, J. S., Bluett, E. J., Fabricant, L. E., Jacoby, R. J., Morrison, K. L., Reuman, L., & Smith, B. M. (2015). Exposure therapy for OCD from an acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) framework. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 6, 167-173. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Twohig, M. P., Abramowitz, J. S., Smith, B. M., Fabricant, L. E., Jacoby, R. J., Morrison, K. L., Bluett, E. J., Reuman, L., Blakey, S. M., & Ledermann, T. (2018). Adding acceptance and commitment therapy to exposure and response prevention for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A randomized controlled trial. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 108, 1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.brat.2018.06.005
Twohig, M. P., Arch, J. J., & Stewart, I. (2023). Introduction to the special issue on the ACBS taskforce report. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 28, 79-80.
Twohig, M. P., Hayes, S. C., & Masuda, A. (2006). Increasing Willingness to Experience Obsessions: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Behavior Therapy, 37(1), 3-13. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Twohig, M. P., Hayes, S. C., & Masuda, A. (2006). Increasing Willingness to Experience Obsessions: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Behavior Therapy, 37(1), 3-13.
Twohig, M. P., Hayes, S. C., & Masuda, A. (2006). A preliminary investigation of acceptance and commitment therapy as a treatment for chronic skin picking. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 44, 1513-1522. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Twohig, M. P., Hayes, S. C., & Masuda, A. (2006). A preliminary investigation of acceptance and commitment therapy as a treatment for chronic skin picking. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 44, 1513-1522.
Twohig, M. P., Hayes, S. C., & Masuda, A. (May, 2004). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Treatment for OCD and OCD Spectrum Disorders. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis in Boston, MA. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Twohig, M. P., Hayes, S. C., & Masuda, A. (May, 2004). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a Treatment for OCD and OCD Spectrum Disorders. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis in Boston, MA.
Twohig, M. P., Hayes, S. C., Plumb, J. C., Pruitt, L. D., Collins, A. B., Hazlett-Stevens, H., & Woidneck, M. R. (2010). A randomized clinical trial of acceptance and commitment therapy vs. progressive relaxation training for obsessive compulsive disorder. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78, 705-716. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Twohig, M. P., Levin, M. E., & Ong, C. W. (2020). ACT in Steps: A Transdiagnostic Manual for Learning Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Cary, NC; Oxford University Press.
Twohig, M. P., Masuda, A., Varra, A. A., & Hayes, S. C. (2005). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a treatment for anxiety disorders. In S. M. Orsillo & L. Roemer (Eds.), Acceptance and mindfulness-based approaches to anxiety: Conceptualization and treatment (pp. 101-130). New York: Kluwer/Springer-Verlag. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Twohig, M. P., Masuda, A., Varra, A. A., & Hayes, S. C. (2005). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as a treatment for anxiety disorders. In S. M. Orsillo & L. Roemer (Eds.), Acceptance and mindfulness-based approaches to anxiety: Conceptualization and treatment (pp. 101-130). New York: Kluwer/Springer-Verlag.
Twohig, M. P., Ong, C. W., Petersen, J. M., Barney, J. L., & Fruge, J. E. (2020). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Exposure Exercises. In M. E. Levin, M. P. Twohig, & J. E. Krafft (Eds.). Innovations in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Clinical Advancements and Applications in ACT (97-109). New Harbinger: Oakland, CA.
Twohig, M. P., Ong, C., Krafft, J., Barney, J., & Levin, M. E. (2019). Starting off on the right foot in acceptance and commitment therapy. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.), 56, 16-20. doi: 10.1037/pst0000209
Twohig, M. P., Petersen, J. M., Fruge, J., Ong, C. W., Barney, J. L., Krafft, J., Lee, E. B., & Levin, M. E. (In Press). A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Online-Delivered ACT-Enhanced Behavior Therapy for Trichotillomania in Adolescents. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.
Twohig, M. P., Plumb Vilardaga, J. C., Levin, M. E., & Hayes, S. C. (2015). Changes in psychological flexibility during acceptance and commitment therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4, 196-202.
Twohig, M. P., Plumb, J. C., Mukherjee, D., & Hayes, S. C. (2010). Suggestions from acceptance and commitment therapy for dealing with treatment-resistant obsessive compulsive disorder. In D. Sookman & R. L. Leahy (Eds.), Treatment resistant anxiety disorders: Resolving impasses to symptom remission (pp. 255-289). New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. Download restricted to ACBS members.
Twohig, M. P., Shoenberger, D., & Hayes, S. C. (2007). A preliminary investigation of acceptance and commitment therapy as a treatment for marijuana dependence in adults. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 40, 619-632. Download restricted to ACBS members.