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WC2023 CEs for Psychologists - Post-test links

For those earning CEs for Psychologists - Recorded

Credit is available for sessions indicated (on the specific session page) for watching RECORDED sessions AND successful completion of post-test quizzes. To earn credit for watching RECORDED sessions, you must watch the complete session and successfully pass a quiz with a 75% or higher score.

LIVE attendance at a session (26-28 July) means you DO NOT need to complete a post-test quiz for that session.

You must complete and pass the required post-test quizzes by 30 October, at the latest. CE certificates with the total of your live credits will be emailed to you by 28 September. CE certificates with the total of your recorded session credits will be emailed to you by 25 November. All certificates are sent via SimpleCert, so check your email for "".

Credit is NOT available for watching any recordings for BCBA CEs or a general certificate of attendance with hours.

Note: A €60 fee will be required to earn CEs. Find more information here.

Links to the post-tests will be availble after the recordings are online. 

1. Using models and ontologies to enable behaviour change

2. Acceptance - How do I actually use and teach it now?

3. Supporting the carers: The use of ACT to enhance wellbeing and increase skills in palliative care settings

4. Mindfulness, Measurement, and Dissemination Issues in ACT

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

5. Measurement matters: Addressing psychometric concerns with empirically based innovations in measurement of psychological flexibility-related constructs

6. Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP): Creating Intense and Curative Therapeutic Relationships by Focusing on Emotional and Interpersonal Targets

7. End the Insomnia Struggle: Individualizing CBT-I Using ACT

8. ACT for Adult ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

9. Mind, Body, SAC: CBS and Our Spiritual Dimension

10. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Managing Cravings and Addictive Behaviors

11. United we stand: Working with cultural values building on ACT and Prosocial Model

12. The contribution of interbehaviorism

13. CBS Competencies in Psychotherapy: The Good, The Bad, and the Need

14. A process-based approach to emotional struggles: A unique model!

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

15. Verbal interaction analysis in clinical context: Examples of using observational methodology to study the basic processes

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

16. Technology Assisted ACT Interventions in the Context of Fear of Flying, Living With Muscular Sclerosis, and Caring for Someone With Dementia

17. ACT in health: The experience of patients and their families in facing illness

18. The MAGPIES Emotion Regulation Module: An ACT and RFT-Based Group Intervention for Children Struggling with Difficult Emotions

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

19. The Use of Digital Technology in ACT-Based Assessment and Intervention

20. Learning and Teaching Process Based Approaches to Therapy – Reflections From the Field

21. How does this end? An empirical account of therapy termination

22. ACT for elite athletes

23. CBS approaches in the context of Cardiovascular Disease

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

24. From Magis mobile games to Student Compass - Mobile technology to increase psychological flexibility in children, adolescents and young adults

25. Investigating the Underlying Processes Beyond our Self-Labels

26. The use of chairwork to develop psychological flexibility: Taking perspective on human yearnings

27. Flexibility around the clock: How to promote a less rigid and values-based approach toward sleep

28. Love in the Room: How to evoke therapeutic love within ethical boundaries and address the stigma of therapist attraction, management and prevention

29. Values Traps: Recognizing and Mastering Common Obstacles when Harnessing Values in ACT

30. One day ACT workshops for individuals with distress and/or chronic health conditions

31. The practicalities of using ACT and RFT interventions with children and young people

32. Breaking the Stigma: ACT Trainers Discuss Troubles Navigating Their Mental and Physical Vulnerabilities and Resiliencies

33. Are we there yet? Digitally moving towards the future of contextual behavior science

34. Switch - Using an improv theater game as experiential deictic framing during sessions

35. Psychological Flexibility in Education: School-Based and Values-Based Approaches

36. The Pointy End of Values – Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with people approaching the end of their lives

37. Bringing Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) to the General Public: Societal Change through the Awareness, Courage & Love (ACL) Global Project

38. Making sense of therapeutic processes: Methods and analysis of turn-by-turn therapeutic interactions

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

39. ACT for improving the lives of children, adolescents, and families across the world

40. My Pain Keeps Me up All Night!: Treating Pain-Related Insomnia with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

41. "I didn't do my homework, but I want to get better" - How to do creative hopelessness compassionately to engage clients in behaviour change

42. Using the ACT Kidflex with Children and Adolescents: Making ACT Practical, Engaging and Easy to Understand

43. Working with Refugees and Asylum Seekers from an ACT Perspective

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

44. Using Tech to Improve Practicing or Researching ACT as a Form of Process-Based Therapy

45. Speak Up: A CBS Trainer's Guide to Designing and Leading Transformational Workshops with Confidence, Authenticity and Ease

46. Self-compassion in supervision and transformation of work-related stress

47. RFT In Action: Implications for working with emotion, intelligence, and cognitive health

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

48. ACT for depression with adults and youth: How to integrate (our) insights from research into your ACT work

49. The Heart of Supervision: Promoting a culturally-sensitive supervisory alliance using FAP-Based on Processes

50. Multilevel, Multimethod examination of psychological Flexibility as a key process of change in chronic illness adaptation

51. Development and efficacy testing of ACT models for Autism (ASD), Body Dysmorphophobia (BDD) and for juveniles in patient criminals with substance abuse disorders

52. Training in clinical functional analysis

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

53. Working with the self in the context of moral injury treatment

54. Essentials in psychotherapy: Join us in a treasure hunt

55. Hybrid East Asian and Western Perspectives on ACT

56. ACT for kids: Taking into account developmental process and social context in a CBS perspective

57. The Batteries metaphor: For clients who struggle with choosing one value over another to take care in the moment

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

58. Psychological Flexibility during Large Scale Health Crises

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

59. The Unknown Place Game - A Brief Intervention to Navigate Life, Therapy and Change Processes

60. Fostering Well-Being, Prosocial Behavior, and Climate Action: A Role for Psychological Flexibility and Behavior Analysis?

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

61. Promoting University Students Mental Well-being through digital ACT-based University Services

62. Finding your home in ACBS: How to get (more) connected and involved

63. Ontology, classification, diagnosis, and categorization of mental and behavioral health: How can we overcome the evils of the past and move towards a more process based functional future?

64. Process-based Approaches for Community Resilience: Essential skills and procedures

65. SchemACT to Heal Attachment Wounds: Integrating Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Schema Therapy, and Somatic Psychology to Treat Interpersonal Trauma

66. Parenting in focus! Findings from CBS research

67. Developing Behaviour Change Interventions for Self-Management in Chronic Illness

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

68. Ignite Session 1

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

69. Applications of derived relational responding

70. Psychological Flexibility for Improving Mental Health and Reducing Burnout of Healthcare Staff

71. Working with Therapeutic Ruptures from an ACT Perspective

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

72. The Stories We Tell: Understanding Self-as-Context and How to Use It Effectively

73. Once More, With Feeling: Bringing the Feeling Body into the Therapy Room

74. A Song in Your Heart: Finding Your Way & Finding Your Why with Musical Exercises

75. Shhh, I'm Trying to Sleep! Harnessing the Scientist-Practitioner Lens for the Treatment of Insomnia

76. The Power Threat Meaning Framework: A conceptual alternative to the diagnostic model of distress

77. Reaching individuals across critical critical age groups: Digital Interventions for children, adolescents, and young adults

78. Prosociality in Action: Implications for Connecting, Caring, and Compassion Giving

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

79. Developing national infrastructures for multisystemic recovery and resilience: A process-based approach

80. Developing self-compassion and self-acceptance in neurodivergent adults: From chronic burnout to living a valued life

81. A non-geeky, pragmatic introduction into functional contextualism for ACT-therapists

82. Promote flexible and complex repertoire with simple technology: The matrix in practice with caregivers in different contexts

83. How to be Functionally Weird and Playful ACT therapist?

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

84. Drop your therapist shovel: Getting unstuck and flexible with Process-Based Creative Hopelessness

85. Flexible relationships: How CBS can help us navigate topics around monogamy and commitment in diverse intimate relationships

86. ACBS Prosocial Evolution

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

87. What is contextual supervision? How do we support CBS practitioners to respond functionally, engage relationally, learn from experience, to provide effective and ethical interventions?

88. Designing and Evaluating Contextually-Relevant Family and Community Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Vulnerable Adolescents in the Middle-East

89. Process Informed Research and Practice: Evidence from in-clinic practice and work with non-clinical paranoia, gambling, and dysphoria

90. Leveraging CBS in the Service of a Better World: From Philosophy to pro-environmental and compassionate behavior

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

91. "ACTing SPORT", a process-based protocol applied to sport, ten years after: "Warm-Act", "Training as a Value" and other updates

92. Getting in Step: Stepped-Care Alternatives to Traditional Therapeutic Approaches and Challenges to Implementation

93. Buddhist contributions for working practically and experientially with self-as-context

94. An introduction to Functional Analysis in FAP: How to use available tools to enhance case conceptualizations

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

95. How to synergize ACT and RFT to facilitate healthy selfing among children and young people: The MAGPIES approach to self-esteem

96. Considerations for End of Life Planning: Encouraging Discussions about Self-Determination from an ACT Lens

97. What Does No Self and Nonduality Have to Do With ACT Practice?

98. Poetry: Finding a Home in the World

99. Stoic inspirations for CBS psychotherapists

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

100. Promoting wellbeing and psychological flexibility in the general population through CBS approaches

101. Psychological Flexibility: Harnessing A Process-Based Approach in Depression and Chronic Health Issues

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

102. A Balancing ACT: Using Functional Self Disclosure to Authentically Create Connection and Change (Without Being “Too Much”, “Distracting” or “Too personal”)

103. Existence, Death, and Meaning: ACT and endings

104. Visual case formulation models to support ACT-based treatments

105. ACT in the Workplace: Nurturing Supportive Environments Within and Across Teams

106. Stepping back AND reappraising: A functional contextual approach to moving from cognitive modification to acceptance and defusion strategies with flexibility and purpose

107. Waiting for the sword to drop: concrete tools for being with uncertainty

108. A hands-on workshop: Using CBS principles to design engaging and efficacious digital mental health tools

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

109. Interdisciplinary teams: The role of Applied Behavior Analysts in the hospital system

110. Treating Eating Disorders from an ACT Perspective

111. Optimizing Health and Wellbeing with Mindfulness/Acceptance-Based Approaches

112. Strengthening Parents with ACT and Compassion-based Interventions

113. The Visual Analysis of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Flexible Data Collection

114. Leveraging pro-social responses to address social determinants of distress: Harnessing synergies in CBS Mediterranean chapters

115. Stoic philosophy and Frankel's logotherapy serve as a foundation for furthering and developing new tools in an ACT-based processing conceptualization

116. Ignite Session 2

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

117. Navigating the Weight of Weight Bias and Discrimination to Move Towards Celebration of Body Diversity

118. The healing power of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in a hospital setting

119. Applied Behavior Analysis and Trauma: Assessment, Implementation, and Collaboration

199. Changing digital contexts: Design, Development, and Testing of Digital Interventions for Behavior Change

200. Using Interpersonal Behavior Therapy to Broaden Conceptualization and Treatment Strategies in CBS Interventions

201. Doing More But Never Doing Enough: Help your clients unhook from productivity anxiety and engage in skillful means with Wise Effort

202. Using Exposure to Strengthen Self-as-Context

203. ACT-Informed Psychedelic Integration

204. ACT-Informed Exposure for Clients Who Couldn’t Care Less About ACT

205. Where's My Hoverboard? Taking cutting-edge Relational Frame Theory (RFT) for a 'ROEM' around the skatepark of human language and cognition

206. "It's Not Just My Emotions. It's My Reality": Addressing Systemic Racism Using Culturally Tailored ACT

207. Unlocking the power of emotional self-regulation in youth: Exploring Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for managing anger and aggression in children and adolescents

208. ACTion in Psychosis Recovery

209. (IN) Tour: In the Route of Self Discovery - A tool to promote psychological flexibility and self-compassion with children and teens

210. Compassionate Mind Training for Healthcare Professionals

211. ACT and Feminism: How Contextual Behavioral Science and ACT can move us towards equity inside and outside the therapy room

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

212. Together we can build a digital platform to help the world: Let's co-create and give it to all, for free!

214. Breathing Compassion into ACT with the Compassion Focused ACT (CFACT) Case Formulation Model

215. ACT for super-feelers: Compassionate and actionable skills to tackle emotion regulation struggles

Recorded CEs for Psychologists not available for this session.

216. The Contextual Science of Compassion and the Behavioral Treatment of Trauma: An Introduction to Compassion-Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (CFACT) for Complex PTSD

217. CFT with Adolescents: Addressing the Fallout of the Pandemic

218. The paradox of fertility and pregnancy loss: How to help clients accept the immensity of grief while holding hope for the future

219. Applying ACT and Empowerment Education to Reduce Stress and Promote Resilience: Insights from PACER e-Intervention

220. Variation with Vignettes - Special Edition: Back to Basics with Clinical Behavior Analysis

221. Questionable Research Practices within Contextual Behavioral Science (CBS): Concerns and potential ways forward

222. Reflections from the Awardees of the ACBS Early Career Mentorship Award Program