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Values Cards for youth and adults

For a couple of years now I have been training adolescent values by using printed cards to facilitate conversations.

I had been trying to have them published professionally, with the hope of donating any profits to charity; however, my attempts at finding a publisher who could produce them for a reasonable cost have failed (other types of kids counselling cards are around $50 AUS).

So, I decided to make them free, by creating them without the professional graphics and posting them for free.
With Lisa Coyne's help they are now ready and available on ACBS.

You can find them here -

ACT folks tell me that the physical properties of having about 10 cards laid out on the desk seems to take the pressure off young people when talking of values. They get some choice in the conversation, and they can focus on the cards rather than the therapist. Somehow it seems to facilitate values dialogue. And the most useful values discussions often come from unexpected questions, like my personal favourite, "do you prefer blending in or standing out?"

I have had pretty good feedback from people who have attended my training that they work well in the clinic with young people as well as adults.
I hope they are useful.

You just need to download them and have them printed and cut up by a print shop.

kind regards, Louise