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Keogh, Bond, Hanmer, & Tilston, 2005

APA Citation

Keogh, E., Bond, F. W., Hanmer, R., & Tilston, J. (2005). Comparing acceptance and control-based coping instructions on the cold-pressor pain experiences of healthy men and women. European Journal of Pain, 9, 591-598.

Publication Topic
ACT: Empirical
Publication Type
Pain; Acceptance; Control; Gender; Cold pressor; Coping

The current study reflects recent developments in psychotherapy by examining the effect of acceptance-based coping instructions, when compared to the opposite, more control/distraction-based instructions, on cold-pressor pain. Since previous research indicates gender differences in how people cope with pain, we also sought to determine whether differences would be found between healthy men and women. As predicted, results indicated that women reported lower pain threshold and tolerance level than did men. Furthermore, the acceptance-based instruction resulted in lower sensory pain reports when compared to the opposite instructions. Finally, for affective pain, acceptance instructions only benefited women. These results suggest that acceptance-based coping may be particular useful in moderating the way in which individuals, especially women, cope with pain.

Simple acceptance-based coping instructions improved affective pain more than distraction but only for women.