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Kevin Polk Page

An Introduction to ACT- for Rapid Behavior Change

The Basic Matrix Diagram

The Matrix represents the two primary mechanism of change in ACT that are called Perspective Taking and Behavioral Analysis. Unlike typical behavioral analysis in which a practioner does the analysis, in ACT we teach the client to do her or his own analysis. In it's simplest form, the person learns to notice behaviors that move Toward values or Away from unwanted experiencing. Both Toward and Away moves are essential to life, it's the combination of the moves over time that add up to living a relatively stuck life, or one that is moving toward values. Said another way, it's a way of noticing a combination of behaviors that work for living a valued life.

You can use the Matrix a million different ways. Below is a video course about Psychology Flexibility Training that can be presented to community groups.



I offer online and telephone training to professionals doing mental health or process improvement work.

You can contact me or visit the website at for more information.

A great way to get started with the Matrix is the Visual Wellness Plan.

You can get the "Visual Wellness Plan" manual by clicking here.

Be well,
