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Process Based Progress Note

This article introduces the Process Based Progress Note (PBPN), a newly developed tool aimed at enhancing documentation in therapy by focusing on a process-oriented approach. The PBPN was created to address the limitations of traditional note formats, such as SOAP and DAP, which often became repetitive, time-consuming, and insufficient for capturing trends at a glance, particularly with the integration of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

The development of the PBPN was influenced by various therapeutic approaches, including Solution Focused Brief Therapy, ACT Immersion course, and Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (fACT). The tool incorporates key measurements of psychological flexibility—openness, awareness, and engagement—culminating in the total Hexaflex Assessment score. This score provides a comprehensive overview of an individual's progress, with scores greater than 24 indicating potential readiness for discharge.

The PBPN also integrates elements from traditional behavioral notes and the Extended Evolutionary Meta Model, making it a comprehensive Process-Based Therapeutic (PBT) tool. It serves as a valuable resource for therapists, providing clear documentation of session content and progress, while also acting as a learning tool for clinicians and interns.

The article outlines the historical development of the PBPN, emphasizing its practicality and effectiveness in improving therapeutic implementation of ACT. The PBPN has been adopted as a standard template and has received positive feedback from interns, supervisees, and colleagues.

The main goal of this paper is to introduce and an overview of the PBPN and its benefits while inviting feedback and suggestions for further improvement. For more information or to request the outline, contact