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Rashwan, B.M. (2019). The use of acceptance and commitment therapy from the perspective of individual service in reducing the psychosocial problems of patients with renal failure. Journal of Social Work, 62(3), 31-80.

APA Citation

Rashwan, B.M. (2019). استخدام العلاج بالتقبل والإلتزام من منظور خدمة الفرد فى الحد من مشکلات النفسية الاجتماعية لمرضى الفشل الکلوى [The use of acceptance and commitment therapy from the perspective of individual service in reducing the psychosocial problems of patients with renal failure]. Journal of Social Work, 62(3), 31-80. DOI: 10.21608/egjsw.2019.172569

Publication Topic
ACT: Empirical
Publication Type
Arabic (اللغة العربية)
العلاج بالتقبل والالتزام؛ خدمة الفرد؛ الفشل الکلوى؛ المشکلات acceptance and commitment therapy; individual service; kidney failure