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Montesinos, Hernandez, & Luciano, 2001

APA Citation

Montesinos, F., Hernandez, B., & Luciano, M. C. (2001). Aplicacion de la Terapia de Aceptacion y Compromiso en pacientes enfermos de cancer [Application of ACT in cancer patients]. Analísis y Modificacion de Conducta, 27(113), 503-523.

Publication Topic
ACT: Empirical
Publication Type
ACT, psycho-oncology, cancer, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, training

This paper shows the results of ACT applied to a 46-year-old male breast cancer patient who showed high levels of anxiety and very persistent "obsesive" thoughts about this disease and other related subjects, which fit to the functional diagnostic dimension called "experiential avoidance". The intervention was achieved by two therapists without experience in applying ACT, along 20 sessions including assessment and follow-up. Mantained along follow-up efficacy of a therapy which, in contrast with other approaches, is aimed to acceptance of private events instead of their modification, is showed through this case-study, and possibilities of application of this approach in the field of psycho-oncology are pointed. Moreover, possible risks and mistakes in applying a therapy which, provided that has been proposed from a functional-analytic perspective, needs a knowing not only instructed, not to mention a supervision which makes possible the discrimination of therapeutic own behavior, are suggested.

En este trabajo se exponen los resultados de la aplicacion de la Terapia de Aceptacion y Compromiso (Hayes, Strosahl y Wilson, 1999) a un paciente varon de 50 anos operado de cancer de mama que presentabe niveles elevados de ansiedad y pensaminetos 'obsesivos' muy persistentes acerca de su enfermedad y de otros temas relacionados, que se ajustaban a la dimension diagnostica funcional denominada 'trastorrio de evitacion experiencial'.....

Article in Spanish.
Articulo en Espanol. Describes the use of ACT in the treatment of alcoholism and shows resulting data. Case study.