When ACBS was officially incorporated in 2006, it had 891 members. Since then, yearly membership numbers have been recorded in mid-May in order to track the organization’s growth.
By mid-May 2008, ACBS had reached 1,670 members. By Mid-May 2010, ACBS had 2,779 members. That is impressive growth: just under 40 members added each and every month for 48 months.
We hadn't seen anything yet. Over the next 12 months we added 1057 new members, a rate of 88 new members a month; more than double the growth rate of the first 4 years. As of mid-May 2011 ACBS had 3,836 members.
Now, as of March 5, 2011, just a little more than 2 months from the end of our membership year, we have 5,066 members. Since May 2011, our organization has grown by an average of over 125 members per month – our highest growth rate ever and more than triple the growth rate from 2006 to 2010. This is in the context of a rise in the minimum dues, which has not slowed our growth one bit.
Of course, we will hit a ceiling eventually – this rate of increase cannot continue forever. Still it is nice to know that ACBS is a vigorous and growing organization.