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Luciano, Barnes-Holmes & Barnes-Holmes, 2002

APA Citation

Luciano, M. C., Barnes-Holmes, Y., & Barnes-Holmes, D. (2002). Establishing reports of saying and doing and discriminations of say-do relations. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 23, 406-421.

Publication Topic
RFT: Empirical
Publication Type
say-do relations, transformation of functions, mentally retarded, relational operants

Three developmentally delayed subjects participated in a study to establish three accurate discriminations of own behavior: delayed acts of what has been said, what has been done and the correspondence between the two acts. A corrective feedback procedure for incorrect responses which involve multiple exemplars was initially employed but failed to establish most of the target discriminations for all three subjects. A near-errorless training intervention was subsequently employed also in MET. This training used two referents (one for acts of saying and another one for acts of doing) as prompts to produce accurate delayed reports of what have said and what they have done as well as they were used to establish whether the say-do relations were the same in terms of correspondence between saying and doing. Prompts were subsequently eliminated and the three subjects demonstrated highly accurate reports of delayed saying, doing and say-do discriminations with novel stimuli. The results are the first to establish such own discriminations in mentally retarded children and are discussed in terms of the conditions for saying and doing questions to be contextual cues that controlled appropriate transformations of functions for responses of multiple exemplars of saying and doing as they were spatially and temporally related. That is, this might suggest that the current procedures provide evidence of generalized contextually behavior or relational operants according.