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ACT with parents and teachers: Learn skills proven to improve relationships between adults and teens

World Region
Dr Louise Hayes

Young people are seeking mental health support in schools, clinics and health services in record numbers. If your role involves providing this support, you’ll know that teachers, parents and carers also need to learn the same language as the teens in their care for that support to be effective. They too need the right resources to navigate the teenage years successfully.

About the DNA-V approach

Louise Hayes is a champion of the DNA-V (discoverer, noticer, advisor and values) model that has become a game-changer in how people implement ACT with young people across the world. This work has initiated many research trials and new school curricula and has become a treatment paradigm in many settings worldwide, such as CAMHS and school counselling services.

DNA-V is science made accessible. It’s a robust framework that applies science-based solutions to human concerns. It arose inside the work of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and the theoretical foundations of evolution and contextual behavioural science. But it extends beyond the hexaflex to explicitly work within the individual (learning, habits, emotional and thinking responses) and in their social relationships (attachment and attunement with others). All of this is delivered in a readily accessible and easy-to-learn style.

“Easy” and “ground-breaking” workshop

In this workshop, Louise will teach you a fresh, creative view of how to work in relationships between adults and teens. This framework allows you to use ACT, polyvagal theory, positive psychology and more – inside a solid foundation that can be readily applied with young people, and easily shared to include their parents and teachers.

DNA-V gives you the same language across both teens and adults, allowing you to support adults in their challenging roles of raising young people. Just as young people are growing and changing, adults also step into new roles as their young people become independent, and they need support to do that. This webinar will give you strategies to help adults get flexible on the inside (thoughts, feelings, and actions in their roles) and in their relationships with young people

This approach is now being used in schools, clinics and everywhere that young people seek help, and Louise cannot wait to share it with you.

 What you’ll learn by attending this workshop

  • How to help adults take value perspectives and be a positive force in their families and community.
  • Creative ways to help adults model flexible thinking and emotional awareness
  • Helping to make decisions and set boundaries
  • Communication strategies to build empathy and compassion
  • Negotiating stress and challenges with teens
  • Understanding emotional triggers and learning to respond wisely
  • Helping adults with unworkable patterns and learning new strategies

This workshop will help you provide parents and teachers with all the resources they need to navigate the teenage years successfully.

Who would benefit from this workshop?

This workshop is suitable for all professionals who work with young people, including psychologists, BCBA’s, counsellors, social workers, teachers etc

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