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Hayes & Toarmino, 1995

APA Citation

Hayes, S. C., & Toarmino, D. (1995). If behavioral principles are generally applicable, why is it necessary to understand cultural diversity? The Behavior Therapist, 18, 21-23.

Publication Topic
Behavior Analysis: Conceptual
Publication Type
cultural practices, prejudice, aculturation, funcional analysis, stimulus generalization, verbal behavior, non humans
Discussed how cultural diversity is important to consider when applying behavioral principles using a RFT analysis of this concept. The paper argues that although cultural diversity couldn’t replace functional analysis, a thorough understanding of cultural factors helps to inform and provide the means to conduct a thorough functional analysis. This is related to a RFT conceptualization of language and culture in which arbitrary sources of control over behavior are important in a functional analysis. The paper ends with a RFT conceptualization of prejudice in which these generalizations based on group membership are viewed as a natural process of language and that increases in cultural diversity knowledge may make counselors more prejudiced due to these features.