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Hayes & Brownstein, 1985

APA Citation

Hayes, S. C., & Brownstein, A. J. (May 1985). Verbal behavior, equivalence classes, and rules: New definitions, data, and directions. Invited address presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Columbus, OH.

Publication Topic
RFT: Conceptual
RFT: Empirical
Publication Type
relational frame theory, RFT
In early Spring 1985 the first comprehensive paper on RFT was presented at ABA. This is a version of that paper. The basic bones were drafted before the convention in 1985 (it even refers to plans to present the paper above in a footnote) but this version though must have been reworked in late 1985 or early 1986 because I went to Nevada in Fall of 1986 and I already knew I was going before producing this print out.
It never saw the light of day in this form. It is being posted for historical reasons.

Many of the ideas in modern RFT are in this paper, but those knowledgeable in RFT can easily see that the ideas are somewhat undeveloped or slightly off.