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ACTing it out: Using chairwork to enliven your sessions Exploring the applications of chairwork in ACT

World Region
Dr Tobyn Bell, Dr Matthew Pugh

January 10, 2024 -  January 11, 2024

Course Description

Chairwork represents a collection of experiential therapeutic methods and a medium for providing therapy. Used for over 100 years, many therapists regard it as one of the most powerful and exciting ways of working. This experiential, exploratory, and practice-focused workshop will introduce the four ‘pillars’ of chairwork and how they can be incorporated into Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Attendees will have the opportunity to observe and practice methods for working with values, supporting cognitive defusion, working with self-narratives and self-multiplicity, and enacting ACT metaphors.

Attendees are expected to have a good working knowledge of ACT.

Learning points:

At the end of this workshop you will be able to:

-Use enactive methods to facilitate cognitive defusion and flexibility

-Bring ACT metaphors to life via dramatic means

-Work with self-narratives and self-multiplicity in novel ways

-Integrate chairwork into your ACT practice


About the Speakers

Dr Tobyn Bell is a psychotherapist specialising in Compassion Focused Therapy. He is also an accredited Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Schema Therapist, and Voice Dialogue Facilitator. He works as a lecturer and operational lead at the University of Manchester and is a co-director of Chairwork with Matthew Pugh. Tobyn gives workshops nationally and internationally on the subjects of compassion and chairwork and is an active researcher in these areas.

Dr Matthew Pugh is a Clinical Psychologist, Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist, Advanced Schema Therapist, Voice Dialogue Facilitator, and chairwork practitioner. He is a Teaching Fellow with University College London and Lead Clinical Resource Developer with Psychology Tools. Prior to this, he worked in the NHS for over 10 years in senior therapist and leadership roles. Alongside Tobyn Bell, he co-directs – a international provider of chairwork-related training and supervision. He is the author of ‘Cognitive Behaviour Chairwork: Distinctive Features’.


References and recommended reading

-Bell, T., Montague, J., Elander, J., & Gilbert, P. (2020). ‘Suddenly you are King Solomon’: Multiplicity, transformation and integration in compassion-focused therapy chairwork’. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 31, 223–237.

-Pugh, M. (2019). Cognitive behavioural chairwork: Distinctive features. Routledge.

-Pugh. M., & Bell, T. (2020). Process-based chairwork: Applications and innovations in the time of

-COVID-19. European Journal of Counselling Theory, Research and Practice, 4, 1-8

-Pugh. M., Dixon, A., & Bell, T. (2022). Chairwork and the therapeutic relationship: Can the cart join the horse? Journal of Clinical Psychology. Advanced online publication.

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