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Christodoulou, Michaelides, & Karekla. 2019

APA Citation

Christodoulou, A., Michaelides, M., & Karekla, M. (2019). Network analysis: A new psychometric approach to examine the underlying ACT model components. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 12, 285-289.

Publication Topic
ACT: Conceptual
Publication Type
Network analysis, Psychological flexibility, Psychological inflexibility, PI/PF skills, ACT model

The present paper revisits the conceptualization of the Psychological Inflexibility/Flexibility (PI/PF) model underlying Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). PI psychopathology model consists of six interrelated maladaptive components, that together contribute to the formation of inflexible behavioural patterns that lead to psychological suffering. PF model comprises six skills that collectively assist people to increase their psychological well-being. To date, only traditional psychometric approaches (constructivist, dimensional, diagnostic) have been used to examine the PI/PF model, from which significant problems arise. Although these methods have enabled researchers to examine the structure of alternative PI/PF model(s), they prevented further exploration of the connections among the components. Network analysis, a novel psychometric approach is proposed to address some of the existing problems, since it provides a better way to understand both the architecture and the associations between the PI/PF components. One of its main advantages is the identification of components that are central, stronger, and actively involved in the PI/PF model, leading to a better understanding of the model with potential impact on improving the application of ACT.

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