At ACBS World Conference 10, a ceremony was held in appreciation of Psykologpartners – a partnership of psychologists in Sweden – for their important contributions to the development of contextual behavioral science. Past President of ACBS Steven C. Hayes gave a speech explaining how Psykologpartners made possible the first ever World Conference with their commitment and courage, and the ACBS Board of Directors made an official resolution of appreciation. Text of the resolution, as well as video and photographs of the ceremony can be found below.
Here, Steve Hayes presents certificates of appreciation to representatives from Psykologpartners -- Håkan Wisung (left), and Rikke Kjelgaard (right):
Upon learning about the recognition, Psykologpartners commented: "We started Psykologpartners in 2000. The vision for the company was to spread applied behavior analysis, and when we were asked if we would like to arrange "The First World Conference on ACT, RFT and the New Behavioral Psychology" in 2003 we did not hesitate. It has been an amazing journey for us since then and, even more amazing for ACBS. We, everyone in Psykologpartners, feel a great honor that our work has been recognized by ACBS, and we will continue to contribute to the advancement of contextual behavioral science."
In this video, Steve Hayes explains the contributions of Psykologypartners, and reads a statement of appreciation on behalf of the ACBS Board of Directors:
Here is the text of the resolution of appreciation made by the ACBS Board of Directors:
"Whereas 2012 marks the tenth annual conference of organized meetings of the contextual behavioral science community, and
Whereas ACBS and contextual behavioral science would not have emerged in the way that they have over the last decade without the first World Conference on ACT, RFT, and the New Behavioral Psychology in Linkoping in 2003, and
Whereas that first meeting occurred only because of the commitment, courage, and backing of its sponsors and primary organizers, therefore
Be it resolved that the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science acknowledges with appreciation the lasting contributions of Ned Carter, Kenneth Nilsson, Håkan Wisung, and all the rest of the staff and partners of Psychology Partners to the development of contextual behavioral science by helping to organize the first World Conference on ACT, RFT, and the New Behavioral Psychology.”