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Beacham, A. O., Linfield, K., Kinman, C. R., & Payne-Murphy, J. (2015). The Chronic Illness Acceptance Questionnaire: Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Prediction of Perceived Disability in an Online Chronic Ilness Support Group Sample.

APA Citation

Beacham, A. O., Linfield, K., Kinman, C. R., & Payne-Murphy, J. (2015). The chronic illness acceptance questionnaire: Confirmatory factor analysis and prediction of perceived disability in an online chronic illness support group sample. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 4, 96-102.

Publication Topic
CBS: Empirical
Publication Type
Acceptance, Chronic illness, Primary care, Perceived disability

Chronic illnesses and health conditions are among the most frequently diagnosed illnesses and costly in health care systems worldwide. Patients seek simultaneous medical care for multiple chronic illnesses and related symptoms. In this study, a measure of Acceptance commonly utilized in chronic pain populations (Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire) was adapted for application with patients with heterogeneous and often co-morbid chronic illness diagnoses. The online chronic illness support group sample participants (N=413) ranged in age from 20–84 years [Mean age=53.18 (12.39)] and were diagnosed with 1–7 (M=2.36; SD=1.39) chronic illnesses. The Chronic Illness Acceptance Questionnaire (CIAQ) showed adequate-to-good fit to the data. For the two factor CFA model, the RMSEA=0.078 (90% CI=0.071–0.085). The items of the two parallel measures appear to tap similar acceptance dimensions or subscales – Willingness and Activity Engagement. Additionally, the two CIAQ subscales significantly predicted illness-related disability ratings in this sample. Taken together, results suggest further study may yield ecologically valid approaches to ACT based assessment and intervention in medical settings wherein patients seek treatment for multiple health concerns.

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