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About the Hosts

About the hosts (2011):

john_graduate.jpgJohn Dehlin

John Dehlin is a 2nd year clinical psychology Ph.D. student at Utah State University under the tutelage of Dr. Michael Twohig. John's primary research interests include the clinical application of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy towards Scrupulosity (Master's thesis) and married couples (Dissertation). John is also involved in research around the use of ACT as a treatment for OCD, trichotillomania, GLBTQ-related issues and problematic pornography viewing. John has a Masters degree in Instructional Technology, and has worked for over 15 years in the high tech. industry, including employment positions with Microsoft, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Arthur Andersen and Bain & Company. John is married to Margi Dehlin, and is the proud father of four children. In his spare time, John runs "Mormon Stories Podcast" which is a stories-based interview series exploring the more difficult/controversial aspects of Mormonism. John's podcast work has been discussed on Good Morning America and in the New York Times, Fox News, and Salt Lake Tribune.

blackshirt_compressed.jpgJennifer Plumb

Jennifer Plumb, M.A., is currently a clinical psychology Ph.D. student at the University of Nevada, Reno under the tutelage of Steve Hayes, Ph.D. She is nearing the end of her graduate training and begins her clincial internship at the VA Puget Sound in Seattle, WA in the summer of 2011. At UNR Jen has used ACT to work with clients who have struggled with chronic illness and pain, substance abuse, OCD, depression, and interpersonal difficulties, as well as clients who have multiple difficulties. Jen's primary focus has been on the values process within ACT, and she has designed and conducted research studies on values, and has written articles on values from an ACT, clinical behavior analysis, and Relational Frame Theory perspective. In 2009, she co-authored The Art & Science of Valuing In Psychotherapy, a book for clinicians about conducting ACT work with a values emphasis. Jen's career goal is to progress a science of healthy psychological behavior, and she hopes to make an impact on the world by disseminating practices that science has shown to be helpful in overcoming barriers to living a life directed by values. In her spare time, Jen enjoys running in nature, singing, and cooking for friends & family.