When applied to teams the Prosocial Training develops skills for team members towards building a sense of shared identity and purpose and better collaboration. It is also an efficient engagement tool for the team and it provides a blueprint for negotiating conflicts. And as ACT/CBS practitioners, we love nothing more than practicing what we preach! In the upcoming virtual summit Silvia will provide a first hand account on the impact the training had on their small but feisty Romanian Chapter. So if you`re a chapter or SIG member that is looking to facilitate more engagement or collaboration in your group, this summit might provide a useful avenue. Hope you`ll join us!
Topic: Using Prosocial to Engage Chapters
Time: Oct 30, 2023 10:00 AM London (5-6am New York time)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 816 4754 7803
Passcode: 333555
The session will be recorded and shared on the Chapter & SIG Committee webpage here - https://contextualscience.org/chapter_sig_committee_information