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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: An Experiential and Practical Introduction

World Region
North America
United States
Jenna LeJeune, PhD, Jason Luoma, PhD

This two-day workshop provides a thorough overview of the theory, principles, and techniques of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. It is intended for those who are relatively new to ACT and for those who have done some reading on their own about ACT but who may not have had the opportunity to participate in more experiential learning, observe models, or receive feedback while using the ACT model. 

The first morning of the workshop is didactic in order to lay a shared groundwork for understanding. 

In the afternoon, in keeping with the ACT tradition of being an experiential model of therapy, the workshop shifts to an experiential focus, where you apply the ACT model and processes to your own life. A fundamental principle in ACT is that humans who are in the role of “therapists” get caught in the same traps that humans who are in the role of “clients” get caught in. As such, as ACT therapists are typically taught from the inside-out (i.e. through experiencing ACT in relation to their own psychology) as well as the outside-in (i.e. through learning the theory and principles). In the experiential portion of the workshop, you will be in the role of the “client” and you will have the opportunity to apply the ACT processes as relevant to your own struggles and values. This portion of the workshop will be run much like ACT group therapy, but modified for the purpose of professional training.

The workshop will then progress to working in the role of “therapist.” Learning from this role will focus on case conceptualization, watching experienced ACT therapists model therapy interventions, and practicing ACT strategies with others in the workshop followed by feedback and discussion. 

While this workshop is intended for those who are relatively new to ACT, attendees are expected to have already read some basic material about ACT before attending this workshop. This workshop will not have a heavy focus on presenting didactic material which can be easily obtained through reading any one of a variety of ACT books. Participants will get the most from the workshop if they have read at least one basic ACT text, such as:

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Second Edition: The Process and Practice of Mindful Change

ACT Made Simple: An Easy-To-Read Primer on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy 

Learning ACT: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Skills Training Workbook for Therapists 

Instead of presenting didactic material that is already easily available in these and other books, this workshop will focus on learning through experience, whether that is with one's own struggles or in the therapist role.