Pages 1-110 (July 2018) Printer-friendly version A multiple-baseline evaluation of a brief acceptance and commitment therapy protocol focused on repetitive negative thinking for moderate emotional disorders Acceptance-based behavioural treatment for insomnia in chronic pain: A clinical pilot study Concept and validation of the German version of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ-D) Development of an ACT prototype for therapeutic skill assessment Measuring perceptions of self and others in what people say: A replication and extension of the functional self-discrimination measure Obsessive beliefs, experiential avoidance, and cognitive fusion as predictors of obsessive-compulsive disorder symptom dimensions Pilot of an acceptance and commitment therapy and schema group intervention for mental health carer's interpersonal problems Randomized controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy versus traditional cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder: Symptomatic and behavioral outcomes Recovery through affiliation: A compassionate approach to schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder (COMPASS) Telephone-supported acceptance and commitment bibliotherapy for people with multiple sclerosis and psychological distress: A pilot randomised controlled trial The Mindful Way through the Semester: Evaluating the feasibility of delivering an acceptance-based behavioral program online The utility of the Valuing Questionnaire in Chronic Pain Validation of the Hungarian version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) Book traversal links for Volume 9 (July 2018) Value-guided action: Within-day and lagged relations of experiential avoidance, mindful awareness, and cognitive fusion in a non-clinical sample Up A multiple-baseline evaluation of a brief acceptance and commitment therapy protocol focused on repetitive negative thinking for moderate emotional disorders