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Perkins, Dougher, & Greenway, 2007

APA Citation

Perkins, D. R., Dougher, M. J., & Greenway, D. E. (2007). Contextual control by function and form of transfer of functions. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 88, 87-102.

Publication Topic
Behavior Analysis: Empirical
RFT: Empirical
Publication Type
stimulus equivalence, transformation of function, transfer of function, contextual control

This study investigated conditions leading to contextual control by stimulus topography over transfer of functions. Three 4-member stimulus equivalence classes, each consisting of four (A, B, C, D) topographically distinct visual stimuli, were established for 5 college students. Across classes, designated A stimuli were open-ended linear figures, B stimuli were circular, C stimuli three-sided, and D stimuli four-sided. Three different computer tasks then were trained with the B stimuli. Differential reinforcement and punishment procedures were then used to establish control over function transfer by the topography of the class members. For Task 1, function transfer, responding to C and D stimuli as subjects had to B stimuli, was reinforced. For Task 2, function transfer was reinforced for C stimuli but punished for D stimuli. For Task 3, function transfer was punished for both C and D stimuli. New equivalence classes were then established and tests for generalized contextual control were presented. All 5 subjects showed generalized contextual control of transfer of functions by stimulus topography. Implications of contextual control over function transfer in natural settings are discussed.