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Stuff that's stuck

World Region
United Kingdom
Dr Ben Sedley

Are you a mental health, counselling, and school professionals working with adolescents? Do you face challenges engaging with difficult-to-reach young people who are stuck? Are you looking for strategies to establish meaningful connections and make the most out of your sessions? Then this workshop is for you.

Join Ben, an internationally renowned expert in ACT for young people, for an engaging, practical, and fun 2-hour clinical skills workshop. Ben  author of the best-selling book Stuff That Sucks: Accepting what you can’t change and committing to what you can will guide you through a session packed with effective strategies to navigate obstacles and connect with even the most challenging teens.

During the workshop, you’ll learn key skills such as adapting ACT metaphors to resonate powerfully with teens’ experiences. You’ll discover how to apply ACT principles rapidly in response to obstacles, fostering flow and fluidity in your sessions. Additionally, you’ll explore ways to extend these ideas into the young person’s wider system, including their family and school.

Ben will bring the session to life by sharing real examples of young people and families he has worked with over the years. Participants are expected to have a basic understanding of the 6 core ACT processes before attending. To catch up, Ben’s book, Stuff That Sucks, is a great resource.

By combining your knowledge of ACT and adolescent development with an understanding of their unique contexts, you can take therapy in exciting and effective directions. Meet your teens where they’re at and help them take valued steps forward from their current position to help them get unstuck. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your clinical skills and make a significant impact in the lives of difficult-to-engage teens. Register now and gain practical insights to create meaningful change.

At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Describe how the family, school, and online contexts that young people navigate and incorporate these systemic factors into your formulation.
  • Utilise the principles of Observe, Describe, and Track to effectively meet teenagers at their level and enhance engagement.
  • Demonstrate how to use curiosity, compassion, and creativity to create a more impactful therapeutic experience.
  • Describe how to adapt ACT metaphors to resonate powerfully with teens and speak directly to their unique experiences.
  • Identify methods to apply ACT principles to overcome obstacles that arise during sessions, promoting flow and fluidity.
  • Identify how to extend ACT ideas beyond individual therapy, effectively working with the young person’s wider system, including their family and school.

Who would benefit from this workshop?

Meant for practitioners who have already had basic introductory training in ACT, we recommend this workshop for a wide range of professionals who interact with children and young people through their work, including psychologists, BCBAs, counsellors, social workers, teachers, EMHPs, youth workers and GPs.