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Schwartz, 2011

APA Citation

Schwartz, S. H. (2011). Studying Values: Personal Adventure, Future Directions. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42(2), 307–319.

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
Publication Type
basic individual values, cultural values, future directions

This article first gives a brief overview of my adventures in developing two theories of values and the methods to measure them. First came my theory of the basic values on which individuals in all cultures differ. Then, quite unexpectedly, the opportunity arose to develop a theory of cultural values on which societies differ. As the story unfolds, I tell of failures, triumphs, and challenges. Values research has expanded in the past two decades beyond my wildest early imaginings. The second section of the article presents some ideas about future directions worth pursuing in values research. It describes competing theories and controversies as well as ways to go beyond them. I hope it will stimulate further advances in this field to which I have devoted more than 20 years.