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ACT at the BABCP National Conference 2008, Edinburgh

ACT will had a good presence at the BABCP National Conference held in Edinburgh this year. There were several training opportunities, the Annual General Meeting of the ACT Special Interest Branch, as well as a symposium on ACT research in the UK.

Pre-Conference workshop, "Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with PTSD" - 16th July - led by Sonja Batten

Half-Day Conference workshop, "ACT for psychosis" - 17th July - led by Eric Morris, Gordon Mitchell & Amy McArthur

Symposium: Acceptance & Commitment Therapy in the UK

Convenor: Simon Houghton, Sheffield Care Trust, UK
Chair: Joe Curran, Sheffield Care Trust, UK
Tom Ricketts, Sheffield Care Trust, UK
Frank Bond, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
David Gillanders, University of Edinburgh, UK
Eric Morris, Institute of Psychiatry, South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Presentations and audio from this symposium are here.